richer and poorer. Formalized and single. Only children vs. brothers and sisters. And between these divisions fish in the form of 500 zł. And protests psychologists and economists.
– Motivating man to anything involves giving his hand a rod, not a fish. From the point of view of the psychology of a man who gets up a ready-made solution to the problem, despite the initial joy and satisfaction, quickly loses any desire. But the point is not to get money, lie on the couch satisfied and think, “Now there’s nothing I need to give myself.” This program, though probably good intentions of the government, it can be hit only at the beginning. Then we will have more people who will only be waiting for the next fish – warns Margaret Osowiecka, a psychologist at the University of Social Psychology in Sopot.
Although it mentioned the fish has finally convince us that the state cares about family. Current, future and those yet to be born. He cares so much so that for a long time calls and speaks to our consciences, we are not afraid of this family grow. Not one child, not two, but preferably three or four. 500 zł per month has us finally to convince the procreation. Only if if someone has one child, because I can not afford more, waiting only for the activation of the program? Is 500 zł actually goes to those most in need? Can you decide which children 500 zł deserve, and parents who have to try to get a sibling for them? The closer the entry into force of an 500 plus, the more questions. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, however, is full of faith. The calculations of the Ministry that the program will benefit a total of 2.7 million families, and the “Five Hundred” will cover 3.7 million children. Through additional cash injection in the form of 6 thousand. zł per year in 10 years has come into the world 278 thousand. children. And we have to do not worry about that gift this year alone will cost the budget about 17 billion zł, and even in the next 23 billion zł. He shall be well. And even so well that GDP will grow by an additional 0.5 percentage points. per year.
According to Inga Kovalevska, a business psychologist at the University of Social Psychology in Wroclaw, the idea of monthly payments of 500 zł, however, is nothing more than a building next crisis.
– While at this time we all take these 500 zł as a nice, somewhat surprising addition, it is possible to receive it in the future, if the need arises, you will meet with huge opposition from social – says the psychologist. – The loss of money for us is always much more difficult, more painful experience, is associated with stronger emotions than the joy of the money received. Any future changes in the program can cause large social discontent, because they quickly get used to the money. Soon we will believe that they are able to simply belong.
Do not divide the skin to bear
Catherine and Olek is the model of marriage that tables in the labor ministry is described as a 2 + 2. She works for the minimum wage part-time at the library. He is it specialist. Who they earn money as they can, after hours, otherwise they are not enough. They have two children – Michael, 10 years old, and Lucy, 12 years old. In total, the official income exceeds 800 zł per person, but as they have two children, and so qualify for the program. The problem is that not quite believe that the money will get. – How do I know life, officials find anything that will make the money we do not belong. Even the fact that we got the apartment after my grandmother. Or is that the daughter is not religion classes, but on ethics – Olek says. – The 500 zł sufficed just for tutoring for Lucy French and asthma drugs for his son. But we do not divide the skin to bear. Because knowing the perverse justice, the money will get to you, which they do not belong, either in the process of payments the government decides to tighten the tap, because there will be more urgent expenses.
Resort work, however, reassures and ensures that the 500 gold will from April be entitled at the first, second and each subsequent child, if not over the age of 18, there were pregnant and not sitting in juvie. The income to be taken into consideration only the possession of one child. Only then can not exceed 800 zł per head. For the second and subsequent child will be entitled, regardless of family income. “Five Hundred” receive so both parents earning 7 thousand. zł, and this having a monthly income of tens of thousand. And while the government appeals to the richest to the present to give up, there are already voices that if you give, you need to take. Because too rich to be. The more that the gift from the labor ministry to be untaxed. The argument will be, among others, higher taxes, they pay wealthy Poles, and therefore deserve to be appreciated by the state, if they decide to a large family. On the fingers of one hand you can count the wealthy Poles, who are wondering whether to download “Five Hundred” or mercifully let go. – If you do not even take the 500 zł, it certainly will be someone else, not the most needy. The higher the income, the higher the taxes, so not quite the case that richer, taking “Five Hundred” shame are not – argues Konrad, Warsaw businessman, father of two children.
Inga Kowalewska from the University of Social Psychology also believes that wealthier parents, despite all the money to belong. – If you begin to think differently, that soon there will be demand that richer people pay for the arrival of the police or the fire department, because it would afford to extinguish the fire service. The problem of the sense of injustice in access to the program due to the ill-construction program of 500 plus, which was originally created for the purpose of the election campaign and that its function, as you can see, performed perfectly. Any attempt shaming people now have to only short-term cost-cutting this program – adds Kowalewska.
We are all parents
Research prof. Dominika Maison from the Department of Psychology at Warsaw University, an expert in the psychology of economic and social research and marketing, shows that 61 per cent. Poles believe that the ideal family is a family of two and 30 percent. – With three children. For a family with only one child says only 5 percent. Poles.
