The company Universal Energy is ready to take over three of the four to be decommissioned mines Coal Company to continue mining operations. As for KWK Brzeszcze, KWK Sośnica-Makoszowy and KWK Menyanthes Center – Universal Energy company said in a press release.
“The company (Universal Energy – ed. PAP) believe that it is able to carry out the restructuring of the above. Mines, in such a way that it was possible the continuation of their economic activity,” – said in a press release.
“Today, the company turned to the authorities Coal Company proposed a meeting in this topic” – added.
Universal Energy is a company technology and engineering operating in the energy and mining sectors.
Government Plenipotentiary. Mining restructuring, Wojciech Kowalczyk, said on Monday in TOK FM radio station that the government will support the search for investors for the organized part of the property wygaszanych mines.
“These four mines need to hit to the Company Restructuring Mines. (…) This is not a judgment. Organized part of the property may be purchased by investors. The Act on the Functioning of the mining industry, which will Proceeded is the possibility of selling part of a business by SRK, which ended up in the four mines, if it hits an external investor “- said Kowalczyk.
According to the approved last week by the government’s plan for KW possibilities of financing the company ran out and without restructuring it will fall within a month. Among the solutions mentioned liquidation of four mines KW (Menyanthes Center, Brzeszcze, Peace and Sośnica-Makoszowy), the transfer of 6 thousand. people to other plants and cover for redundant – at the expense of approx. 2.3 billion zł.
The recovery plan for KW for the sale of a new established company by Węglokoks SPV 9 of 14 mines Company. Of the remaining one has to buy Węglokoks (Piekary), and another four are to be terminated by the Company Restructuring Mines (NDS). According to the board KW, further mining at four mines, which will be transferred to the NDS, is economically unjustified. In 2014 years, these plants have produced a total of 821 million zł losses. (PAP)
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