Tuesday, January 31, 2017

CHECK SIM CARD: How to register a number on the map. TEXTBOOK Edition of Wroclaw

check the SIM CARD? How to register number on the map in ORANGE, PLAY, PLUS, T-MOBILE…

Duty on registration of SIM cards in mobile prepaid cards (of Deposit or popularly called “phone” on card”) will expire on 1 February 2017.

All users of such services are obliged to register your number on the basis of record of the certificate of anti-terrorist operation. If you are zarejestrujecie sim card with your number on the card, it will be blocked.

SIM card too Żabce and Freshmarkecie
Rejstracja in stores

From July 25, all new starter packs calls before they are activated must be assigned to the name of a particular person. And before February 1, you must register those numbers with which we have previously (until July 25, 2016).

the Methods of registration of SIM cards a lot, but we must be careful to do it at the last moment, not to become a victim of fraudsters who want to deceive our personal data.

check the SIM CARD? How to register number on the map? What you need to remember registering the room “on the map”?

IF you have your PHONE ON a MAP, don’T DELAY. Check the ROOMS ONLY UNTIL FEBRUARY 1,

check the SIM CARD? How to register number on the card in PLAY

make Sure that the room was in
on the mobile phone need to enter code *111*49*1# or send a free SMS with text “REGISTER” to 111.

fixed registration Point
Play Salons, kiosks Movement, Thessaloniki InMedio press and Kolporter, the offices of the Polish post office, at the gas station Statoil, points partners.

Registration numbers via SMS
Possible only in case, when we already have one registered number “on the map”, we have a ticket, or contract “MIX”. Then with the registered number send free SMS and under 676 and its contents, enter the “REGISTRATION” and enter the number we want to report, for example, REGISTRATION 790123456. This phone number will receive a SMS in which you need to confirm the registration. After the consent of both (sending SMS and announced) will receive a confirmation SMS.

check the rooms online on the website of the Bank
the feature is available to customers of ING Bank and the Millennium.

the postman
to use this option, you need to inform listonoszowi desire to register a phone number. In addition to the phone number you need to specify also the number of the SIM card. Both rooms can be checked typing on phone keyboard code *127#. Express listonoszowi your identity document. After this process is complete we will receive a message confirming that the specified number has already been assigned our behalf.

account registration
in the Range from 100 to 500 rubles (depends on length of service in the network). You can use them for calls, sending SMS/MMS within 30 days on the territory of Poland. We will also receive 10 GB connection to the Internet (valid for 30 days). Together with the launch of the bonus, the account will be extended for a year. The Play has no limitations on the number of registered rooms for one person, but one person bonuses can be activated on a maximum of 3 SIM cards.


HOW to REGISTER a ROOM IN the black?

make Sure that the room was in
to make sure that the number is already registered, you can send an SMS with the text STATUS to number 80104 or call 601 102 601.

fixed registration
you can register in the salons of “Plus” point of sale Digital Polsat, Thessaloniki press releases: InMedio, Relay, 1 Minute, Kolporter and points, with them collaborating, Traffic kiosks, post offices Polish, Neonet stores and Statoil gas station.

Check number SIM card
Upon registration you need to specify the number of the SIM card. If not remember we can send a free SMS with text MAP, to the number 80105.

Registration numbers via SMS
Plus offers two ways of registration. If we (or some of our loved ones, to which personal data we want to assign our phone number already registered number “on the map”, we use a Mix of services or subscriptions under 80106, we will send a free SMS with the text to ADD, and we give the room we want to register. The second method for sending SMS and asking for a registration number that has not yet been claimed. This should be done in this way: number 80106 we send an SMS with the text “REGISTER” and then we give a phone number is already registered using the service Mix or subscriptions.

check the rooms online on the website of the Bank
this opportunity is available to customers who have a Bank account in ING Bank Śląski or Millenium. Check-in is after login the trading account.

account registration
People who decided to move to a subscription or a Mix, you can count on special offer (0 rubles monthly fee for 3 months and up to 10 GB of Internet). Users Plus remaining in the prepaid system, registration, will receive 500 rubles, 50 GB of Internet (both services are valid for 30 days) and the year of expiration of your account; Plusha – 500 rubles and 50 GB Internet. One person can register an unlimited number of cards, but can use the bonuses to five SIM cards.


check the SIM CARD? How to register number on the card in T – Mobile

make Sure that the card was
to check if your number is “on the map” is already registered, you need on the telephone keypad to dial the code *100# and press the call key.

Registration at fixed sites
In salons T-Mobile, salon release Inmedio, Relay, 1 Minute, institutions the Polish Mail (including the mailman), lounge release Kolporter, komisie GSM network Teletorium, kiosk network Traffic, gas stations Statoil, Shell and BP.

Registration numbers via iboa.pl
In the case when we use the services of T-Mobile (was a room “on the map”, a subscription or a Mix), you can register by going to the website www.iboa.pl and opening the tab “Registration number on the card”. Check in the app “My T – Mobile”, and choose “Registration number on the card”.

phone number
When we’re already with T – Mobile, registration can be done by calling the toll-free number 606 606 606.

number Registration online Bank
T – Mobile, also we can register a number through a system of trading operations ING Bank of Silesia or Millenium. Just log in to your account.

account registration
Existing customers of T-Mobile as a bonus for signing up receive free calls and SMS for 30 days and 10 GB of Internet after 12 consecutive doładowaniach minutes 25 PLN. New customers of T-Mobile in the first month and get free calls and SMS and 10 GB of Internet for 30 days after the first Deposit amount, min 25 rubles.

check the SIM CARD? How to register number on the card in a2mobile, LajtMobile, Virgin Mobile and family?

a2mobile: the Starters orders on the Internet. Personal data (as defined in the order) is confirmed when you receive the parcel from the courier.

LajtMobile: Fills in the online form on the website of the operator. The data confirms perform wire transfer in the amount of from 1 to 500 rubles (later credited the phone bill, data during registration numbers and Bank account must match).

Virgin Mobile Companies Eurobanku, Polish Mail Traffic of the company kolporter, World Press, Media Star, gas stations Statoil, Shell, BP and LOTOS glasses Telakces, Teletorium, Inmedio, Inmedio Café, Relay, 1 Minute, Discover, Hubiz, Hello Virgin. Check online or in the system TION/Millenium.

IF you have your PHONE ON a MAP, don’T DELAY. Check the ROOMS ONLY UNTIL FEBRUARY 1,


The tax evasion zawyżają export? GUS: not only export but also import – Interfax

on Tuesday, the Department of Statistics gave approximate data on economic growth last year. Russia economy has slowed in 2016. to 2.8 percent. For comparison, a year earlier was 3.9 percent. Bad data is defined in the first place, the decline in investment by private companies and local authorities.

last week Deputy Prime Minister Matthew Morawiecki I assumed I needed to re-count our economic growth in 2013-14 because… to deceive VAT data on exports have been overstated in recent years, even at 30 billion rubles.

the Finance Ministry, we believe that for 2.5 years has been fictitious export of the same electronics – mobile phones, hard drives, and other similar objects in the amount of 20 billion, ‘ said Morawiecki. – Now income, which de facto does not have to be counted, it would be necessary to subtract.

