Rysiek is 20 years old, Edith 19. They rent an apartment in Warsaw and think about common future. For now, without a child, because if 1600 zł income, which are the company a month, yet allows them to survive, then the child would be rather impossible. Although they are scouts and art of survival – including financial – they have mastered to perfection. With the money they earn fast food network (it in stock, she hand), they are able not only to survive, but how to ensure put pleasure. How? You are about to tell you.
tell about survival strategies and methods for the miracle of multiplying food. Not only Rysiek and Edith, but also the rest of my heroes. They are different ages, live in distant places, have different professions and education. What unites them one thing: they are classified as working poor. People who are unable to live on a worthy level, although often work more than 8 hours a day Codex. The category of working poor are counted among those who receive a monthly income of 60 per cent. the median in their country. According to the latest CSO data with us this average wage is 3,115.11 zł, that is, those who earn less than 1,850 zł gross (1,355 net zł), then earn the armpits poor.
Spice situation, adds the fact that the official median is actually lower than the real, but such a study done once every two years, and the latest results will be ready only by the end of this year. By contrast, in 1850 zł sum corresponds to the minimum wage, which will be in force only since 2016. So the working poor is actually more than the official figures might indicate. The people we talked to, collecting material for this article, when they inquire carefully about the amount of income irritate. – And if I left he made yet 300 zł, is my financial situation, in your opinion, would radically improved? – He could not stand one of them.
About the working poor, except that they are, little is known. How many? It is difficult to count. But, in truth, there is no clearly defined boundaries poverty. The CSO statistics, depending on the adopted methodology, we can talk about the extreme poverty (minimum subsistence level), the legal poverty line (you can then rely on social assistance), as well as the relative poverty (calculated as 50 per cent. Of the average expenditure of total households). However, I have adopted the category of working poor is not. A report published on Tuesday by the CSO report shows that lived in extreme poverty last year, 7.4 percent. Poles, the relative poverty line reached 16.2 per cent., And the statutory 12.2 percent. Worse than ours, if we compare official figures, the case presents itself – when it comes to EU countries – only in Romania and Greece. But as the lack of accurate data, it is difficult even to compare. Still more important, as the social problem is attributed to the unemployed. But those who have jobs but can not keep out of it, that some gaps.
says Dr. Rafal Muster, a sociologist dealing with the problems of the labor market from the University of Silesia, additional trouble determination of the prevalence of the phenomenon of working poor in Poland is such that de facto on a large scale they were not investigating. – Latest decent study done in 2008 by CBOS., Today we have 2015., And still everyone to not be invoked because there is no other – flinches scientist. As if there was no global crisis, as if there were massive labor market more flexible, as it is nicely called. According to the latest report from the International Labour Organisation already 75 per cent. humanity the world are working outside the contract of employment. In Poland there are 1.25 million workers precisely on such principles. It badly affected the labor market (anything about entrepreneurs would say) and on the income of people. This led to the impoverishment of families and their social degradation. Simple given: a report of the Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw shows that at 7. working in Poland is poor, and among those employed under an employment contract deserves to be called a poor 7 per cent., While among the “śmieciówkarzy” as much as 25 percent. And yet try to get along, make a living.
Now I have for my
As Mirek from Warsaw, who last worked Employed in 2008. as infographics in one of the big publishing houses nationwide. But the crisis came and landed on the pavement. It has the additional misfortune, he is a man nierozwojowym – over 50 years – and the most experienced, and therefore most expensive, slows down the fastest. – At the time of release I was still credit on the neck – adds resignedly. We had to somehow save, because the salary of his wife working in the accounting of state institutions – less than 2 thousand. zł – would not be sufficient to maintain their well being in secondary school age daughter (now girl studying on a daily basis and not really can work, especially since her last attempt to earn wealth brawl ended with the employer: she had to be at half-time, but he demanded that the its framework has worked 150 hours per month, while full-time is 180 hrs.).
As it was not for Mirka work as infographics or first learned – electronics technician, reclassified on bodyguard. With a rate of 6 zł per hour worked in a large hotel in Warsaw, then by the same rate cieciował in private television. Some came out in 1440 zł per month, which gave them a total of three adults dizzying amount of almost 3.5 thousand. zł. So much more than what the CSO considers poverty. But it is not easy to stay for the money. – Fortunately, we do not have to rent an apartment, because we have ownership, so remain to pay utilities – Mirek reports. It was necessary however to verify their needs and habits. Leave only on the plot, because they can not afford trips. Instead of buying furniture because old began to disintegrate, doing the same cabinets and shelves. When the TV ultimately refused to obey, fixed resuscitate giving up yet grata from a friend. – Because even if I wanted to take something on credit, it’s not get – he shrugs. Cinema? Maybe once a quarter. When he was in the theater, he does not remember, certainly not after November 2008. – Fortunately, we do not need to save on food – there is a clearer point of existence. – We eat traditionally, the Home-because, as a human endeavor, it does not cost so dearly, and it is delicious – ends.
