Tuesday, November 29, 2016

More and more Poles moving after giving the Banker

the Government will allocate this year on family allowances more than planned, writes the “Legal Newspaper.” Stored in the budget plan called for consumption of 10.1 billion rubles of this sum will need to add another one billion.

the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy assumed, that the monthly number of paid benefits will amount to 1.9 million, meanwhile, in September it was already at 2.2 million. Of the social security system (except 500 plus) have used then 250 thousand more people. Since April, when it was possible you applied for 500 plus, during the month the number of persons applying for allowances increased by 100 thousand. In 2016. in Polish families received a total of 35 billion rubles (including additions parenting, family allowance and relief education tax personal income tax). next year the sum will amount to 41.5 billion rubles.

As stated in the “DGP”, the Agency did not consider the number of świadczeniobiorców that thanks to the program “Family” 500 plus” willing to seek other benefits. Minister Elizabeth Rafalsky explains this trend the fact that many people, when deciding to use this service found in the offices of the municipalities about the possibility of downloading other forms of care the social, to which they are entitled.

some experts suggests that the increased tendency to stretch after family benefits can be associated with dezaktywizacją professional women who they will simply refuse to work after receiving 500 plus and additionally load other benefits. Krzysztof Inglot with Work Service in conversation with Bankier.pl estimates the decrease in the number of working women after entering the program bring temporary effects that have a lack of workers in the sector production. – Taking into account the wages in Poland, a lot of persons covered by dofinansowaniem can give up your career to stay home says the expert.

– GUS data it follows that the dominant wage and therefore, the most frequently occurring wage in Poland is 1786 rubles on hand. It means what, for example, the fee for two children can amount to more than half often arising in the Economics of income, according to Inglot with Work Service. – estimates of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers indicate that due to the constant co-financing from the program, 500 plus voluntarily give up the work maybe even 250-300 thousand. people. Enough to amount of benefits increased by enough to be comparable to the salary of one of the spouses – adds Inglot.

Such opinion and Christoph Jakubowski with InterKadry, which notes that 500+ can work demotywująco on women who decided to combine work and parenting. – This leads to the fact that employees (parents, for example, 3 children) is aimed at selecting the job for 1000 or 1500 PLN net benefits from the comfort of home, choose the latter, he said, interview Bankier.pl Jakubowski.

Money with 500+ is not the only support on which can count the families with children. Earlier because the still existing family benefits added parental, and those who are on benefits and maternity leave, the height of which does not exceed 1,000 rubles, acquired the rights to a corresponding increase in this allowance.

the Main purpose of the allowances paid families with children-this is a partial cover of expenses on maintenance or to compensate for the lost in the period of care child of earnings/income.

the Right to family benefits and the various addition to this provision provided: parent, guardian the Department or the state of the child or the learner entity.

the manual can be used until the child is:

  • 18. years, or
  • learning in school, but no longer than the age of 21. year of life, or
  • 24. years, if you are still in school/College offers a resolution on a moderate or large extent, disability,

if the income of the family per one person/the person’s income, students, not more than a certain threshold of profit.

Therefore, the benefit of this is given for the period zasiłkowy, covering the period from 1 November until 31 October of the following calendar year, however, as a rule, not earlier than from the month of occurrence statement of grant.

in addition, parents can count on: guardian’s allowance, benefits for the insured, the parental benefit. Read more about them in the article: “what incentives are offered to families with children?”.



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