Economists: Carousel VAT facilities do not affect GDP

words Morawieckiego immediately responded economists. – Morawiecki rights that exports could be deluded carousel VAT, because this type of transaction zawyżają exports, which affects GDP. And that carousel was possible, then this product needs to Poland to get in, and imports also affects the dynamics of economic growth, so GDP should not experience these transactions, he said, “the Election” tax expert Radoslaw Baker.

Wtórował him the chief economist of Credit Agricole Jakub Borowski: At this stage you can only say that if we are dealing with exports of electronics from Poland, it is likely ago the export was accompanied by significant import. After all, we’re talking about technology, not about the export of furniture.

the same day, GUS was given the message: “the Main source of information for official statistics in the field of foreign trade data are received from the information systems of customs administration. All work is quenched on a possible inspection of exports and, as a consequence, GDP depends on getting from MF new official data on the value of exports by detailed commodity groups".

GUS: Possible amendments will relate to both export and import

this is not the end. On Tuesday the press-Secretary GSU was in response to a question on PAP, or the value of the fictitious invoices, as you know, to export and thus increases GDP. She explained that the “invoices are not a data source for external trade statistics”.

– If the services the tax administration adjusted the data in the accounting system VAT, customs will conduct a second control, and performs data correction, credited and transferred to the GUS new statistical collections. Then, after careful analysis, HUS will make a decision on possible adjustments of the data, she said Dawidziuk.

And she added: – the Possible need for adjustment should cover both types of trade – export and import.

according to Her now is not transferred to questions on how changes in data can lead to lower GDP and GDP growth in 2014-15. – Identification of these data will only allow for a reliable assessment of the impact of these phenomena on the value and dynamics of GDP growth, she added.

See also: Believe that has to a three term, and maybe even more. Matthew Morawiecki – silhouette


GUS: Productivity in industry increased by 1% through 2016. – Money.pl

labor Productivity in industry, measured by production sprzedaną per employee increased by 1% yoy throughout 2016., filed the main statistical Office (GUS).

At that time, employment has increased by 2.2%, and the average monthly gross wage increased by 3.2%, specified in the message.



GDP growth in 2016. slightly above the forecasts of economists – PulsBiznesu

GDP Growth in 2016. was slightly above the forecasts of economists – was 2.8 per cent., against an expected 2.7%. According to economists, GDP in 2017. will be accelerated.

according to the data of GUS in 2016. GDP is calculated in constant prices of the previous year actually increased by 2.8 percent, against growth of 3.9 percent. in 2015. GUS he also said that investments fell last year by 5.5 percent, domestic demand actually rose by 2.8 per cent. (while in 2015. rose 3.4 per cent). And the total consumption was higher by 3.6 percent. (in the year 2015. growth was 3 percent), consumption in the household sector increased by 3.6 percent. (after rising by 3.2 percent. in 2015).

Economists from Bank Raiffeisen Polbank noticed in comments according to CEO that economic growth in 2016. he was a little above the latest expectations, the so-called market consensus said, for 2.7%. growth.

“if we assume that GDP growth in the first three quarters will remain unchanged, this allows us to expect growth of around 2 percent. rdr in the fourth quarter of last year., and thus significantly higher than feared a few weeks ago. The GDP structure will be published only at the end of February, but already now we can say that the data allow for optimism,” he estimated.

Drew attention to the decline in value added in construction by 11.9 per cent., what, in their opinion, may not be a good result, however, shows that the dynamics of this category in the fourth quarter rose to about minus 8.5 percent. year-on-year from minus 16.5 per cent. year-on-year in the third quarter.

“Given the monthly data, which we found out in December 2016, we can expect that the culmination of the economic slowdown, especially in investment, took place at the end of last year., and the following months will bring improvement of the situation. According to our estimates, confirmation of this will be tomorrow’s reading of PMI for January,” they added.

Despite the fact that real GDP growth is 2.8 percent. for 2016, higher than the consensus, it’s hard to admit it as satisfactory, – says, in turn, Dr. Alexey Fur, b. Deputy Minister of Finance.

According to him, the decline in growth relative to the previous year is probably due to two factors. First, investment in infrastructure, financed from European Union funds, as well as from bureaucratic reasons lying on the side of the EU, has slowed. “It’s so alarming that the use of these funds is the function of the organization structures of the country, and it seems that was not done in this case sufficient steps to zdynamizować the inflow of funds into the economy,” said Moss.

the Second factor, more worrisome, could be the slowdown of the dynamics of companies ‘ investments,” said Moss. He added that this “may mean that investment in Poland has become less profitable.”

Adam Antoniak with Pekao believes that the slowdown in economic growth in 2016. first of all, it was a result of falling investment, which declined by 5.5 percent. “Stop investment activity is a result of delays in expending funds from the new financial pespektywy of the Customs Union, as well as the negative impact of high uncertainty on investment in the corporate sector”, he explained.

Antoniak sees a risk of further small decline in investment in 2017, with a stable and dynamic growth of private consumption. “Economic growth this year is expected at 3 percent.” – said the economist.

According to him, the main driving force of economic growth had an individual consumption relies on income growth, primarily due to the favorable situation on the labor market.

higher economic growth expects the same Moss, but I wonder whether it is sufficient for the process of convergence. “Doganianie other countries, particularly our neighbor Germany, requires copying solutions to industrial and organizational country,” he says. “Should be stronger to motivate EU funds for infrastructure development growth,” he says. Considers it necessary to depart from the policy of freezing wages, that is “the result of the import of the great Reich of immigrants and the attitude of entrepreneurs to the reduction of wage costs and not on increasing spending on investment and transfer of production to sectors with higher added value.”

Also, according to economists from PKO BP rating of GDP in 2016. along with monthly data from the economy indicate, in particular, a clear limitation of the recession in the construction industry at the end of the year or a double-digit increase in steel production, confirm that the slowdown in GDP growth have passed the bottom, and the dynamics of GDP in early 2017. will continue to accelerate.

“the Main driving force behind the reversal of the trend of GDP is construction, correlated with the inflow of funds from the EU. MF data on flow of funds from the EU in December is confirmed, further improvement of the capital account of the balance of payments (growth of approx. balance of 1.1 percent. Of GDP, as against 0.8 percent. GDP after November), indicating the increase of absorption of EU funds intended for investment. The full effects of the acceleration in the construction will be felt after the winter,” say the economists at the Bank PKO BP.

according to Them, GUS data do not change prospects for monetary policy. “In relation to mitigate concerns about GDP growth and more and more strong reflection of growth in the beginning of the year, confirming the temporary nature of the slowdown, the MPC will be more and more attention to the growing inflation,” I think. Zastrzegli that the GDP growth this year will probably not be strong enough to force the MPC to action, the more that the consumer price index in the second half of the year will begin wyhamowywać. “We maintain our view that the first rate hike can be expected only in 2018.” they added.


SIM card without registration cheap to buy. For $ 20 you can still remain anonymous – GazetaPrawna.pl

Wednesday is the last day for registration of pre-paid cards. Latecomers must reckon with the fact that, since Thursday, their phones stop working. The goal is laudable – more to protect citizens from criminals and terrorists. The only question is whether will be achieved. Real criminals can, because it easy to get around the new rules. The market offers them a wide range of cards that do not require registration.

