Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Greeks will decide in a referendum if they can accept EU conditions. It’s going to … – Politics

Speculation talked about early elections. Instead, next week, July 5, will hold an extraordinary referendum. Greek citizens have to answer a question on the latest conditions for granting aid for his country, allowing once again avoid bankruptcy.

Alexis Ciprasa However, the government will not remain neutral in the referendum. On the contrary, it will clearly encourage to reject the proposal of the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. The majority of Greeks want to keep the euro it is true, but there is still a credible political force that would lead these people and oppose a Ciprasowi.

The result of the referendum is therefore an open question, especially since the question was formulated after thinking of the ruling coalition: “Are you in favor of rejection conditions help?”. So those voting against must really tick YES, while supporting the objectives of the program should answer NO.

The ruling Syriza wants to protect themselves against social agitation in both cases. If the Greeks adopt new aid conditions Cipras decomposed hands and say that they wanted further cuts and tax increases rather than listen to the Prime Minister. If, however, say NO governments of the euro area (ie, vote YES) will not be able to have the government blame if Greece loses euro, was declared insolvent, will introduce the drachma, and the banking sector will cease to exist in its current form, because the European Central Bank will turn off the tap with money.

What’s good for the government, for ordinary Greeks it is currently ordeal. For the first time in front of many ATMs were formed long queues, which is a prelude to a dramatic week przedreferendalnego. We do not know how to react to a new idea Ciprasa lender. Formally time for payment of the next installment to the IMF it’s now Tuesday, and the referendum is to be held until Sunday after all.

When it seemed that, despite many bitter words and mutual allegations Greece and the rest of the euro zone work out a compromise. we have again an earthquake. Probably not the last.


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