Monday, October 6, 2014

Lighting for replacement. LED is the billions of savings –

Lighting for replacement. LED is the billions of savings –

Polish energy needs huge investment to ensure competitive energy prices and energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, experts emphasize that you must strive to reduce energy consumption.

The simplest solution is the use of energy efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and home installations of RES, which are becoming cheaper. By replacing lighting to more modern Poland could save approx. 12.8 billion zł.


– There are many ways to reduce energy demand. We rarely drive a car or fly less frequently, but the most important thing is to look at ways in which we consume energy. 19 percent of the energy we consume the world today, is absorbed by the lighting. This lighting consumes up to 50 percent. energy. If we can reduce these rates, significantly reduce our energy consumption in general – says Joost Leeflang, CEO of Philips Central and Eastern Europe.


According to estimates by Philips global energy consumption for lighting will decline by 30 percent. in the years 2006-2020 . Thanks CO2 emissions into the atmosphere to fall by 515 million tons . In the case of the use of energy efficient LED lighting systems in all over the world energy consumption decrease by 40 percent. This corresponds to a power of 640 medium-sized power plants and would generate savings of € 130 billion – according to a report by Philips’ LED Lighting Revolution The “from 2012.


– The problem is that first you have to invest in order to later be able to save. Because that, in the future we will reap the benefits of LED lighting, is certain – it is an energy saving of 60-80 percent. We are currently working with financial institutions on a solution that will finance investments. based on future savings – says Leeflang.


In Poland, the potential scale of savings from replacement of the traditional solid-state lighting (LED) would prevent the construction of new power plants with a capacity of 2,000 MW, the cost of which is estimated by Philips at 12.8 billion zł.

At present, the most important challenge Polish energy sector is the replacement of old, inefficient coal-fired units and increasing the share of non-carbon energy sources. Analysts RWE analyzed four different scenarios relating to technologies in the energy and pace of economic development.


– In the first scenario, the worst case, we assume a very low or moderate GDP growth. Then we have two scenarios assuming moderate growth in GDP, which we called “Polish national road” and “green scenario”. We have the optimistic scenario of high economic growth, which we call a “scenario of new technologies.” We assume in the very significant contribution of new technologies and new approaches to energy efficiency – explains Filip Thon, CEO of RWE Poland.


According to him, each of the scenarios guarantees the fulfillment of the three main objectives.


– First, Poland is more or less independent of energy when it comes to supplies from other countries. Second, energy prices for end customers remain at the level achievable for them. Thirdly, CO2 emissions remain at a level which Poland is able to effectively manage over the next 35-40 years, even if the reduction targets will be very restrictive – believes Thon.


The development of technologies for renewable energy makes to reconcile the sometimes conflicting objectives – such as. Competitive energy prices and a drop in greenhouse gas emissions – it becomes easier. Filip Thon expects market growth prosumenckiego, ie domestic installations producing electricity and heat from renewable sources.


– Prices of solar panels have fallen over the last seven years by 70 percent. In some markets we reached grid parity, ie a situation in which it is cheaper to install a photovoltaic cell on the roof, then draw power from the grid. It must of course be associated with an intelligent energy management. It is not enough photovoltaic panel on the roof, you need to have a comprehensive idea of ​​how to manage energy, for example. Then, when you’re not at home, and your cell produces energy – indicates the CEO of RWE.



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