– I have huge doubts about the effectiveness of the registration of prepaid cards in the fight against crime. Terrorists or common swindlers can register the cards on the poles, buy them at auction or abroad. The benefits for law enforcement so little for the costs incurred by citizens – very large, – said Wojciech Klicki from the Panoptykon Foundation.

One of the options that the market offers, this prepaid card from countries where there is no compulsory registration. The network can be found as separate publications, and specialized online stores incurred solely for the purpose of sales of such cards. In one of them we can find maps of the Czech operators O2 or Vodafone. “Our main goal is to provide you the security and anonymity” – can be read on the main page of this store.

the Use of these cards is worth more than the Polish operators, as they work in roaming. In the case of Vodafon card is, for example, 58 grams per minute. In the network, you can easily find maps of the Ukrainian available, however, and in normal stationary stores. Buying it in cash, has greater guarantee of anonymity than in transactions-sites that you should specify delivery address and pay via Bank transfer.

legalnością such transactions?

– From the point of view of the law on action to combat drugs and the law – the law of telecommunications it is very difficult to qualify the activities of such entrepreneurs as contrary to these laws. Also, in the case of people who buy this kind of sim card. For them a party to the contract is a foreign Telecom operator that is under contract with Russian operators in the framework of roaming, will provide services for customers from Poland, explains Michael Dumpling, a lawyer from the law firm Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka. In his opinion, the law is not able to provide full control over SIM cards. – Great tightness of this system will provide a solution to European – especially the rank of regulation, – said the lawyer.

in July 2016., when stopped selling cards without registration, many people thought it was a way on business. Began to record the card on your name and then resell online. Controversial businessman Zbigniew Centipede even started to offer cards with the logo: “antypisowa the “page” tab. The Minister of internal Affairs and administration Mariusz Blashak warned these sellers that a lot of risk. In the case of suspected crime, then they in the first place to follow the service.

these Warnings are not zniechęciły sellers. Led at the time by the intervention of the largest in Poland (auction Allegro, which has banned the trade was cards. However, this does not mean that they disappeared from the market. Offers starter kits, you can find many listing portals. Cost? On average, approx. 20 UAH. Interestingly, some sellers accept payment in bitcoin kryptowalucie.


Prepaid card you need to register before 1 February. Without it will be disabled – Polish Radio

the Obligation to designate specific persons or entities to the SIM card imposes anti-terrorism law. Photo: Pixabay.com

the Obligation to designate specific persons or entities to the SIM card imposes the law, anti-terrorism. We are talking about that if necessary, the service could determine who owns the phone number.

How to register a map?

to register a prepaid SIM card, it is best to go to a salon operator or one of the many points that signed a contract with the mobile operators.

- First of all we need to tell the operator the name, social security number, passport number, or other proof of our identity. If we register the card on the company it will be adequately REGON, NIP. It will be enough to reach the operator, we will go to his point, because the operator must confirm our identity with identity document. We can also use e-mail, or other points like kiosks Movement – says Milena Górecka from the Communications Centre.

What is important is that the passport should not be kserowany, but only to show, to confirm identity.

Deadline-February 1

UCF does not provide for renewal.

Milena Górecka February 1 is the deadline by which these cards must be registered.

- February 1 is the deadline by which these cards must be registered. Clients must reckon with the fact that after this period, services may be disconnected, may lose equity if don’t sign the card the day. And entrepreneurs is likely to allow them to register even after that period under certain conditions. A certain percentage of cards, of course, will not be registered, so forget about that, leave it to the last moment. Can also reach customers who do not understand that they, too, – the expert predicts.

do Not put off the obligations at the last moment

the Operators do not disclose what percentage of prepaid SIM cards, managed so far to register. Encouraged however, not to defer that responsibility at the last minute.

March Bereza Rejestrujmy card, while there is time and no queues.

- Rejestrujmy card, while there is time and no queues – calls Marta Birch, Vice-President of the Polish chamber of information technology and telecommunications. Is that the registration process runs smoothly. From operators we do everything we can to avoid the obstacles in these last days, he says.

service providers dangle the carrot of stock

Operators are engaged in an intensive campaign, by the way, luring promotions. Information on the registration card are also displayed in the offices of ZUS.

- There are also reports from the administration. And I think that there has to be some kind of strengthening that, however, this period of registration without disabling the phone ends. Always a group of customers that does not respond to communication from operators and now it could be more responsive to communication from the administration, that is in fact the owner of the regulation – said Marta Birch.

Check prepaid cards can also be done with the help of some banks.

As usual, you should beware of scams and do not give your personal data on the phone.

according to some Estimates, there may be several million users, the number on the card.

Carolina Nerd, Lord


Monday, January 30, 2017

Morawiecki heralds the end of mafiami vatowskimi and guarantees that taxes will not increase – Interfax

– we are Not going to raise taxes, we will caulk the system, due to the fact that you will find in the economy of 40-50 billion rubles, – said on Monday Deputy Prime Minister during the conference Risks and Trends 2017, organized Policy Insight. In his opinion, the existing system was poorly designed. Mafia vatowskie can’t splash out on Poland, as the wind upon a wild pitch.

according to economists from the Institute of Structural Research, has already budgeted UAH 10 billion from stamp taxes, this is a very risky assumption. Their report indicated that the most serious doubts are raised particular, revenues from VAT increase should be, according to the government, two times higher than in 2016.

Morawiecki declared at once that the money received from the seal system will be transferred, in particular, for a program of 500 plus or “Apartment plus”. – We will try big transfer social, 40 billion rubles this year and 50 billion roubles, in the following funding in large part not through raising taxes, only through the seal of the tax system, – said Deputy Prime Minister.

GDP was deluded carousel vatowskie?

last week Morawiecki convinced that due to the tax fraud GDP growth in the past two years was much flattered. This would mean that economic growth in the past year have not fallen as much, if earlier, the results were artificially pumped.

according to economists, it is, however, too hasty conclusions, because the carousel vatowskie increase not only exports but also imports. Therefore, the balance should go to zero.

on Tuesday, the Department of Statistics show, because the expected Poland’s GDP growth last year. According to economists, it will be below 3%. For comparison, a year earlier was 3.9 percent.

Morawiecki wants to reduce social inequality

during the conference Morawiecki told how to develop the Polish economy in the face of uncertainty. In his opinion, the solution is, in particular, the leveling of social inequality.

Is the opening of the world’s elite the last two years word for the next 20 years. It is impossible to build an economic policy in isolation from society, because society will quickly make themselves known, he said. Pointed out that the statistics are cruel, for example, in the United States over the last 40 years the real incomes of 90%. not grown at dziesięciotysięcznej entities increased by 600%. for that thousand persons have increased by 300%. and for the 1%. citizens increased by 100 percent.

the fact that you mentioned the Vice-Premier of the government program ” 500 zlotys for a child evens out because the benefit for the second child entitled to all families, regardless of income.

See also: Believe that has to a three term, and maybe even more. Matthew Morawiecki – silhouette


Morawiecki requests to return the Polish family. Five things that may convince – TVN24 BiS

Matthew Morawiecki, the Deputy Prime Minister appealed to millions of the community of Poles living in the UK, she returned to the country. We check on what grounds the so-called plan Morawieckiego can convince compatriots to return home. Tomorrow the document has to deal with the government.

the Strategy in favor of Responsible Development (COP), i.e. the so-called plan Morawieckiego on Tuesday to take the government. We check which provisions of the draft instrument could persuade the Poles to return to the country. In order for the called in an interview with British Sky News the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of development of Mateusz Morawiecki. He noted that his plan would strengthen, in particular, support for young families.

