Monday, November 28, 2016

The poles are in line for social. The government will spend on social benefits of more than one billion dollars more than planned –

Mentioned a billion – it’s a lot, considering that the plan outlined in the budget provided for the payment of benefits approx. 10.1 billion rubles. But, it seems that not doszacowano number świadczeniobiorców. Resort labor provided that the average number of benefits paid per month will amount to 1.9 million, meanwhile, in September, it was 2.2 million. Of the social security system (without the 500 plus calculated separately) taken at the time, about 250 thousand people.

Much more frequently than expected, the government sięgaliśmy after giving called kosiniakowym,, that is 1000 rubles a month for mothers who are not entitled to benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. Even the previous government szacował that stands to gain from it in the year 59 thousand people, and only now downloaded it 83,5 thous. that gives an increase of 40 percent.

the Reason for dynamic increases in benefits can be substantial changes in the advantages. Was raised the threshold of income above which lost the right to benefits. Importance is also the theory that it is the effect of leaving the niskopłatnej work using the program “Family” 500 plus”. Especially for those employees who have income in the family was slightly more than 800 rubles per person, pozbawiało their right to Supplement already for the first child.

This trend can attest to the fact that a significant increase in the number of allowances came at the time of the introduction of the Handbook on child care,, that is in April. According to the Minister of labour Elizabeth Rafalskiej this effect that a lot of people asking for 500 plus at the reception learned that they can also receive the family allowance because they are entitled.


the growing popularity of benefits the amount of payments from the budget for families, and breaking records. Counting along with relief in the PIT and additions 500 plus from the budget this year was to get them around 34 billion UAH. It is already known that this amount could be a billion rubles more. Together with the beginning of the program “Family” 500 plus” significantly increased the number of beneficiaries, the remaining family benefits. The monthly labor Department figures show that the jump at 100 thousand. people in the number of AIDS occurred between April and may. It was time for the enrollment of 500 plus.

– a Lot of people learned when making bids on 500 plus that has the right to family benefits –, – said Gennady Mularczyk from the municipal Social Assistance Centre in tarnów. According to the experts of 500 plus might break in some people, the barrier to using social aid. People learn, what they need, and, by the way, 500 plus reduced effect of stigma. If the provision of educational accept all, to accept that benefits will not be ashamed evaluates Sophia Swede, an economist with SGH.

After April the number of benefits still continued to grow until August, reaching a record level of 2.2 million, and then fell in September to 80 thousand. The reasons for this latter phenomenon in part that the last month, which was paid allowance for persons who have completed the training, it was August. If it continues, apply in September and benefits will be paid in the following months.

If the increase in the number of applicants for benefits continues, it is scheduled for next year the amount of transfers to 41.5 billion rubles will also be exceeded. The budget in 2017. without it will be tight, because in addition to the cost of the program “Family” 500 plus” (about 23 billion rubles) finansom transport will be a burden reduction of the retirement age (at least kilkumiliardowy reduction of receipts from premiums to FUS and additional expenditure on pensions). However, the government restricts public commitment to maintain the deficit of public finances to 3%. GDP.

Michael Myck, Director of economic research CenEA, believes that in such a situation I would like to return to the discussion about count money with 500 plus ” the income was taken into account when calculating other benefits.

– During the discussion on the program “Family” 500 plus”, we noticed that niewliczanie additions to the income assessed for the calculation of other payments can have negative consequences. This strengthens the incentive to enter the labour market. Need a discussion of what to do with the whole system of support for families: tax relief and family allowances, as the main support mechanism for families 500 plus. Seem a natural combination of benefits is common, as apps for education and family, depending on income, into one complete system. Today various elements are not combined with each other, ,– says Mikhail Myck.

Calculation of income from 500 plus the criteria for the granting of family benefits can give around 2 billion rubles in savings. This is your chance to introduce this change, because next year it will be made an overview of the work program “Family 500 plus” and the whole system of family support. There may also be a question of indexing 500 plus in subsequent years, which will further increase expenditures on supporting families. Offset allowances by 5 percent. this means an increase in expenditures in the budget 1 billion UAH.

the Resort of the family while not expressed in these matters, but if changes are not made, costs will increase because it will increase the number of people receiving benefits. And not only budgetary savings but also support the professional activities of parents receiving 500 plus. Today, the part of the Poles may refuse to work or to seek work in the grey zone to get 500 plus for the first child and family benefits (especially where one of the parents performs niskopłatną work, abandoning it may be balanced for 500 plus and family allowances).


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