It is now without a job, but hopes that in a few weeks will assume security guard uniform again. He is now trying to mend fuchami household budget. Radio repair ago, that other one pomajstruje at the computer. Of course, in black, because if founded, for ZUS would not earned. He regrets that in the early 90s, when a friend urged him to interior design together founded the company, was not to convince him. – I thought that the time is more certain thing, more secure old age. Now I have for her – sums up.
When I ask him to try a few words to describe his mental state lists: anger, sadness, frustration. – I am angry at myself that I’m so anything that I lacked clout and courage that I can not do anything for himself and his family – he says. On the presidential election did not go. Do not trust anyone. But he will have nothing against it if the damn system will collapse. It is high time.
Mirek and his wife, Lucy and Adam from Silesia (intellectuals, she lost her job after 50, he grabs dozens of agreements-orders, pushes in EU projects and still sometimes it happens that the need to borrow for food from his mother retired), herb with Basin (once was an important editor, today is pleased when earns 800 zł on the contract in PR) and hundreds of thousands of others. Seniors, as are referred to in clerical language, although they are still full strength and enthusiasm to work. They have a sense of a wasted life and a great injustice. Worse – they lack hope, lost illusions that anything in their lives will change for the better. Some of them, those most desperate or simply having facilities in the children who have gone, they decide to emigrate.
Very Bad Things
When you delve into all sorts of statistics and rankings, one can easily see that the working poor are a group of escaping clear-cut definitions and attempts to categorize. To become a working poor are exposed to today, everyone. Mentioned seniors (45+), for obvious reasons. Young – both of you after graduation, and during education – also like most. Because what today offers them the labor market, is the most common junk jobs in services, usually catering and call centers. At the same time, those who Catch up on the phone, do not have nearly as bad as in large companies hourly rates as high as 20 zł. Behind is a qualified kindergarten teacher often gets the same proposal as a bodyguard: 6 zł per hour. At the same 6 zł in protecting today it is worthy of payment, because there are rates lower than 3 zł. Experts calculate more social groups in danger of drowning in the economic life on the border of death in women, especially those single parents, large families, the self-employed, farmers, workers (except those who emigrated, because they – although there abroad are eligible to among the working poor, in comparison with their counterparts in the country appear to some nababami. Well, we can safely assume that the newcomer of the Rwandan village of us have felt like paradise. Everything is a matter of context. Aspiration. Expectations).
Being very painful is when you fly from the social Mount Everest on the head. Christopher Robin (not Christopher, but Christopher Robin, so is told to call it) he is 30 years old, a wife working at the cash register in the store Auchan, two children (7 and 8 years) and screwed, as it determines status. A year ago he had the management contract trading firm in the domestic hardware and telecommunications. He brought home every month 5-6 thous., And Christmas as it was taking, it happened even that, and 10 thousand. zł. For nothing was missing. Now, a pink is not. He lost his job, although he was a great retailer, as the company collapsed. Classics of the genre: popodpisywała unfavorable contracts with shopping centers across the country. And he had to move from paradise to purgatory. He found work under a service contract for 2 thousand. zł, of which some under the table, that employers be doing cost. His wife brings eight stówek, with the checkered pay him, late in, sometimes they do not pay extra. Of these about three thousand in 1300 zł eats them rented an apartment.
First przejedli savings, then slashed costs. Outputs of the city, eating in restaurants, entertainment, stimulants. But it was not enough. Also he went under the knife English, school children swimming and skiing. Entertainment, clothes, all the things that were once obvious, and now have become luxuries. The worst part is, says Christopher Robin that he looped. In this job, which is captured, does not develop. Not only that, it is bad, because the employer a penny not allocated for training. The previous was great, excited with it, realized – consumer sales techniques were like a swimming pool with hot water, which not only swam what he swam as a player pierwszoligowy. Here you have to check in a slightly different model, B2B, but no one taught him how we should do it. And on samodokształcanie to simply not have neither money nor energy and time. He thought about going on his own, but it reduced social insurance does not apply to normal would not give advice. – And somehow it happened that the enterprising man who believed that the world will take by the horns, I became someone who only scheming how to survive here first – he says resignedly.
