Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MF returns on the Swiss market – Republic

MF returns on the Swiss market – Republic

 The Ministry of Finance, after more than two years break, plans to issue bonds denominated in Swiss francs.

The Ministry of Finance, after more than two years break, plans to issue bonds denominated in Swiss francs.

Source: Bloomberg

The Ministry of Finance, after more than two years break, plans to issue bonds denominated in Swiss francs.

Deputy Finance Minister Dorothy Podedworna-Tarnow announced that the Ministry of Finance now meets with investors in Switzerland and later this week will decide on the issue.

– Are holding a series of meetings with investors interested in our Swiss bonds issued both on the Swiss market, as well as the Polish market. I do not exclude that these meetings will result in the issuance of bonds denominated in Swiss francs. The decision will be taken after the meeting later this week – Podedworna-Tarnow wrote in a statement sent by the ministry.

The issue is not to be large, and the money it raised to finance the borrowing needs for the next year. The last time the papers on the Swiss market emit resort in April 2012. Sold the bonds for 825 million francs. This year, the Ministry of Finance has already emitted securities denominated in euros and dollars. – The first of more than two years on the Swiss market issue would enable investors although partial rollover of maturing this year. Polish bonds. In March, we purchased because bonds worth 625 million francs, and in September will buy another 750 million francs – Deputy Minister pointed out.

the state’s borrowing needs for the next year amount to gross 154.83 billion to 126.84 billion zł zł in 2014.

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