Negotiations on the question of a British exit from the European Union may take… read more “

- All young families with children, please, please come back to us; it will be good for Poland and it’s not necessarily a bad thing for Britain – appealed.

1. Higher incomes and low unemployment

For important reasons of emigration of the Poles, of course, belonged to low income and high unemployment in the country. The strategy assumes that in 2030 income in Poland is close to the level of the EU average.

As they say in COP its most important intended result should be “an increase in the average gross disposable income of households per 1 capita at PPP (purchasing power parity – PAP) to 80%. in relation to the average in the EU up to 2020 and up to 2030 closeup gross disposable income per 1 capita in PPP to the average level in the EU.”

back on the Vistula to promote also has easier job search. Morawiecki in an interview with Sky News, he noted that unemployment in Poland is at “historically low levels, and many new jobs tolerated (in Poland), as well as from the UK, the result Brexitu”.

before moving To the country have to encourage change in the labour market. In SOR, we can read that will introduced the so-called single contract of minimum hourly wages for civil contracts. Better observed the laws relating to the prohibition of substitution of employment contracts contracts and works contracts.

2. Apartment

the Problem of the shortage of apartments and ridiculous, especially the young. GUS data indicate that in Poland, to 43.5 percent. people aged 25-34, la lives with his parents. This effect is the fact that in our country about 500 thousand. few apartments. Eurostat asked that a thousand residents-over-Wisla is a total of 360 apartments. The average for the European Union is 480. Moreover, in many cases, the only alternative to having your own M – thirdly, long-term loans and approx. 40%. Poles do not have a credit rating.

the national Housing Programme, that is Flat plus ” has to be “new housing policy, monitoring the sector, legal and financial, seeking to meet the housing needs of low-income families, affordable housing for rent, as well as the creation of energy-saving systems for housing construction.”

the Program “Apartment plus” suggests that by 2030 the number of apartments per 1 thousand inhabitants should reach the average of the European Union. According to the government, the first investments under the program will begin in 2018 and in 2019 the first participants of the program “apartment plus” will receive keys from apartments.

3. More children

If nothing changes, in 2050. Poland’s population could fall to 34 million from 38.5 million in 2013. – predicted GUS. This is the effect of continuing the dramatically poor indicators of childbearing.

Since 1989, it systematically falls in Poland, the rate of childbearing, i.e., the number of children born per 100 women of reproductive age (15-49 years). Since 2001, it fluctuates around a value of 1.3. It is very small, because it is believed that this ratio should be about. 2,1. Only odchodzące generation can be replaced by another.

Meanwhile, this issue does not apply to Shelves that are live, for example, in the UK. There’s one Polish mother has – according to statistics – more than 3.3 of a child. This effect is by family policy within the framework of which receives, in particular, free medical care during pregnancy and after birth, is there any free medicines.

As stated in the SOR, Software Family 500 plus, that is the payment of 500 rubles for the second child, and in the case of poor families – one, by 2050, to increase Poland’s population of about 1.7 million people. In plans also creation, in particular, kindergarten for every child that the legal changes that will facilitate the education of children and allow parents to return to work. To the last may also encourage tax incentives.

the Population of Poland in the years 1970-2050 in a million years (1970-2013 actual data, 2014-2050 for children)

Source: GUS the Population of Poland in the years 1970-2050 in a million years (1970-2013 actual data, 2014-2050 for)

4. The elderly

Support for families, it is also the care for the elderly. Currently, many people have to give up your career, for example, to deal with a sick parent.

Among the strategic projects that must be prepared and implemented by 2020 will be in particular, mutually beneficial care senioralna. This is – as stated in COP – reform of care for persons who are not Autonomous, including the creation of a single system dispensing niesamodzielności that changing the principles of financing custodial services. Developed must be also formal care at home and półstacjonarnych.

the creators of the COP is also recommended to promote professional and social activity of elderly people. This is carried out, for example, through the promotion of volunteerism and support watch older people to use their social productivity.

5. The fight against poverty

the Plan Morawieckiego also support groups that are at risk of poverty. According to data of GUS of the most at risk of poverty are families with children. Moreover, the problem of extreme poverty touched in 2013 in our country. 700 million children, or 10 percent. all.

this Problem largely solves the program Family 500 plus. Until January of this year, the support Program were 3.79 million children, 55 per cent. all children up to 18 years in Poland. For families caught in that time, over 15.1 billion UAH. According to the Ministry of family, labour and social policy it follows that after joining the program, the Family 500 plus in life, the level of poverty among children fell by half.

the inability to meet of the causes of the financial needs of children associated with daily existence in 2015

Source: II edition of the Study of Social Cohesion, GUS the inability to satisfaction of the causes of the financial needs of children associated with daily existence in 2015

Among the strategic projects were found, in particular, creating an effective social assistance or development of the project is Given in education that must be a new model of training and education of children, youth and adults with disabilities and special educational needs.

Matthew Morawiecki invites Poles from the Islands back into the country. The material “Facts” TVN with 29.01.2017:


We check the authenticity of the Minister of energy. Better to build three coal-fired power plant than a nuclear one? – Interfax

after some time, will be automatically redirected to Wyborcza.pl

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Morawiecki zapowiada koniec z mafiami vatowskimi i zapewnia, że podatki nie wzrosną – Gazeta Wyborcza

– we are Not going to raise taxes, we will caulk the system, due to the fact that you will find in the economy of 40-50 billion rubles, – said on Monday Deputy Prime Minister during the conference Risks and Trends 2017, organized Policy Insight. In his opinion, the existing system was poorly designed. Mafia vatowskie can’t splash out on Poland, as the wind upon a wild pitch.

according to economists from the Institute of Structural Research, has already budgeted UAH 10 billion from stamp taxes, this is a very risky assumption. Their report indicated that the most serious doubts are raised particular, revenues from VAT increase should be, according to the government, two times higher than in 2016.

Morawiecki declared at once that the money received from the seal system will be transferred, in particular, for a program of 500 plus or “Apartment plus”. – We will try big transfer social, 40 billion rubles this year and 50 billion roubles, in the following funding in large part not through raising taxes, only through the seal of the tax system, – said Deputy Prime Minister.

GDP was deluded carousel vatowskie?

last week Morawiecki convinced that due to the tax fraud GDP growth in the past two years was much flattered. This would mean that economic growth in the past year have not fallen as much, if earlier, the results were artificially pumped.

according to economists, it is, however, too hasty conclusions, because the carousel vatowskie increase not only exports but also imports. Therefore, the balance should go to zero.

on Tuesday, the Department of Statistics show, because the expected Poland’s GDP growth last year. According to economists, it will be below 3%. For comparison, a year earlier was 3.9 percent.

Morawiecki wants to reduce social inequality

during the conference Morawiecki told how to develop the Polish economy in the face of uncertainty. In his opinion, the solution is, in particular, the leveling of social inequality.