They eat as normally as possible, but at the end of the month modify the menu: porridge instead of pork chops with sauce. Any expenditure over the standard is a challenge, for example car insurance. Ok, not really afford it right now on auto, but without it would be even more overwhelmed and tied up. Savings? So, remember, once had today if not end the month on a high in debt, he feels satisfied. The overall negative mental state. The prevailing frustration. He voted on Kukiz, because only a revolution can make a change in this country. I do not want to emigrate, although this is increasingly thought. He does not believe in 500 zł for a child who promised Duda. One day, when my wife is already quite financially expounded, went to care, because the calculations it came out that with their incomes are eligible for aid from the state. But just as quickly they abandoned the idea. – Great waste of time and even greater humiliation – assesses. They got to fill a large papierologię, you had to earn scraps, a certificate on thousands of ways to prove that he is not a thief and wyłudzaczem. And yet the behavior of those ladies from the office, disdainful expressions, manner of speaking, as to retarded children. Drama. – Next time I will not have anything to give children for lunch, I’ll steal it. Criminals are treated better in this country than are poor people – says Christopher Robin. But I have no idea what and who would loot.
When she Christopher Robin and his ilk intend to overcome his trauma and fall into the idea of how to find more flexible redistribution of wealth in society, all we will have trouble. How can it look like? Let’s go back to the days of the industrial revolution. We can then yesterday and today draw analogies. If only because – according to Dr. Raphael Muster in the article “Working poor in the labor market. Processes more flexible employment and the phenomenon of pauperization of workers “, the ancestors of people now fall into the category of working poor were former workers. As today wykonywało the work of many, but the salary commensurate with the effort received a few. Because of the early development of the capitalist system of production there were contradictions between the interests of employers and employees and widening disparities. Because if a large group of people doing a job, a non-effects niepoprawiającą their quality of life, it becomes, as he wrote Ryszard Kapuscinski, one of the biggest social problems XXI century. How can this end? In the previous century, the pursuit of profit maximization led to the Bolshevik Revolution. It is difficult to predict what will lead us now. A bunch of pissed off, outraged, dissatisfied is as wide as it was then. Although workers in the old meaning of this concept almost not there, but to the old, excluded groups have joined the new.
Those poorest live mainly in small towns, especially in rural areas. I feel sorry for space to quote statistics, I will give you an example from the life. Margaret, 45-year-old woman, the mother of 11-year-old son, the wife of the farmer on 17 hectares, living in a small village Mazury. He talks about his fate: Apparently we have the land, and we have nothing, even though the husband from morning to night work. It’s hard. We grow some wheat, there is some cows. Once there were pigs, but prices fell on the herd so that it is useless to keep them because you have to pay extra. Well, unless on their own needs: how to kill porker, this year we have meat, must suffice.
Margaret is terrified, because this year will be dry, which means that it does not It will hay, cattle feed so you will need to buy. And that is the tragedy. With bills coming out to her that for a month, as full-year revenue to count, they are about two thousand of small wrap the whole family. And that means that you do not buy his clothes, sometimes spreading her mom something, but can not feed on pensioner. Everything that is, is investing in a son, as capable, so you do not need to be the economy. Her grandmother, as had gleaned eggs, it was going to Giżycka to market, drive paid off Pekaes, made shopping for the whole week and a candy for the children returned home. She had had a similar idea, it would have to pay extra for interest: hens must have an appropriate certificate, she sanepidu book, you have to pay tyred. I still reckon with unrelenting checks whether chickens have so much and so much space, whether they are happy. The same is true of potatoes: approved, or healthy, again, whether in the basement there is fungus. Not that she had anything against EU norms, rules of hygiene and common sense. But it gets crazy, because these rules only work in one direction.
From the land of 4 acres are under water as porobiły beaver dam. But for these wastelands of compensation they have not got, but EU subsidies have disappeared, as wise Union does not pay for what rough. – But as I am obszarniczką from the point of view of the law, they do not belong to me any benefits for the baby, no aid – complains. If she had to choose the determination when it comes to her mental state would choose one: resigned. This does not mean reconciled. However, if he did not look alert and pissed off. The nearest store is 7 km, so you do not visit it more often than once a week. Buys 10-15 loaves of bread, freezes them. Loading promote meat, typically chicken. Recently managed to buy 10 kg legs are value priced 2.99 zł per kilogram. Part baked, part uwędziła, some froze, but without exaggeration, freezer has a limited capacity.
