– Since when is it now I can not say, hard commitment on the part of the government was not – he said in the third Polish Radio Mateusz Morawiecki asked a reduction in the retirement age.
He also drew attention to the fact that the lowering of the retirement age will carry additional costs to the budget. – In the first few years, the costs are high. However, after a few years they are very noticeable. In the third and fourth year is a few billion zlotys. From 2020 are 10-12 billion a year – he stressed. He added that the “does not yet have a precise plan for this bill.”
When asked by the teacher is, is there a chance to lower the retirement age from 2017 referred to the minister of family, work and social policy of Elizabeth Rafalski. Recall that the law of President Andrew Duda for a reduction in the retirement age to 60 years for women and 65 for men.
The Polish Radio
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Case Eve Tilman. Investigators want additional research The suspect for the murder of Eve Tilman probably will not leave detention for another three months, it requested the prosecutor’s office. Adam Z. would go at that time an additional psychiatric examination – told TVN 24. Added: 2016-02-19 11:51
arrested the murderer wanted by Interpol temporary arrest for a man wanted by Interpol for the murder of the first degree, which was stopped by the Malopolska police in cooperation with the officers of the Bureau of International Police cooperation of the National Police Headquarters. Added: 2016-02-19 11:36
explained the murder 18 years ago. Suspect in custody the officers of the so-called. X-Files Police in Bydgoszcz and the prosecutor have unraveled the murder of 77-year-old woman. the crime took place 18 years ago in the town of Strzelce Gorne Dobrcz in the municipality where the well beneath the stones … Added: 2016-02-19 11:31
Wyszkowski President of IPN should resign An activist of the opposition at the time of PRL Krzysztof Wyszkowski believes that Łukasz Kamiński compromised the matter,” Bolek “. – In my opinion, Kaminski PO elected president only because it guaranteed the continued protection system – said … Added : 2016-02-19 10:41
Balcerowicz’s words Duda: Hate, wild satisfaction – shaken me a snapshot of expression Andrzej Duda. There were so many hateful satisfaction, the wild satisfaction – said on Radio ZET former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and the NBP president Leszek Balcerowicz. Added: 2016-02-19 10:31
the President of IPN: the first package dot. Walesa available will be next week – we decided etapować these activities. After completion of the writing of each of the packages, they will be digitized and made available. We will not wait for write-off of all, only batch after batch will be made available – said on the air … Added: 2016- 02-19 10:06
Less at the office? Appeared in the draft changes in the law Improved service to citizens and improve the work of civil registry offices – the effects designed by the Ministry of Interior changes labor officials. Added: 2016-02-19 9:36
Wujec about Walesa: Other Pękala, he burst – I know Walesa for about 1,978 years. From this moment I can give a cut behind Walesa. In the most difficult moments he defended Solidarity and Poland under martial law. Other Pękala, he burst – said on TVN24 former dissident Henry … Added: 2016-02-19 9:24
President appointed two members of the Monetary Policy
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