Is the opening of the world’s elite the last two years word for the next 20 years. It is impossible to build an economic policy in isolation from society, because society will quickly make themselves known, he said. Pointed out that the statistics are cruel, for example, in the United States over the last 40 years the real incomes of 90%. not grown at dziesięciotysięcznej entities increased by 600%. for that thousand persons have increased by 300%. and for the 1%. citizens increased by 100 percent.

the fact that you mentioned the Vice-Premier of the government program ” 500 zlotys for a child evens out because the benefit for the second child entitled to all families, regardless of income.

See also: Believe that has to a three term, and maybe even more. Matthew Morawiecki – silhouette


The Minister from improved tax collection, resigned Gazeta.pl

- Deputy Minister of Finance, the General inspector of the Inspectorate resigned, said on Monday at the end of the day media. This information in the talk with PAP was confirmed by the press-Secretary of Department of Finance Gregory Świerżewski. Egor Jasinski had to resign for personal reasons, at the hands of Deputy Prime Minister, heads of the ministries of Finance and development Matthew Morawieckiego.

Resignation in connection with the law on the National Tax Administration?

Meanwhile, Treasury officials think the forum portal Skarbowcy.pl the resignation of the minute. Yasinsky has no connection with the law on the National Tax Administration. The fact that a law that reformed Poland skarbówkę gets right in the Psalms function in tax administration, particularly former law enforcement officers. Minutes. Jasinski has an episode in his biography. – Was the policeman, and the person who worked in the unit subordinate to the public security organs of the Polish people’s Republic he is the Deputy head of the RBU? thought skarbowcy. – The law does not allow, but rumor has it that this will happen added.

it Seems, however, that will not happen. And according to some, Yegor Jasinski was ahead of its resignation, which was necessary.

Jasinski is a doctor of legal Sciences, more than 20 years associated with law enforcement, in particular in the field of combating financial crime. For many years, was dydaktykiem, and then Director of the Institute of training of Public Service officials, Fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism of the Higher School of Police in Szczytno. Since 2006. worked in the Central Office of anti-corruption, and in 2007-2010 he was the Director of the office of the Central Bank in Gdansk.

the Unexpected resignation

Information on his resignation is surprising. “Manneken Pis”, as the claims that the anti-fraud and wyłudzeniami taxes, which is the responsibility of Yegor Jasinski is going very well. Thanks to her appeared in last year’s budget additional billions of rubles of VAT revenues. Skeptics shoot it, however, heads. Yes, extra money in the budget is, moreover, some part of them probably comes from light curbing the wave of fraud and fraud with VAT. Helps, perhaps, in particular, the package of the fuel supply, which is aimed at reducing the huge scale of tax evasion at manufacturing and trading of fuels. The scale of this seal is not, however, known.

Meanwhile, the share of additional revenues from VAT, it is without a doubt effect 500+. Under this program, the government distributes last year, the parents of the astronomical amount of 17.5 billion rubles. This year the cost of the program will grow to at least 23 billion UAH. Part of the money returned and will be returned to the budget in the form of VAT and excise duties. How much? Of course, thick, at several billion rubles.

Not so big is the improvement in the collection

consulting Company PwC policzyła recently that the vulnerability of VAT in Poland, there is a difference between what theoretically should have an impact to the budget from this tax, and that actually affects the result of fraud, extortion and just confusion fell from 49 billion rubles in 2015. about 45 billion rubles in 2016. Drop, but not too impressive.

worse the situation is, however, on the front against taxpayers who derive overseas income to pay less or not pay the income tax of large companies (CIT). Although fisk on the government changed the law, it is a great inflow of money from this tax is not visible.

Hard fighting scams

has something to hide that the fight against wyłudzeniami VAT karuzelami tax is insanely complicated matter. On the other hand, they are often well organized, international criminal group. Easily exploit loopholes in the law. Fisk and often helpless. Preparing really powerful tougher penalties for forging invoices VAT, even up to 25 years prison, imposes on taxpayers new obligations, accountability, but yet the criminals still several steps ahead.

in turn, in the case of CIT, the withdrawal of money in tax havens, the problem is that some of these actions is just legalized. Part of the country attracts foreign taxpayers extremely low taxes or lack of them. Such hard, often behind the scenes agreement of the tax, to detect and destroy.

Extortion and fraud on VAT and CIT is not only a Polish specificity. Has problems with them, the whole world. “Manneken Pis” and the government, however, in so bad situation that in this year’s budget balked at the suggestion wielomiliardowej improved tax collection. Without it, theoretically, may not be enough money for child benefit from the program, 500+, although the government will do all that it was the last thing he will not run out of money in the budget.


Morawiecki wants to collect 50 billion through the seal system. The end mafiami, but taxes will not increase – Interfax

– we are Not going to raise taxes, we will caulk the system, due to the fact that you will find in the economy of 40-50 billion rubles, – said on Monday Deputy Prime Minister during the conference Risks and Trends 2017, organized Policy Insight. In his opinion, the existing system was poorly designed. Mafia vatowskie can’t splash out on Poland, as the wind upon a wild pitch.

according to economists from the Institute of Structural Research, has already budgeted UAH 10 billion from stamp taxes, this is a very risky assumption. Their report indicated that the most serious doubts are raised particular, revenues from VAT increase should be, according to the government, two times higher than in 2016.

Morawiecki declared at once that the money received from the seal system will be transferred, in particular, for a program of 500 plus or “Apartment plus”. – We will try big transfer social, 40 billion rubles this year and 50 billion roubles, in the following funding in large part not through raising taxes, only through the seal of the tax system, – said Deputy Prime Minister.

GDP was deluded carousel vatowskie?

last week Morawiecki convinced that due to the tax fraud GDP growth in the past two years was much flattered. This would mean that economic growth in the past year have not fallen as much, if earlier, the results were artificially pumped.

according to economists, it is, however, too hasty conclusions, because the carousel vatowskie increase not only exports but also imports. Therefore, the balance should go to zero.

on Tuesday, the Department of Statistics show, because the expected Poland’s GDP growth last year. According to economists, it will be below 3%. For comparison, a year earlier was 3.9 percent.

Morawiecki wants to reduce social inequality

during the conference Morawiecki told how to develop the Polish economy in the face of uncertainty. In his opinion, the solution is, in particular, the leveling of social inequality.

Is the opening of the world’s elite the last two years word for the next 20 years. It is impossible to build an economic policy in isolation from society, because society will quickly make themselves known, he said. Pointed out that the statistics are cruel, for example, in the United States over the last 40 years the real incomes of 90%. not grown at dziesięciotysięcznej entities increased by 600%. for that thousand persons have increased by 300%. and for the 1%. citizens increased by 100 percent.

the fact that you mentioned the Vice-Premier of the government program ” 500 zlotys for a child evens out because the benefit for the second child entitled to all families, regardless of income.


Morawiecki: we are not going to raise taxes – Gazeta.pl

- we’ll try our big transfer social financing in great part not through raising taxes, only through the seal taxes”, he said Morawiecki at the conference “risk and Trends 2017″, organized Policy Insight. the - We do not look at raising taxes as a source where to find 40 or 50 billion – added the Vice Premier.

