Friday, June 26, 2015

Mazowsze: Soon the first contests and measures of ROP new … – Interia

Stefan Kotlewski of the Mazowieckie regional council. Fig. portalplockpl / Press Release

In the province. Mazowieckie in the current term levels EU funding will amount to 85 per cent., as in 2007-2013, and the highest 80 percent. due to the change in the status of the region’s more developed. Change the priorities of support – eg. In the category of research and development in the previous programming period envelope it was 88 million, and now it will be up to 278 million euros, while for funding low-carbon economy will increase from 30 million in the previous to 324 million euros the current term.

On Friday in Plock with participation of local government officials held a conference officially inaugurating the new edition of the Regional Operational Programme (ROP) of the Mazowieckie voivodship.

– In contrast to what happened in Mazovia the previous term of EU funding where we started from a fairly long delay, I think that in this programming period this delay will not. The first of nearly 300 million is to be allocated to beneficiaries in the third and fourth quarter of this year – said Stefan Kotlewski, chairman of the regional development strategies and spatial development of Mazovia regional council. He added that last for more work on programming documents detailing the ROP for the province. Mazowieckie for the perspective 2014-2020.

Kotlewski recalled that earlier strategy developed province. 2030 Mazowieckie. described the Strategic Intervention Areas, or sub-regional areas which need special support because they themselves are not able to deal with problems concerning their development and the necessary investments, especially when they go beyond the ability of one local government. “Strategy is the reference element that shows which direction to take. It is a tip for programming and planning documents created both at regional level and at the level of county and municipal governments,” – he explained.

As the Kotlewski, is the first Polish Mazowsze region, which exceeded the level of 75 percent. Of the EU average GDP per capita and therefore this region is regarded as an area better developed. He added that the first consequence is the reduction of the maximum EU aid, which was admissible in an airtight currently programming period 2007-13, which is up to 85 percent. funding, of which benefited both governments and businesses, to the level of support of up to 80 percent. – These consequences naturally we will have feelings and deal with them in a different way than before planning your expenses supported by EU funds – said the Kotlewski.

Kotlewski pointed out that accepting the ROP province. Mazovia EU perspective 2014-20 European Commission recommended “to bind more strongly and merge with each other so called. spending hard”, ie investments in infrastructure and enterprise, and not to forget about the elements on human capital, “would not have enough to counteract the exclusion of what to think about social inclusion to those who have suffered exclusion “. He explained that EU support in the new term will be possible within the priorities related to the objectives of the strategy “Europe 2020″, taking into account that 60 per cent. envelope of the European Regional Development Fund will have to be focused on specific areas as innovation, research, information and communication technologies, as well as the competitiveness of enterprises and low-carbon economy.

Kotlewski added that in addition to strategic objectives: industry and manufacturing, will also be supported intermediate objectives, including covering: transport, society, environment, culture. – It is also important that we have known. performance reserve. This will consist in the fact that at certain intervals so we will have to achieve. milestones, controlled in each of the priority axes of the Regional Operational Programme, which will have to account for the acquired indicators and effects. This will certainly years 2017-2019 – he stressed.

EU funds until 2020. In the province. Mazowieckie over 230 million will be spent on development of entrepreneurship. On the road it will be 232 million euros, and to turn 135 million. The fight against unemployment and professional activation of the amount reserved will be over 450 million. On education will be 161.9 million euros, and on supporting the fight against poverty and social exclusion, including support for the social economy more than 172 million euros.

As part of the ROP province. Mazowieckie in the current 2014-20 EU perspective, this region will be able to distribute a total amount of almost € 2.1 billion. This is less of approx. 700 million zł from the previous outlook of the years 2007-13, and the difference is due to the current status of the province, as the region’s more developed.


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