Disciplinary Committee at the National Council of Bailiffs removed from the list of assessors Michael Kubik, who took and sold the tractor farmer from not having any debts Mławy. To consider the application of disciplinary welcome a bailiff supervising his work – Gazeta Wyborcza.
Michael Kubik Assessor bailiff bailiff of Jaroslaw Kluczkowski Office can still appeal to the court. History began when in November last year came and picked up the tractor Zaremba, even though it had no debts. Debtor-in-law was living next door. Assessor relied on the fact that the debtor speaks occupied vehicle and according to the law he does not need to check who owns belongings. That later will take the court. Assessor ordered the commission to export tractor in Lodz, who sold it without the auction for 40 thousand. zł. Another buyer bought it from the commission for 65 thousand. zł. The vehicle was actually worth 75 thousand. zł.
The disciplinary committee at the National Council of Bailiffs removed from the list of assessors Michael Kubik, who took and sold the tractor farmer from not having any debts Mławy.
The more I read in Gazeta Wyborcza.

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