Element sealing the tax system should be, inter alia, the fight against tax karuzelami wyłudzającymi VAT. Mafia vatowskie can’t splash out on Poland, as the wind with a wild pitch, says Morawiecki.

the Ministry of Finance from time to time sends information from the “front” on Friday reported on the breakdown of the criminal group, which brought plunged into contemplation of his treasure to the State losses of more than $ 210 million UAH.

How are these criminals? Read: 80 deals in one day in a Polish Bank. So wyłudza money from the Treasury

last week, the Seimas adopted the tale of the criminal code, which envisages punishment in the form of 25 years in prison for forgery of VAT invoices, the VAT for the sum more than 10 million UAH.

Prime Minister Beata Awl a few days ago announced that at least, this year taxes will remain unchanged. at the same time for anybody not a secret that plans for changes in the tax system further wicepremierowi and Minister of Finance Matthew Morawieckiemu go on the head. Recall that at the end of last year, the government abandoned plans single superpodatku, which was one tribute to combine tax and personal income tax contributions to the HEALTH Fund and social security.

On the decisions zaważyła in particular, the assessment of the potential impact of a single tax on the situation of entrepreneurs. The idea included the elimination of the 19% tax rate, and embrace entrepreneurs the same insurance social insurance contributions as full-time employees. As analysts estimated Tax Care, the taxation of entrepreneurs clearing linearly in some cases wzrosłoby even a third.

From the statement of the Minister of Henrik Kowalczyk followed, in turn, that the hill can go, the tax rate for earning the most Poles. In December, after the suspension of the idea of a single tax, the Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki said that it is not planning to introduce the next tax threshold.

see also: Sum, free from tax in new ways. It can be a nasty surprise for the employee


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Belarusian oil in transit on the stock EXCHANGE – the Republic

the Interest of Belarusian companies entering the stock market is high. Among the potential newcomers can find the largest companies of this country. According to the “Rzeczpospoliej”, it follows that privatization through the stock EXCHANGE consider, in particular, the oil refinery in Mozyr, oil company Naftan, the largest Belarusian Bank Biełaruśbank and manufacturer of special vehicles BiełAZ.

Over the prospectus of issue of bonds, in cooperation with the Polish broker and a law firm that already runs a large Belarusian company in the field of it sector.

Meeting at the top

Belarusians spoke last week about plans for the appearance on the Polish stock exchange with the representatives of stock EXCHANGES and brokers (brokerage, introducing the company to the stock exchange). The meeting was attended by representatives of the company investment Advisory and Uniter of the Polish-Belarusian chamber of Commerce and industry.

Discussions about a potential debut is the consequences of the autumn meeting at the top. In October representatives of the EXCHANGE, the Polish-Belarusian chamber of Commerce and industry and the Belarusian State University signed in the presence of Deputy Prime Ministers – letter of intent on establishing the Russian-Belarusian Center IPO. In the plans, in particular, the establishment of the centre in Minsk, a wide information campaign for companies, seminars for managers.

Warsaw gateway to the West

Roman Osipov, managing partner of Uniter, emphasizes in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita”, the debut of the interested private companies.

– Belarusian enterprises – private and public – to base their development mainly on Bank loans, increasingly point to the need zdywersyfikowania sources of funding, – said Osipov. – Because we have no developed capital market, Warsaw is the natural choice. Close, between us is not to change culture. Poland exchange is focused on medium – sized companies and those in Belarus can offer more. Our government recently gave a clear signal that it wants to attract foreign capital. In conjunction with local brokers we want to emerge the best company that may IPO, he adds.

– the Belarusian economy is open, the company’s bolder witnesses in Europe and in the world. A good example is the IT industry and the company Wargaming, which released the popular game “World of Tanks”, – emphasizes Mikhail Kowalczewski, Chairman of Mercurius DM, which participated in the negotiations. – The Belarusian economy in recent years is going through hard times, but that drops sharply, often has a tendency to rapid reflection. In Poland large-scale privatization has been limited, and companies from Belarus have a great potential for growth. Such investments, of course, are risky, but also give the chance to receive higher yields, he concludes.

– the IMF Experts expect the acceleration of reform of state enterprises and the introduction of laws that facilitate the functioning of the enterprise. This is a huge opportunity and simultaneously a challenge for GPW – says Maria Zaleski, President of the stock EXCHANGE.

Interest GWP

Biełaruśbank – largest Bank in Belarus, in 99 percent. controlled by the state. Its assets reached $ 12 billion (35 per cent. values

the Belarusian banking sector). Has over 6.5 million retail customers and more than 80 thousand. corporate clients.

oil refinery Mozyr – its production capacity reaches 12 million tons of oil. Package 42.6%. has the Russian company Slavneft. The rest of the shares indirectly and directly controlled by the government.

Naftan – strength processing about 10 million tons of oil that could compete with the Polish LOTOS”. The government controls 99.8 percent. of its shares.

BieŁAZ is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of specialized vehicles, in particular trucks for mining and construction equipment.


Marcin kaszuba | CEO of the stock EXCHANGE

Belarus has a great potential to slowly improve its macroeconomic situation. Belarusian partners want to learn from the experience of Polish transformation, they see the role I played in it stock Exchange.

70%. Belarusian enterprises of the state. Potential recruits we are also in the private sector. We are in talks with players from the IT sector, but also the engineering industry or fuel and energy complex. We tried to choose the beads. If market conditions are favorable, the first debut of the Belarusian companies should be held later this year.


Currency: the results of the draw Lotto. We know that fell six Virtual Russia

Saturday Lotto draw brought luck to one person who won 2 million rubles. The number is: 8, 11, 20, 26, 37, 48. It is not known yet where it comes from millionaires and method chose the lucky numbers.

the Last days is a hot time that is associated with the games can get in the game Sports. We will remind that on Thursday 26 November, the player from the town of Kolbuszowa in the Carpathian region won more than 10 million rubles. I put 5 bets, playing by the method “random”. His numbers were: 6, 12, 39, 41, 42, 47. This is the first “six”, which sounded in the area.

on Thursday the raffle also brought luck to the player Multi Multi that Sochi won about 1.5 million UAH. To win formed 250 thousand. rubles for hitting 10 of 10 numbers and an additional bonus, which is almost six-fold increase in this amount to the amount of more than a million rubles.

in turn, Friday, February 27, fell on the 60th anniversary of “Toto-Aileron”. The first time I had the number in 1975. Then manually mixed in the drum didn’t go the ball, and crumpled up pieces of paper with numbers. Orbs appeared only 16 years later. Today the Lottery is the most popular game numeric in Poland.

the biggest meeting in the history of Bingo was recorded in may 2016. To win was a record 60 million UAH. Jack pitched three players: Krakow, Torun and Zamosc. Each of them won for 19 million.

the Second highest accumulation goes from September 2011. The Bank was 56 million. Won by two people – each of them received 28 million rubles.

the Highest single win in the history can get in the game Sports fell last year in Ziębicach. The winner of accumulation Lotto hit the “six”, worth more than 35 million rubles.

we Remind you that the Lotto draws and Lotto Plus are held three times a week: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.


Rafalsky requests the State Labour Inspectorate on the control of the Auchan at 500 plus Gazeta.pl

At the beginning of year the staff of “Auchan”, got to fill the reference, which was to announce that participates in the program of 500 plus and many children. Information needed for the employer to establish the full income and the calculation of the height of the support with which the employee can avail of the Fund of social benefits.

the accrual of benefits from the social Fund is simple – the more income per person in the family, the less benefits rely.

