Saturday, April 25, 2015

How to insure from the state? – Republic

Peter Alexandrovich

Peter Alexandrovich

Source: Fotorzepa

The author: Waldemar Kompała

Friday brought some information about PZU. First Bloomberg citing two sources said it would invest in the shares of PZU New Coal Company.

PZU spokesman said he could not comment on that information. After a few hours, when stock prices fell PZU over 4 percent, the company lost 1.6 billion in value, the spokesman said that is not interested in PZU shares NKW. Quotations have increased, but so close and he was in the back of PZU 2.4 percent, or one billion dollars. Rotation of the day amounted to PLN 357 million, the transaction was 15,000, as if you do not count a few people suffered losses. Their business, like someone playing in investments in state companies, should know that there is a risk of death or serious injury.

I wonder who let Bloomberg. PZU wanted to show what threatens compulsion to buy shares of a great New Coal Company? Treasury testing whether threatens big a heart attack? Or maybe examined the PZU or not it is worth to buy these shares, making good miners and the owner? Only one thing is certain, that Bloomberg did not take this information from the air.

Anyway, it seems unlikely that the PZU, if it were private, entertaining, or was the subject of an equally stupid playground. No, but as you know regaining national champion what they paid for by taxpayers. As in 2009, gave the press a settlement with Eureko cost them $ 9 billion zlotys, but PZU is ours, or state, or temporarily Mr. Karpinski.

On Friday, the owner of a large part of Polish, Mr. Minister of Treasury also announced that it has the agreement between the State Post Office, and the State Bank of the Post, making Bank Post is placed on the stock exchange. The message read: “Vladimir Karpinski emphasized that the introduction of new entity on the WSE is implemented consistent with the idea for a few years to strengthen SMEs and to build the Warsaw Stock Exchange Warsaw’s role as a regional financial center. He added that the management of the company wishes success in building the next national champion. “

Well, well. How is the Warsaw Stock Exchange, one of the weakest in the world, we know very well for several years. Now we learn that the Post Office will national champion, which inevitably announces official mowing competition and further increases and as high postal charges.

The champions are already energy companies. Recently, at a congress in Katowice steelworkers economic complained that in Germany the stock market price of energy is 30 percent. lower than in Poland, and this with us there is a lot levies. Finally – as they said – energy is twice as expensive in Poland than in Germany, by working together treasury and finance ministries.

The effects of economic policy countries, including the ownership, should be the focus of any campaign, including presidential. They are not. Even in niegłupim Latarniku Election, where you can see what they have in 20 cases, candidates say purely economic issues are only four – taxes, euro, grants mining and renewable energy. There is no question about the market, privatization, the omnipresence of the state etc. It can actually better not to ask, because it turns out that everyone loves, what is it?


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