– So why is so little being born children in Poland and the most common is the model of the family, which the Poles do not want: married with one child? – wonders prof. Maison. – If you look at the problem more closely, it turns out that it is much more complicated than economic factors. For modern parents a huge burden are increasingly growing public expectations of who is a “good parent”. So you can not say that families with one child or no children are selfish. It is rather responsible selfishness. For some reason the United States is a very large population growth, as well as in England, where Poles have children as much as, for example, citizens of Arab countries and India.
30 -year-old Maria, financier, several years in a happy relationship. But the child is not getting. – My partner is several years old daughter who spends with us for two weeks in a month. And that’s enough for us when it comes to the family. We wondered many times over their own child, but it scares us lame system of access to health care, nurseries and kindergartens. It’s not about money, but about the quality of life and ensure a happy childhood. Program 500 plus is not deliverance from everything. Perhaps for unborn children and their parents will be something positive, but we do this, we became parents, not convince. It is not enough to responsibly raise a child. In addition, the policy also changes everything. It is possible that in a few years, how will change the power, the program will be suspended. Because only then remains to be seen how big a hole in the budget of the Polish done – says Maria.
Also prof. Maison believes that some of the 500 plus program is to be the only antidote to the demographic decline in Poland. – do not know why there is a perception that it is enough to give the family 500 zł, that began to proliferate. The matter is not so simple. There’s a reason there are so few large families in Poland. Because it is not the decision of the first, but the next child is the most difficult. These are not the times, it is enough to have a baby, give him something to eat, get dressed in the clothes after the cousin and somehow it will be. Somehow it will raise the child. Environment puts pressure on parents to have provided the children the best, not the minimum necessary for survival – emphasizes prof. Maison.
From “five hundreds” particularly enjoy, however, new parents, on the achievements and those informal. Ola is a third-year student and mom semi-Leon. He is also owner of a student loan, which drew towards studies. – Unfortunately it is not like in the US, where many students do not care about the return of the loan. If you do not pay back the loan, waiting for me unpleasant consequences that I will bear for life. That is why I do everything to repay the loan. I study in absentia, a week working in the mall, my son looks after the sister, who in turn is studying the evenings. As a result, it leaves me the cost of a babysitter. Tata Leo helps me in the education and maintenance, but credit must worry about itself. For me, these 500 zł really would be something. Unless of course you’ll be qualified profitably – says Ola.
29-year-old Marta and 34-year-old Bartek each have a child from previous relationships. But they do not yet have in common. Even so they get 500 zł for the second child, because they are married. If he lived in concubinage, the money anyway. – Children cost, because among other things we do not have in common. Three children at the present time is a huge responsibility, not just financial. 500 or 1000 zł not make all the problems disappear. Of course, money is useful, but I would prefer the government to help in other issues related to raising children – says Marta.
This is why, according to prof. Maison, the implementation of such a program as 500 plus should be preceded by a thorough and cross-sectional study causes of low fertility in Poland. – From my research and observation shows that this is not money for families are the most important, but the availability of kindergartens, nurseries, providing state support for education. Why these 500 zł can not be attributed just to the educational institutions, so you know it would be on what is being spent? From what I know, even stay in a state institution, if the child ever gets to it, also has its costs – Professor adds. Maison.
– Our children go to kindergartens only through solder luck and the fact that in the middle of two vacant seats. The chance of a place in a public facility is minimal, and yet something of the child need to do as a parent is at work. Therefore, I personally would prefer to program guaranteed my children in kindergarten, nursery – admits Marta.
Not all of our children are
Rules of the award “five hundreds “are so convoluted that the forums are full of questions from mothers and fathers who do not know, or in their case, you can count on a gift from the state or not. Teeming with questions, how to calculate income, where check whether it meets the criteria etc., etc. Model 2 + 1 no luck this time, not to mention the 1 + 1, ie single parents. And here comes the first dissonance. If 500 zł not get Mrs. Barry, a single mother of one child whose income per person is 801 zł, whether it is fair that will get them to you Olga, married, who earns 10 thousand. zł, but has two children? According to the program “Five Hundred” single mothers not to be, even if you earn just a penny more than the program allows. If they had a second child, the problem would not be. Fuel to the fire dolewają politicians themselves, advising single mothers to have found a stable partner or became pregnant again.
According to Inga Kovalevska, as a rule, all children should receive this benefit. And the first, and those growing up in families with a different model than commonly recognized as a standard. Otherwise, it should not be called educational provision. – Why should we not support all families in the education of all children? We have good and bad children? There are those whose education is not worth supporting? It already borders on stigmatizing and children, and families – adds the psychologist. – The family has to be mom, dad, and at least two children. Model family with one child or one parent clearly does not fit into this mold. However, if the family adjusts to the standard, it will get a prize of 500 zł, because these children should educate. It’s should not look like! If this is indeed the provision of education, it should not be influenced or earnings, nor the model family, which brought up the child . – Suggesting a single woman, it would be better if the rapidly took a second child, is, to say the least, outrageous. I was alone with the child, and the more I should have a chance to “Five Hundred” – nervous Dagmara, mother of eight years Oli. – But instead of me, the money will be awarded to the families of pathological .