Although the application is voluntary, DGP, who first reported the case, refers to the anonymous workers that they were this thing is choking me of dismissal if they refuse to fill out the form.

This caused the reaction of the Ministry:

Letter to the Minister RafalskiejMinistry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

“Auchan” worked in accordance with the law?

Under the current system in trade network “Solidarity”, a form of collecting references from employees is unlawful.

In conversation with PAP Dariusz Paczuski from “Solidarity” trade UNION stated that treating employees who the employer “threatened negative effects” if you do not sign a certificate ws. funding from the program “Family 500 plus”. He added that the provision of the program of “500 plus” should not be included in income.

Cytowani using DGP lawyers pointed out that the legislation on the Fund for social ambiguous. If the Charter company would record about the necessity of taking into account income from 500 plus the employee wanting to use additional forms of support, it needs to provide it. Moreover, the failure of the Declaration can lead to nieuwzględnieniem of the worker at the distribution of the Fund.

Ministry of family, labour and social policy has prepared an explanation, from which it follows that ” the Law does not specify a method for determining the social situation of the holder of the Fund. (…) This also applies to counting or nieuwzględniania benefits for child care 500 plus the family income of an employee owner who requests the provision of Social Fund.”

this Means that Auchan had the right to ask 500 plus, however, most likely, passed one important detail. – “The employer points in the rules, the consent of the factory trade Union organizations, and when they don’t work with the employee, the team selected to represent its interests, the terms and conditions of use of the Fund, taking into account social criteria and rules for the purpose of the Fund for specific goals and types of social activities.”

For example, in Biedronce staff also needs to determine the 500 plus, but this is previously agreed with the unions.

Meanwhile, the employees of Auchan surprised by the question began to suspect that the submitted application will serve further to differentiate the payments.

What is the “Auchan”?

“Network” denies information that it collects under the pressure of such statements from all employees. Here is the full text of the statement:

“Position” Auchan Russia about applying 500+

Auchan ” respects the rights, defining the rules of functioning of the Social Fund.

Employees who want to use the benefits of a Social Fund of its request to the Members of the Social Committee, together with the voluntary Declaration of income, based on family member.

the Filing of an application is an implementation of the requirements that puts on the Employer the law on the Capital of the Fund of Social Benefits, that is, the differentiation of benefits depending on the income per family member (highest remuneration for employees with the lowest income per family member).

it is not that these statements are collected from all employees, under pressure, or any other purpose.”

Dorothy Patejko
Director public relations
Auchan Retail Russia


LG and Sony refuse to 3D TVs – the Banker

electronics Giants, LG and Sony stops this year to produce 3D-TV – that is, those offering three-dimensional image. Analysts say that this is really the commercial end of this technology, which has not passed the exam.

According to experts, yet they had a lot of complaints. Some said three-dimensional image is not as good as others were complaining about too high prices of TVs and uncomfortable glasses required for viewing three-dimensional images.

Although 3D has been created such films as “Avatar” or “the Jungle Book”, it wasn’t too many entertaining movies in this technology.

Now, LG and Sony join the company Samsung, already stopped producing 3D TVs. The market will not, therefore, no longer large manufacturer of such equipment.

news Agency Radio (IAR)/Rafael Motriuk/dabr


When from benefits from the social Fund you have to pay tax? – Money.pl

it May happen that from benefits from Fund of social worker will have to pay tax. This will happen if the cost exceeds the year 380 – experts.

Funding for employers of social benefits for employees can be accessed from the social Fund (the social Fund) or from working capital. According to experts, depending on certain form causes the tax burden for both employers and employees.

Provided that the duty for formation of the social Fund apply to employers who are hiring in terms of full-time less than 50 workers (or 20 in the case where an application for the establishment of the social Fund will give the factory organization). About the terms of use and direction of funds received from the social Fund decided by the employer in the regulations agreed with the trade Union factory organisations.

however, in this respect, full of permissibility. Funds collected in the Fund will go to Finance social activities organized in favour of the persons entitled to the use of the social Fund, financing social facilities and the establishment of the factory kindergartens, children’s clubs, kindergartens and other forms of preschool education.

the Beneficiaries of the social Fund can also be families of employees and pensioners together with their families, who are former employees. The employer may also be recognized in the rules of the social Fund the right to use the social benefits financed from the social Fund to persons working services on the basis of civil law contracts. The provision of preferential services and benefits, as well as the amount of subsidies from the Fund of social depends on the circumstances, family and material of the person entitled to the social Fund.

a specialist in the field of labor law Martin Frąckowiak notes that in the period of carnival on the popularity of various activities for employees, as well as activities for children such as carnival balls. The employer also has to arrange the departure of employees ‘ children during the winter holidays or to invest (in full or in part) the tour was organized by another entity, for example, the tourist office. The social activities of the employer may also rely on the provision of employees benefits, material. A particularly popular form of social security benefits in period of holidays and vacations, namely, the receiving of parcels to the children of employees.

Experts point out that, in accordance with the law on personal income tax providing for property financed from the social Fund are free from income tax for the employee in the amount of 380 rubles in the corresponding financial year. The provision it must be fully funded by the employer out of funds of the social Fund and to stay connected with social activities.

- due to the fact that social benefits exceed this limit will be taxed, some employees might want to give them up and to avoid paying higher tax. An example would be a situation in which the employee received during the year to provide prizes in the amount of the limit, while he also has a carnival package. Gets the value of both allowances in excess of the amount exempt from tax, so getting parcels unnoticed, so too the appearance on the side of the employee tax liabilities – draws the attention of Nicholas Hewelt, specializing in tax law.

Every employer may also Finance the social benefits from working capital. Is not thus limited their range – can freely choose the target, which will allocate funds. The services provided by the employer, shall not have the nature of activities, cultural, sports and recreation to accept a certain form of recreation. The employer should not be made conditional on the provision of social payments from life situations, family and material employee.

- social Benefits are funded from current assets constitute the basis of the amount of social insurance contributions, says Frąckowiak. He adds that the law on personal income tax provides for exemption in respect of certain social benefits, financed from the funds produced are not from the social Fund. This, among other things, allowances for vacation in the form of rest camps and winter (including related science), staying at sanatorium treatment, institutions medical and health institutions, rehabilitation training and medical care and travel related to vacation and stay in treatment.

When these additional payments are funded by, produced not from the Fund of social benefits, the law imposes a limit of 760 rubles. during the tax year. If the specified consumption is not specified in the directory specified in the law, it is the employee’s income and taxed on General grounds.

- Form of financing of social payments from the working capital of the employer leaves him great freedom in the choice of forms of remuneration, its amount and recipient. However, this is due to the higher loadings publicznoprawnymi obligatory Scorpions of this type of benefits for the basis of the amount of insurance premiums and wide range of exemption from income tax from individuals – said Hewelt.


