Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The discount shops have already reached wall – Interia

this year, the amount of the discount note will increase by more than 100 /©123RF/PICSEL

Discounters, at least, the decade did not grow as slowly as now. From January to September, four network operating in the food industry market entered a total of 67 seats.

To the end of the year, this segment will grow in total more than 100 stores. It’s 26.5 percent. less about the past and to 71.2 percent. record regarding 2013. There are several reasons why this kind of shops are reaching the limits of their own capabilities.

Analysts from been saying for years that the country has a place for approx. 5 thousand discount note. In recent times, some to check your grades.

Director of the Polish organization of Trade and Distribution Andrew Falinski talked about the barrier of 4-4,5 thousand Impact this had, particularly last year’s collapse network Red Handbag.

- This bankruptcy was proof that Polish consumers do not want to shop in regular discount stores, there are shops, which sell only products of its own brand, and selling is carried out with pallet – said Yegor Skolimowska from the network Net. In turn, the program of 500 plus made that increased the demand for better quality goods.

- This trend is visible for a long time. Therefore, discounters are expanding their product range brand, often premium przeobrażając in the usual supermarkets. In particular, that in the Wake of the change proposal there is a repair seats, – says Andrey Falinski.

Given that our country is almost 3,8 thousand people. discounters say that the growth potential is running out. Stores some networks even begin kanibalizować. It can be seen, especially after Costco, where it is difficult to find a place for the new premises. According to Any Luísy Virgínii, Director of corporate Jeronimo Martins, the chain plans to open a total of approx. 100 stores, although this is a very difficult task, because by the end of September managed it with only 50 organizations.

Even if the Portuguese were fully implemented, will be twice more modest than in previous years. Currently, Jeronimo Martins in Poland 2.7 thousand shops.

- we should not forget that the network closes unprofitable companies. This year is going to close 20 stores – says Bartosz Bolecki of the company PMR. Experts also remind you that the Ladybug involved in ultimately functioning ok. 3 thousand stores in Poland. Little, therefore, separates it from the border. – In addition, louder saying she is looking for opportunities for growth in other markets. Recently appeared information, that the Covenant to purchase the network in Romania. So we see that the company also knows the limitations that face on the Polish market,” adds Bolecki.

also Produces Income that will launch this year seven new stores compared to 19 in 2015. In turn, Lidl, which had plans to accelerate the development, keeps the momentum going. This year was enriched by 23 companies. The plan also keeps Aldi, which is developing at a pace of approx. 10 stores per year. According to our interlocutors for the cooling of the plans network, in addition to the saturation of the market, also contributed to the threat of the introduction of the sales tax. Long work and uncertainty as to its final form complicate the calculation of the costs, which of the name they bore by the company.

so they decided for the opening of the only stores on which work was already advanced. – A similar phenomenon is observed in other segments of the market. In General slows down the development of the entire industry trade. Network set for repair – says Bartosz Bolecki. Plan Ladybug, Lidl and Netto. This year zmodernizujemy 31 stores. Less investment scale in our case, however, it is also the consequence of the loan, which is repaid in connection with the merger of shares in a network with AP Moller-Marsk, – says Yegor Skolimowska Clean.

this turn of events satisfied a small family shops. The slowdown in the discount note means for them some time breathing. – According to our estimates that one new job is at a discount and liquidate four of the five spots in an independent trade, – explains the Director of the Polish chamber of Commerce Eugene Ptaszyński.

Experts note, however, that this world will not last forever, because they want to join them and other players. At least Carrefour, which is in the middle of the year, has rebranded one of its stores (Piekary śląskie), replacing it with Supeco. This discount rate branching network, which the company started to develop some time ago in other countries, particularly in Romania. The bike after the second round we heard that is still continuing tests of a new brand, don’t know when we will be open the following companies under its sign.

Patricia Otto



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