Three small town in the state of new Hampshire – Dixville Notch, Millsfield and HART’s Location – they have a custom of open places just after midnight on election day. After the counting of votes in all three trump has 32, Clinton 25. It is already the final results because the polls were all eligible to vote.
pre-election Polls in new Hampshire, one of the few provisions in which decides the outcome, Tuesday’s election showed a tie. Same as in Ohio, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Florida. To become President, trump needs to win at least five of these ‘remisowych’ States, including Florida
Final Democrats: Bon Jovi, Sprengsteen, Obamowie and Clinton
In practice this is unlikely, but Clinton and her staff prefer to be safe than sorry. On Monday evening staged a big, huczny the final campaign in Philadelphia, the largest city of Pennsylvania, the first on the fresh air, playing and singing Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Sprengsteen, and then took to the stage in turn you Obamowie and Clinton.
Barack Obama than any other President in US history got involved in the election of his successor in recent weeks he has taken part in 17 rallies in support of Hillary. Yesterday in Philadelphia reacted to the rumors that in the last days of the campaign, the headquarters of the trump does not allow him to enter on Twitter (where the Republican candidate has a habit of offend different people).
– Advisor to the trump took his access to Twitter, but they want us to give him access to the nuclear codes? asked Obama.
it also bid for these elections is huge because trump promises to undo the major achievements of Obama: repeal health care reform, derail the agreement on the limitation of nuclear program with Iran, to trash wynegocjowany recently, the free trade agreement in the Pacific region, etc.
After a rally in Philadelphia, Hillary flew now in North Carolina, where, in turn, promotes its Lady Gaga.
trump also participate in a crazy pace: within 48 hours of the nine meetings in six States. But they all had one max with its candidate for the post of Vice-President Mike Pence.
– there is No Jay-Z, Jon Bon Jovi or Lady Gaga. Everything we have is good ideas how to make America great again,” he says.
trump apart of the crowd
Last meetings trump had a completely different atmosphere than a few months ago. Znormalniały. Uczłowieczyły. In Arizona, where in August announced detailed plans for the deportation of illegal immigrants, I feel like at the rally of the gang on motorcycles. Sunday night in Loudon, Virginia, I met at that time businessmen, families with young children, students. Apparently, the closer to the election, the more concern them as regular people. Over three hours we waited patiently in endless queues to the gates with metal detectors, which are pre-set before entering the Secret Service.
monstrous queues formed regularly before wiecami trump. Almost everywhere halls, stadiums and halls bursting at the seams. But in order to even be in the County of Loudon? The picturesque hilly land of vineyards, wymuskanych houses, enclosures for horses and fenced with fences of white painted wooden beams. All as a movie, the dream is the American Dream. At first glance, does not resemble the country of the trump…
– Hillary? No way! – I said Chris, a student, who together with his colleagues went here by car, an hour from Washington. – You’re from Europe, maybe you know this piece of Shakespeare: “It’s a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”. I don’t remember exactly what it was about, but if trump lost, it would go perfect with our shitty situation, isn’t it? The last year America will go down the drain!
My friend Nicole, which I pulled on this last in this campaign and in Virginia, I agree with Chris. Has very wealthy parents, but she only asset and she likes what trump says about illegal immigrants. – Why do they get everything for free, and I have, for example, to read nearly a thousand dollars a month on insurance for the whole family?
What to do, America is so decorated. Rich people invest in the stock exchange, they account grows even when you sleep, avoid taxes. The poor are also, in principle, is not bad: they get free food stamps and free health care from Obama. Do not pay any taxes. Stress-free life. Free stuff. Just like Nicole, honest, normal people have to work and pay taxes, which keeps everything else. It is a modern American middle class, which is often heavily supports trump. Too rich to be the son of the householder of the state, too poor to have easy and trouble-free life.
Policy won’t change, because they are somewhere in the middle class. The Democrats count on the votes of parasites, but the Republicans in donations from millionaires who as a reward will receive new tax benefits. Only trump is the hope of the decay of this sick system, says Nicole
Hope “basket żałośników”
I Think everyone in the queue they live something like hope, because otherwise not many hours. But trump is still no, apparently just finished, so in Pennsylvania! To make it more fun and more fun, some time gathered skandują password: “Build that wall!” (Wybudujmy this wall [on the border with Mexico]); “Lock her up!” (Here she [Clinton] behind bars); “Drain the swamp!” (Osuszmy [employment opportunities] swamp).
Despite this, somewhere between the second and third hour General standing start with them to sympathize. And I’m even a little ashamed that his thoughts had abandoned them, as a rule, – in the same way, as did Hillary Clinton in the “basket żałośników”.
Their hopes – also my friend Nicole, a student of Chris’, everyone in the queue and many millions of Americans will soon dissipate. The whole long campaign, which was to change their lives, Wednesday morning will have only the story of an idiot, loud, no, but nothing nieznaczącą. Tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Interestingly, while President Clinton could have told them some other story that I can believe?
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