Matthew Morawiecki about Brexicie: this is a very difficult process – Polish Radio

In the morning program of ” political “Ridge on Sunday” Morawiecki was talking to a journalist Sophy Ridge, in particular, about the British plan of withdrawal from the EU, reactions in other European capitals, the opportunities arising from this for Poland and the Poles living in the UK.

at least, both sides determined very precisely their rigid boundaries. Now we need to start talks to each other not to leave, – said the Deputy Prime Minister, commenting on the Prime Theresa may, who introduced the 12 priorities of the negotiations the UK.

when Asked about whether there is among our European partners desire to punish Britain for taking decisions on withdrawal from the European Union, Morawiecki confirmed that “heard a voice”. – Is this desire based on the logic that if a divorce would be too soft, may encourage other countries to withdraw, he said.

Is one of the lines of reasoning, logical, but we have to be very careful and do not overdo it, in which direction. It is important that the UK remains part of Europe, he said. We have to be very careful what we say. Words, ideas are related. We moved away from each other too far and we must do everything to return to the table, he added.

Deputy Prime Minister is at the same time that, in his opinion, “the negotiations will last longer than two years.”

Is a very complex process. If both parties do not find a new way to solve the disputed point – the freedom of movement of people and the common European market – it could take three or four years, he said.

Morawiecki also said that “disagree” with the American President Donald trump, who predicted the collapse of the European Union, but acknowledged that collaboration across sectors in some areas “went too far, provoked”. – We must return to a stable position, he said.

Referring to the million-strong community of Poles living in the UK, the Deputy Prime Minister said “I would like to invite them to Poland”. As he said, the government introduced, in particular, a plan for responsible development of the Polish economy and reformed the social system, enhancing support for young families with children. – All young families with children, please, please come back to us, it will be good for Poland and it’s not necessarily a bad thing for the UK – addressed.

Broadcast on Sunday interview was held during the Saturday trip Morawieckiego at the University of Cambridge, where he took part in 10. The Congress of Polish Student Associations in the UK. Besides him, during the conference they took the voice, in particular, the former Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski, the Ombudsman Adam Bodnar and historian Professor Andrew Novak.

During a lecture for students, Deputy Prime Minister stressed that “the answer to all socio-economic problems facing Poland, it is not a question of pressing his buttons”, and the introduction of important social benefits aimed at stopping the subsequent waves of emigration from Poland.

- Let’s stop people in Poland, because we don’t want another 2-3 million traveling is always on, both during the 7-8 waves of migrants from the November uprising in the XIX century, he said.

at the same time urged to return to the country, stressing that unemployment in Poland is at “historically low levels, and many new jobs tolerated (in Poland), as well as from the UK, the result Brexitu”.

- I was in the UK, four, five times, talking to corporations, financial, industrial and with great success, because tens of thousands of jobs move to Poland, he said, adding that many of them must meet the expectations of the graduates of the best British universities, in particular in the field of information technology and risk management.

- we Should be very proud of our country, but at the same time, we need new leaders – and I think you can become them – addressed.



Ordering the army starts investment boom in Factory Arms Archer Money.pl

Expansion and recruitment – radomską Plant Weapons the Archer is waiting for an investment revolution. All this in order in order for the company to implement the contract for the Polish army.

– This is the most modern of its kind in this part of Europe, with the newest technological lines and machinery. In the complex are production shops, laboratories, administrative buildings and a shooting range. It is, however, too little, – said the Deputy Wojciech Skurkiewicz, Deputy of the parliamentary Committee on National Defence to cope with the problem, which is a contract with the army.

Investment, which ultimately decides the Polish team production would soon begin, because 58 thousand. the assault rifle beryl and mini beryl to be ready by 2019. According to Adam Suligi, Chairman of the long-standing Factories Weapons, advanced the concept of business expansion is ready. The task will be relatively easy because the facility is modular in nature, so dostawienie one or two elements should not cause problems.

Recall that in September last year, Plant, Weapon, Archer and the Inspectorate of Arms entered into a contract for the supply of next batch of rifle beryl and mini beryl (a total of more than 3 thousand people. pieces). The total cost of the contract is more than UAH 19 million.

Beryl and mini beryl is an automatic weapon intended for infantry units, airborne troops and other armed forces. Characterized by its accuracy, reliability, durability and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Due to the small size of the mini-beryl is easy to carry and to fight in enclosed spaces. All elements karabinka Archer received a certificate of protection in the form of community industrial design.

In its current form the rifle Factory was established 17 years ago. For the new headquarters, which cost about 100 million rubles, the company was transferred in 2014.

What other purchases planned resort of defense – you can read about it here.



Matthew Morawiecki about Brexicie: this is a very difficult process – Polish Radio

In the morning program of ” political “Ridge on Sunday” Morawiecki was talking to a journalist Sophy Ridge, in particular, about the British plan of withdrawal from the EU, reactions in other European capitals, the opportunities arising from this for Poland and the Poles living in the UK.

at least, both sides determined very precisely their rigid boundaries. Now we need to start talks to each other not to leave, – said the Deputy Prime Minister, commenting on the Prime Theresa may, who introduced the 12 priorities of the negotiations the UK.

when Asked about whether there is among our European partners desire to punish Britain for taking decisions on withdrawal from the European Union, Morawiecki confirmed that “heard a voice”. – Is this desire based on the logic that if a divorce would be too soft, may encourage other countries to withdraw, he said.

Is one of the lines of reasoning, logical, but we have to be very careful and do not overdo it, in which direction. It is important that the UK remains part of Europe, he said. We have to be very careful what we say. Words, ideas are related. We moved away from each other too far and we must do everything to return to the table, he added.

Deputy Prime Minister is at the same time that, in his opinion, “the negotiations will last longer than two years.”

Is a very complex process. If both parties do not find a new way to solve the disputed point – the freedom of movement of people and the common European market – it could take three or four years, he said.

Morawiecki also said that “disagree” with the American President Donald trump, who predicted the collapse of the European Union, but acknowledged that collaboration across sectors in some areas “went too far, provoked”. – We must return to a stable position, he said.

Referring to the million-strong community of Poles living in the UK, the Deputy Prime Minister said “I would like to invite them to Poland”. As he said, the government introduced, in particular, a plan for responsible development of the Polish economy and reformed the social system, enhancing support for young families with children. – All young families with children, please, please come back to us, it will be good for Poland and it’s not necessarily a bad thing for the UK – addressed.

Broadcast on Sunday interview was held during the Saturday trip Morawieckiego at the University of Cambridge, where he took part in 10. The Congress of Polish Student Associations in the UK. Besides him, during the conference they took the voice, in particular, the former Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski, the Ombudsman Adam Bodnar and historian Professor Andrew Novak.

During a lecture for students, Deputy Prime Minister stressed that “the answer to all socio-economic problems facing Poland, it is not a question of pressing his buttons”, and the introduction of important social benefits aimed at stopping the subsequent waves of emigration from Poland.

- Let’s stop people in Poland, because we don’t want another 2-3 million traveling is always on, both during the 7-8 waves of migrants from the November uprising in the XIX century, he said.

at the same time urged to return to the country, stressing that unemployment in Poland is at “historically low levels, and many new jobs tolerated (in Poland), as well as from the UK, the result Brexitu”.

- I was in the UK, four, five times, talking to corporations, financial, industrial and with great success, because tens of thousands of jobs move to Poland, he said, adding that many of them must meet the expectations of the graduates of the best British universities, in particular in the field of information technology and risk management.

- we Should be very proud of our country, but at the same time, we need new leaders – and I think you can become them – addressed.

