2015-04-12 9:53 Author: (ed. A Zwoliński), (IAR) [Photo: A Siegel / CC / Flickr]
Renewable energy increasingly competitive – investments in this industry since the beginning of the century were significantly increased and the production of clean electricity costs dropped dramatically. This trend is set to continue in the coming years. Analysis on this subject include in the latest issue of the weekly magazine “The Economist”.
Last year, renewable energy – mainly from the sun and wind – invested in the world quite a lot, because 270 billions of dollars.
This was among other things, thanks to government subsidies, for example, in the United States. But even if these payments will decrease, it would produce electricity from the sun will rise, writes “The Economist” quoting research firm Bernstein.
Since the beginning of the century the cost of electricity production system from the sun fell by 75 percent, and the end of the drop in prices is not seen. Small producers can so easily in home installations generate electricity and sell the excess.
Renewable Energy Systems – excluding large hydro – today provide nearly one-tenth of the world’s electricity. In 2030, this proportion will increase to one-fifth – predicts The Economist.
Energy Policy until 2050 will be announced after the December climate summit in Paris – said Deputy Minister of Economy George Petrovich. The document is to determine the main directions of development of the Polish energy sector for the next 35 years – he noted.
Petrovich said that work on energy policy in 2050. Are carried out for a long time, resulting in the emergence of new events that may have more or less significant impact on the content of the document.
He added that the summit in Paris, planned for December 2015 in this regard will be another milestone. – I think that after that date will be ready to ensure that the present government predictions about expected energy policy – said the deputy head of the Ministry of Economy.
In his view, the document is to identify the main directions of development of the Polish energy sector by 2050., And one of the events affecting the content of the document was adopted in October at a summit in Brussels on climate and energy package of the EU assuming the new ambitious EU emission targets.
– There is a debate, we all try to, also with the participation of the Ministry of Economy, identify the potential consequences of the climate and energy package and the approach of the EU itself. It takes time and additional analyzes for possible changes in the assumptions previously prepared – explained Petrovich.
According to unofficial sources in the leadership of the Ministry of Economy are differences among on what should be the size requirement of renewable energy sources.
The Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński said in November 2014 that the Polish energy policy must be continuously adjusted to the conditions. Deputy Prime Minister pointed out then that the government is working on energy policy in 2050, but this policy will have to be amended on all the time, because changing markets, raw materials, new developments and technologies.
In October last the ministry reported that in the initial phase of the project consultation Polish Energy Policy until 2050. reported more than 200 comments and suggestions, which will be an important contribution to further work on the draft of the new energy policy of the state.
The project assumes that over time, which the document relates, in Poland is the development of smart grids, expansion of cross-border mergers, the increase in the number of small renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency. It is also assumed that after 2030. Expire RES support schemes, which should get the full economic maturity, will be executed nuclear program in the intended shape, still going to increase energy efficiency.
The project assumes implementation scenario, according to which gradually decrease the dominance of coal, a moderate increase in the importance of gas, increasing the share of renewable energy to at least 10 percent. in transport and 15 percent. in energy balance, and about 15 per cent contribution of nuclear power.
This scenario predicts that coal will continue to be the basis for energy security and the primary fuel for electricity and heating, although its share will decrease. This decrease may mean limiting the production of coal and the need for further restructuring of the mining sector – given the document. Participation of any other non-carbon energy sources in the balance sheet is expected to be 15-20 per cent., And this structure will ensure that energy is not run – highlighted.
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