She was born and raised in Olsztyn, but I’ve almost forgotten how to live in the city. He gets up in the morning, preparing sandwiches son to school, bedding, winter in the oven light. You have to feed chickens, dogs nagotować, dinner for the family to do. Vacuum-clean, do the laundry. Son comes home from school – lessons przypilnować. At the garden dormouse summer, autumn for three months fun with potatoes: dig, dress, bags popakować, sell. The only entertainment is a social media and her passion: genealogy. But the eyes are closing with fatigue, so not too much is at leisure time. – I do not regret that I married a farmer, I live in rural areas that we need to work hard – he says. Everywhere you have to toil. But the worst is the feeling that used to live wypruwasz, but it did not have. Even hope. Malgorzata in the presidential election did not vote. Once she was behind Kwasniewski, but it was a long time ago. Her mom is too Komorowski, married Kukiz, a family divided. Conclusion: The people are bitter. They began to doubt. So it may be better that soon everything will go to hell, because I think worse can not be.
Sociologists and political scientists have hit on here is what can bring today’s labor market, or acquire water lips, or prowling predictions that are not ashamed to Delphi Pythia. So is yes, and if not so, otherwise, we’ll see (I’m not talking about those luminarzach scientists who have long sided with one or the other side of the political scene and now seek only if they do not earn something for themselves, then at least fight for worthy of descent from the arena). I mean, the situation is actually revolutionary, and every misstep or statement can be bad.
Professor Jacek chief, a sociologist at the University of Silesia in Katowice, just laughs. For it is the next revolution in the scientific careers. For about two years, he says, when the revolutionary fervor burns out, we will again build the structure of the state. Pissed off, who will certainly take power in the next parliamentary elections have neither the programs nor the disciplined ranks of activists, and the more political managers who would in an orderly manner longed introduced by the majority of society changes. We assume in dollars against donuts. Well, reserves, unless they take over power in the country actually hungry and young, and not Rockers, not tribunes of the people. So, butting out people like Rysiek and Edith. Disciplined and full of hope.
Hen ruled
And now it will be for chicken, which is enough for five dinners. Recall: Rysiek is 20 years old, Edith 19. They rent an apartment in Warsaw and think about common future. For now, without a child, because if 1600 zł income, which are the company a month from work commissioned by the fast food chain, yet allows them to survive, then the child would be no longer possible. Rysiek studying for the protection of persons and property, Edith seemed to be only a high school diploma, for two years. Because three days before his eighteen moved out of the house, it soon became apparent that it is not able to learn on a daily basis and work, so I need to chose the job. It plans to study dietary requirements, the more distant future self-interest, because I can not imagine working in a corporation that would sucked it first and then killed. Next house with a garden, a child in a stroller, dog or cat (maybe both creatures at once) and seizures, which allows for life, not just for survival.
She and Rysiek believe that somehow it all made straight, that they will succeed. His present treat as a transitional state, as an investment, a kind of tribute folding fate. They are proud of the fact that not only live, but are able to enjoy your life. – Do not drink, do not smoke, do not go to parties grille type brewery and a morning hangover – begins his account Rysiek. They learn or work, for a change. During breaks meet with friends from scouting. The concert tunes in good company or fireplace. They laugh, that although they are carnivores, it’s probably genetically soon begin to resemble a chicken. Mainly because they feed on.
From one bird may be up to five dinners Think: chicken has two legs that can be baked. Two breasts, which can be zgrillować. At the bones you can cook soup, for example. Tomato, which is enough for two lunches. And the meat detached from the bone and tenderloin deducted from the breast can be done a la chinese dish – a little protein, lots of rice (rice, you can buy without fear that it breaks down, as opposed to potatoes), vegetables and some Sosik. – That I never get tired – declares Rysiek. Breakfast and dinner are, by default, sandwiches. With cheese, but time and with some ham. When you work in a fast food chain, after 6 hours for 2 zł can buy any set. What matters in a cost-effective family budget. Clothes? No problem. Both dress in hypermarkets. I seek out the opportunity to sales. – I do not care brand, do not walk in high heels, the more I depend on comfortable shoes – confides Edith.
Because of their revenue 600 zł spent on rented from a friend’s apartment, with the remaining thousand 100 zł set aside for unforeseen expenses and zachciewajki. Twice a month, and they provide, leave home: to the cinema or to the pub for a coffee or pizza. Books read, addicted, but download them from the net. – You have to separate work from life – declares Edith. And ensures that if there is a child, it certainly will not go cuckoo would like to drop off one of the mothers. – For now I have what I want, what I need – he says.
A policy? Their sympathy for the moment won Kukiz. Millipede followers, although it is not their fairy tale. But when they will have to seriously choose to vote – for four years – will be ready. Calculate even more carefully and meticulously than its current budget, which the politicians give them a real chance. On a quiet life, to reproduce. I will take the right decision.
Rysiek is 20 years old, Edith 19. They rent an apartment and think about common future. For now, without a child, because if 1600 zł income, which are the company a month from work commissioned by KFC, yet allows them to survive, then the child would be no longer possible.
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