Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Higher wages in Poland can provide a lighter sentence thief … – Virtual Poland

With the changes in the legislation, some thieves can count on a lenient punishment – reported “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”. All through changing every year, the value of stolen goods, of which the court treated as a criminal offense embezzlement, and not as common offense.

Since November 2013, the amount is not fixed (that is, for example, invariably 200 zlotys) , and every year it shall be determined again. According to this provision, the crime can speak only when the value of the stolen goods is higher than the height of 1/4 of the minimum wage in a given year.

Since January this minimum wage is 1,750 zloty, and last year it was 1,680 zlotys , the amount of which is calculated theft as a crime, increased by 17.5 zloty. Is now exactly 437.5 zloty.

This raises big problems in already ongoing proceedings – writes “DGP”. It happens that things that roll of a crime, you have to turn to the matter of the offense. Also in cases already completed need to change the classification of the offense – but only in those in which judgments have not yet been made.

The problem arises in the case of suspended, as to change the judgment, you need to punishment hang up. – If, therefore, the two thieves was given a suspended sentence for theft, eg. 300 zł, the one who later committed another offense, you had to hang up the previous punishment and by the way replace it with a penalty for the offense. To him who is right for the second time not broke, do not relieve judgment – he says as quoted by “DGP” judge Maciej Strączyński, president of the Association of Polish Judges for Justice and Peace.


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