Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Constitution of the business Morawieckiego this new “law Wilczka”? Entrepreneurs: to change the mentality of officials – Money.pl

the Principle “what is not prohibited by law is permitted”, the presumption of innocence of the entrepreneur and user-friendly interpretation of the provisions of law or no charge registration small business. Such changes introduces prepared by Deputy Prime Minister Matthew Morawieckiego the Constitution of business”, which has been dubbed the new “law Wilczka”. Business representatives praised the Foundation of the law, but note that the key is changing the mentality of officials.

Update 12:37

the Basic assumptions of the Constitution of business, presented “Pulse of Business”. In addition to the General principles of cooperation between the camera state and the entrepreneurs, the law introduces a number of specific solutions such as the elimination of REGON numbers, exemption from social insurance contributions during the first six months, eliminating the obligation to have a seal of the company or revocation of permits and licenses as forms of limitation.

Officials have not udławią laughter

Very good Constitution the assessment of business Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Alexey Kaźmierczak, who are already familiar with the full text of the draft law. As noted in a conversation with money.pl it is difficult to compare this law the “law Wilczka" because it occurs in completely different realities.

- the most important novelty is the conversion of a number of constitutional rights by law – emphasizes Kaźmierczak. – In Poland, the Constitution is not adopted in the Treasury, and attempt to contact the primary law faces charges of attempted murder, because officials could udławić laughing. Now you will be able to apply directly to the law, he said.

Chapter ZPP satisfied that returns the principle “what is not prohibited by law is permitted". – This principle seems obvious, but often this practice is that as an entrepreneur, doing something, meeting with the question “where is the recipe that allows it?" says Kaźmierczak.

- Thanks to the law will be in a much better position relative to the camera inspection, but I hope you get to the end, if we are talking about the approach of the officials of the Treasury, that they cease to act in this way, oppressive, behave in relation to entrepreneurs and citizens like you, the occupation, – says Alexei Kaźmierczak. – However, if there is a clear message from the Deputy Prime Minister Morawieckiego, there is a chance that officials will change their approach to the entrepreneurs,” he says.

the Perception of entrepreneurs as partners

a key role of the officials themselves in the introduction of a new quality of the camera operation state indicates also Arkadiusz Donut, expert of Employers RP. The key question, of course, impossible to enter into the legal framework of the law, and with whom entrepreneurs face every day. This is an unpleasant, often obcesowe processing executives – attracts attention. – Constitution for the business should attempt a settlement on the newly relationship between officials and entrepreneurs, he adds.

the Expert of Employers of POLAND stresses that Polish entrepreneurs for many years are waiting for you on a professional public administration and complain of hard barriers in doing business, such as przygniatająca bureaucracy, excessive length in the most simple cases, contradictory rules or opresyjność tax administration.

- the Key to success is the perception of businessmen, government officials as partners, says the Doughnut. – To respect and treatment as they deserve, those that produce a huge portion of the GDP, he adds.

Not just a step in a good way

- If the law will not be competitive in relation to the solutions used by Polish entrepreneurs in Ireland, the UK, the Czech Republic or in Germany, it would not deserve the title of the next “law Wilczka," – said in an interview with money.pl Andrew Sadowski, founder and President of the Center. Adam Smith.

- If the Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki wants to attract entrepreneurs from the UK, you probably want to offer the best solutions than in this country, says Sadowski. – Only so, and not a bribe in the form of regular benefits can attract investors. First of all, we are talking about Polish entrepreneurs who need to have in Poland the best conditions, than even in the Czech Republic, he said.

says the head of the CAS, if the government wants to implement his far-reaching plans, “is not enough to make a step in the right direction.” – Need to change the entire system state, which is the No. 1 enemy of the Polish entrepreneurship, he said.

Law five pages

23 Dec 1988, in the Sejm of the Polish people’s Republic IX convocation voted for the law on entrepreneurial activity, prepared by the recently appointed Minister of industry Ilya Wilczka in the government of Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski.

“the Law Wilczka” because it quickly began to call, rewolucjonizowała reality activities, Polish, allowing each citizen adoption and maintenance of economic activity on an equal footing. The text of the law consisted of only five pages, and its content in the most brief was to revolutionary reality, pnrm. the principle that everything is permitted that is not prohibited.

the Law Wilczka provides only 8 licenses to conduct certain types of business activities. Then the number of possible concessions, permits and restrictions, was growing like an avalanche.

the late Gregory Wilczek after several years of very critical remarks about the attitude of officials towards entrepreneurs. Officials love to control people. Don’t like it when they are free and independent. Therefore, limit freedom. Having power over the economy and businesses can also take bribes, he said.


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