with the development of new technologies is increasing the number of potential areas that cybercriminals can use to break into the organization. For large and medium-sized companies such so-called. access points 190-200 can be, and in less than 20 to 50. The result? Almost every day worldwide media inform the public about the attacks, which make cybercriminals.
– The larger the company approx. 200 points that can be used by the hacker to get access to the infrastructure company. We are not talking here about the main Internet link and the website. This of course also located in this number, but it also applies to additional information that are placed eg. Social media, or take the form of surveys for employees, job candidates. This information may be exchanged by the finance department of the contractors sent the offer. There, in the annexes can be hidden disturbing content – newsrm.tv says James Bojanowski, a partner in Deloitte’s Risk Management Department in Central Europe. – At the risk of unauthorized access expose our HR departments, accounting, finance, purchasing, marketing, because they use the Internet channels to communicate with the outside world.
The victims of cybercriminals are falling, banks, insurance companies, telecommunications companies, auction services, and government agencies. – Cases that come to light are the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, you should appreciate these institutions and companies that have publicly admitted that they became the target of a cyber attack. It testifies to the maturity of their markets and on which they operate – says James Bojanowski.
The problem of hiding hacking refers to companies worldwide. They act so out of fear of losing customer and investor confidence. However, more often it happens that organizations in the event of a cyber attack adopt a strategy of full transparency towards their stakeholders. One such example is the British telecommunications operator Talk Talk, which in the face of cyber attack in October last year, informed clients up to date on the action taken. The strategy was successful not only because of the apparent improvement in the perception of the company among clients, but also due to the increase in revenue growth recorded in the last financial report.
How do cybercriminals?
Please note, that every hacker attack is carefully planned. Preparing professional attack lasts several months. Most often it begins with the collection of publicly available information about the company, recognition systems. Cybercriminals follow the staff, check the time and with what tools used by workers. Check, employees who frequently use the Internet. Then decide which systems and employees who will become the target of attack. Then install software that allows them to gradually gain knowledge about the IT infrastructure. The attack occurs later.
– From the point of view of managing IT security to keep in mind about this flow chart. As servers do not operate it for attack prevention it is too late. A detection that hackers “roam” on our network using tools possible – advises James Bojanowski.
Potential hazards also pose providers, who themselves may become the target of a cyber attack. – So, the management and decision-makers must answer the question, who and why it may be potentially interested in an attack on their business, and how it can carry out the attack. The way its implementation is largely determined by the company’s exposure to threats, which often is not fully known or properly managed. Understanding the attacker and entry points to the company, show us the priorities for protection, and also tell us whether we are equipped with the necessary competence and tools that will allow us to effectively protect themselves or efficiently respond to the attack – says Marcin Ludwiszewski, the leader in the area of cybersecurity in Deloitte .
Quickly changing reality, the technological means that companies in this moment are connected with the world of multiple channels. Therefore, the scale of the potential impact of the attack on the IT infrastructure that makes the problem of cybersecurity becomes a matter of strategic companies, and the responsibility for this area moves gradually from IT departments in the direction of the board members. Past practice shows that the responsibility for made cyber attacks are often burdened IT directors.
One of the key elements that can protect your company against security threats is to understand the strategy of the attacker. Every hacker has different tactics and purpose, so the reaction of the company should be adapted to the type of individual hacker.
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video Gap year fashion is a way of career? Among students and graduates schools increasingly popular is the idea of a gap year. Students suspend studies, and students immediately after passing the exam of maturity do not choose to universities to gain valuable experience … Added: 2016-02-24 7:02
Minister: Law and Justice deceived parents and children united Poles, who took to the streets former Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said on TVN24 commented 100 days of the government Beata Awl. She stressed that “the government fears fulfilled and unfulfilled promises.” She added that the only thing the government did this to unite the Poles, who took to the streets. Added: 2016-02-23 21:55
Walesa publishes further entries. He had never seen of people who had allegedly reported The former president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa once again took the voice on the disclosures by the Institute of National Remembrance, which include, among others, personal portfolio and portfolio work secret collaborator of the Security Service … Added: 2016-02-23 21:20
Petru about the law on the sale of the land: I’ll fall for the idea to prohibit the sale of flats Ryszard Petru asked to comment on the draft of the Act on trading land , stated that “it is absurd.” Added: 2016-02-23 19:17
PiS wants a referendum on. change the patron of the Gdansk Airport PiS activists want to change the patron of the Gdansk Airport them. Lech Walesa. The owners of the port say a firm “no.” Added: 2016-02-23 19:02
PiS raise taxes? Duda: I hope it will not be necessary Andrzej Duda expressed the hope that in the face of increasing budget expenditure, not You will need to increase taxes.
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