Margaret Osowiecka warns that there will be people for whom 500 zł will be a considerable temptation, but not quite in this sense, as imagined Developer. – The fact is that rarest offspring decide today people well educated, earning money in many companies, not having time for children. And such people 500 zł not motivate. As if we did not have to work on many full-time jobs to support themselves, and we would have more time for yourself, time for your child and energy to his upbringing also to be found. I need not here 500 zł. I know of families in which the different possibilities of earning a children motivated to procreate. In pathological families where values and a sense of the dignity of the family members are shaken, some other things are placed in the first place (ie. Life subordinated addiction, the fight with the world, that “we do not accept,” family quarrels). By this child may be just a tool, like any other, to raise funds for eg. The duration of the addiction – says Osowiecka. – We are talking of course about difficult families, there are also family actually affected, disaster who have lost their possessions, which do not have any opportunity to stand on its feet. And it is for such persons should be the 500 zł.
making money on children prevent to inspections by the departments of municipalities that will test your (sic), to which the money was spent. As in the case of family benefits in the event of signals on the issuance of funds misused in the family will be able to be interviewed environmental. If social welfare officials recognize that it is necessary, you will be able to convert the cash to aid in kind (food, clothes, medicines, etc.) Or in the form of payment services (eg. The fee for kindergarten or colonies). But looking at the operation of municipal social assistance centers, unfortunately, it is difficult to believe. Often densely MOPS-y are not able to control the ordinary allowances, not to mention the verification of the conditions in which children grow up in the poorest families. So how would check for 500 zł goes to the child’s needs, whether for alcohol and other ad hoc “pleasure” is not known. It is known for the fact that when parents lose custody of the child, thus will lose the right to “five hundreds”.
Also Inga Kowalewska admits that people irresponsible, treating the child objectively, 500 zł will be an additional negative stimulus. – Always Yet there are those for whom every way to extra money is good. For 20 zł can kill. I do not think, however, that it has become a common phenomenon – says Kowalewska. – This sounds brutal, but that the child has received 500 zł each month, you need to be at this life to maintain. A 500 zł is not the amount that allows you to maintain another child. To understand this, one must be able to anticipate the long-term consequences of their decisions. This is not the strong point of pathological families with alcohol and violence in the background. In such cases, unfortunately, the vision of the receipt of 500 zł can be a stronger lure than the consequences and costs of having a child.
Dali drugs take retirement
Billionth expenditure is to silence the fertility statistics. Thus, the fertility rate through program 500 plus increased from 1.3 up to 1.5. Does it protect us from the apocalypse demographic in the coming years? Economists do not leave a dry thread on the program. Benefits of the program, plus 500 to be paid from April. The money will be transferred directly to the account given by a parent or in cash. Such large expenditures for the state raises fears of other social groups. Their anxiety is understandable. Because logically, to give to someone, you need someone to take. – I already barely enough to me first, if you’ll cut me retire with a program prodziecięcego, might happen on the street. Sam rent is 600 zł in the old building. And where the cost of medicines, electricity etc. – worried 75-year-old Kazimierz.
The concerns of worried pensioners confirmed as worried economists who constantly repeated that the Polish for such expenses as a monthly payment of 500 zł simply can not afford. Łaszek Alexander, chief economist at the Civil Development Forum, points out that the deficit in public finances now hovering around 3 percent. GDP, which given the relatively good economic situation, is a very dangerous situation. – In good times, like now, we should not be in deficit, so that in the event of economic downturn was a place on the increase in the deficit and did not have time slowing sharply raise taxes / spending limit – explains Łaszek. – The 500 plus is already partly passed on to taxpayers in the form of bank tax (for which he will pay all bank customers) and trade (though here we do not know the details). It should be noted that sectoral taxes undermine confidence in the Polish – in connection with the attacks on the Constitutional Court is a signal to investors that the country unilaterally at any time, can change the rules of the game. Therefore, they will be more careful with decisions about investing in Poland. As explained by economist FOR, of which the program will be funded next year, is a great unknown. – Can VAT will not be reduced? Or increase the deficit? The increase in the deficit is a higher public debt, higher interest on public debt and, consequently, over time the higher taxes needed to finance this – wonders Łaszek. It is also apprehensive Dr. Pawel Kubicki, an economist, lecturer at the Institute of Social Economy at the Warsaw School. – It should not be that funds for the program come from rapidly introduced a bank tax or the so-called. tax on trade. In both cases, the situation may develop differently, and the proceeds will probably be lower than expected. Each stable social policy must be based on existing income. Polish can not afford at the same time lowering the retirement age, the introduction of free drugs for seniors and supporting parents monthly amount of 500 zł. Therefore, the program perceive more as the fulfillment of election promises rather than a reasonable family-friendly policies. In my opinion it is not realistic to assume that every year we will be additional revenue were more than 20 billion zł, and banks and supermarkets do not shift the costs of new taxes on citizens. Equally unrealistic is to jump fertility only through the provision of 500 zł, without moving a number of other areas – emphasizes Kubicki.


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