# This leads among information about the meeting, Prime Minister of the local government #
12.01. Katowice (PAP) – In Katowice, attended by Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, still are talking ws. The government’s recovery plan for the Coal Company. Before the Silesian Regional Office, where ongoing protests dozens of trade unionists. “We want to work, not to protest” – chant.
The talks with Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz started in the Silesian province office chair. 14; after two hours of the meeting was discontinued them for a while and head of government moved to another room of the building to talk to local governments of cities in which they are to be liquidated mines – said a spokeswoman for the governor Marta Malik.
Before the office building of dozens of trade unionists gathered. At some time in the evening rush hour, they blocked the pedestrian crossing in front of the office, in the city center. “Come with us! Today we, tomorrow you!” – Cried for nervous drivers.
The fires also firecrackers and allegedly shouted, “We want to work, not to protest,” “Thieves”, and “Do not pajacujmy” – a reference to the wording of one of the representatives of the government delegation during the weekend talks that offended unionists.
Founded including elimination of four mines government restructuring plan biggest mining companies in the European Union aroused great excitement in Silesia. For several days, the miners underground lead protests. On Monday expanded share – underground miners protest took the next four mines KW. In Katowice unionists blocked the railway tracks, and women for winding-up went to Warsaw with a petition to President Bronislaw Komorowski.
Councilman provincial Law and Justice Peter Czarnynoga reported on Thursday that the councilors of this group made by the President of Parliament of the Province of Silesia request to convene an urgent session of the regional council. It would be the only subject – as written – “Silesian mining dramatic situation”.
Protesters also supported the miners on Monday nurses from the region of Silesia National Trade Union of Nurses and Midwives.
On Monday convened a press conference in Opole Polish Solidarity deputy (SP) What Patrick said it would Opole MPs urged to co-signed a letter to the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz urging the government to “rethink its strategy on Polish mining “. According to the deputy SP Coal Company restructuring in the form proposed by the government assumes its disposal, and this can be very detrimental to the staging of two new coal blocks Opole Power Plant (EO). In the middle of 2013. KW has signed a letter of intent with PGE, which provided, inter alia, be provided to the new blocks Opole Power Plant approx. 6 million tons of coal per year. “Utilization of Coal Company will thus have a direct relevance also for the Opole region” – explained What.
On Saturday and Sunday in Katowice, negotiations with representatives of the mining union government delegation. Twice they were picked by trade unionists who finally declared that they would return to the talks, but on the condition that he would take part in them, Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz, and that will cover the entire industry, not just KW.
According to the board KW further mining at four mines – Bobrek Centre in Bytom, Brzeszcze in Malopolska village of the same name, Room in Ruda Slaska and Sośnica-Makoszowy in Gliwice and Zabrze – is economically unjustified. In 2014. These plants produced a total of 821 million zł losses.
According to the adopted on Wednesday by the government’s plan for KW possibilities of financing the company ran out and without restructuring it will fall within a month. Among the solutions identified four mines KW liquidation, transfer of 6 thousand. people to other plants and cover for redundant – at the expense of approx. 2.3 billion zł.
The government ensures that in the event of a recovery plan to downsize touches KW up to approx. 3 thousand. people who will be covered by the shell programs. Otherwise, the company threatens bankruptcy as a result of which the work will lose nearly 50 thousand. people – warns the Ministry of Economy.
The recovery plan for KW for the sale of a new established company by Węglokoks SPV 9 of 14 mines Company. Of the remaining one has to buy Węglokoks (Piekary), and another four are to be terminated by the Company Restructuring of Mines.
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