Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grecja.Wszyscy choose money from ATMs – Greeks and tourists –

Few of the tourists, who on Saturday watched on the central square of Athens, Syntagma, the traditional changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, were aware of the fact that next door, in the Greek parliament is to debate ws. Referendum, which can have a huge impact on the future Greece.

“Something we have heard, but not to the end” – told PAP American couple that Athens but rather is located near the port of Piraeus wrapped on board a passenger ship, flowing over Greek islands.

The accompanying guide Yiannis, a moment before describing the smallest detail dress National Guard soldiers who guard the place of national remembrance in white fustanellach or pleated skirts, shrugged.

“Everything will be fine. We have a good prime minister. He tried, as he could get along with Euroland but it did not so we will have a referendum. But not to worry, in Greece it is easy to survive. A little bit of cheese, tomato olives “- he downplayed the matter, Yianis.

On the question of his client, a native Pole named Cieslak, confirmed, however, that it is better if before continuing the family will provide the euro, because I do not know whether the next port, where their ship calls, will be There was still a possibility.

In a restaurant near the street Ermua, eaten dinner a group of Poles from Tri-City, he told PAP that in addition queues for ATMs they had seen on Saturday morning, they did not notice any other signs of impending financial storm.

“We’re doing a tour of Greece and everywhere we absolutely love. The Greeks at all about this crisis does not mention” – he said the woman coming from Gdansk. She complained that since last year prices went up: “At the same store a year ago I bought a bottle of olive oil for three euros, including seven already wanted.”

Sitting next to a pair of Chinese students also did not care for the very serious situation in Greece.

“We know that Greece may exit the euro zone, but the travel agency that organized our trip, told us that for us it will not matter” – they told PAP Chinese. “This morning it is true as we saw that there’s a line to the ATM at our hotel, also went and picked some cash. Tomorrow and the whole group so we go to Rhodes. We look forward to a great vacation”.

A passing next four prosperous-looking Swiss was convinced that the Eurogroup should cease to engage in financial problems of Greece.

“I can express in one sentence: should be allowed to leave the euro zone. After all, they, and so this debt is never paid off” – told PAP one of them. He admitted that everyone is carrying a supply of money for a few weeks because also going on a cruise around the islands.

In a small boutique in Plaka, the owner Anna said that the news of the referendum on the night of Friday to Saturday got out of bed and ran to the nearest ATM to select some cash.

“I have in the bank too much money, because first of what has already been picked, and secondly, still I have to pay for something, so everything is in circulation, but suddenly I thought I’d better pull all “- says Anna. He added he did not believe that Greece actually was in serious trouble, because it is a country in which it is easy to live. But then he settles down and asks the question: “But maybe someone we should be a little bit more about what will happen after the referendum explain?”.

More than 600 million were selected on Saturday with Greek ATMs. In almost half of the day they run out of money.

The Greek Government contends that on Monday the banks will operate normally, and that will not be introduced capital controls.

In the night from Friday to Saturday, Prime Minister Alexis Cipras announced that it plans to announce a referendum on the country. Greece’s rescue package proposed by international lenders. Eurozone finance ministers refused on Saturday to extend the current program, which expires on 30 June. That is why Greece threatened with bankruptcy.

From Athens Agnieszka Rakoczy


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