- We want it to be our own original plan; It will be different than what has been proposed so far, because it runs out of fuel, which drove the Polish economy – said Tuesday after a cabinet meeting Deputy Prime Minister and Development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
– Some elements of this fuel, the strengthening of economic longer stop working properly or will soon stop functioning – said Morawiecki. – To a large extent, we have developed on the loan. Too we have developed on the loan. Even the last ten years credit growth is almost two times more than the growth of nominal GDP. The second element is the low savings. They have always been low, as we left the PRL were also low, but these savings have not learned to accumulate – he said.
He stressed that they are very important to be able to invest. Morawiecki noted that soon run out of the EU funds – the current outlook is for the last so much, we can count on.
He added that the fourth “afterburner” were Polish companies, which successfully have adapted Western technology, the fifth – nieponoszenie costs of CO2, which will soon increase significantly. – This annuity additional unfortunately we do not have – he added.
yprowadzić Poland with five traps D
Morawiecki indicated conference that we have “cheap, we have disposable income, disposable income, we have two-three times lower than in mature countries, but high enough that companies too often threaten to transfer production to the East.”
As he said, “we developed largely on the basis of credit” in the foreign and the recent crisis showed us that the risk connected with this. – Polish liabilities to 2 billion zł, which exceed the Polish GDP, and in this respect we have a lot of loans to pay for these foreign owners – he said.
– we not have been able to develop strong brands of Polish products, so they were able to conquer other countries and were to margin, or profit was high enough and could translate into higher wages for our employees – continued.
He added that if not reverse the negative demographic trends, “is five years from the face of Polish like disappeared Katowice – 350 thousand. people less, and 10 years as if there was no boat.”
Speaking about the weakness of Polish institutions pointed to the lack of income tax. – When it left the PiS governments in October 2007. Revenues relative to GDP amounted to 17 per cent., Today it is not much above 13 per cent., So 4 percent. The tax gap, giant, as a result of which we can less afford. Rebuilding this gap is one of the most important elements of our economic plan – he said.
“A new model of development.” Min. Morawiecki unveiled an economic plan for Polish
TVN24 / x-news
We want to move away from polarization and diffusion model
We, so our plan was the development plan, we have gone from the polarization and diffusion model, to a more sustainable development – said Tuesday the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for development Mateusz Morawiecki.
– This is part of our commitment to the contract may say social, which will be prevailed many of our actions – Morawiecki said after a meeting of the Council of Ministers. The government on Tuesday adopted a resolution ws. “Plan for responsible development”, also called the plan Morawiecki. It is a strategy of sustainable economic development for the coming years.
– We want so to create original path of development than what was proposed so far – he added. He declared that this plan has to be original, other than what had been proposed so far, because so far the fuel has run out.
This plan – as pointed Morawiecki – is on the one hand, “come away from such a hyper competitive market, where the company’s market killing of micro, tiny, thin margins for cooperation between them.” – Cooperation with research institutes, universities and the public administration, and not only in the framework of public procurement law – he stressed.
The development can not be only the development of metropolitan big cities
the development can not be only the development of the metropolitan area, for large cities – said on Tuesday the Deputy Prime Minister and development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. We need to create a perspective for the development of cities and towns forgotten county – he added.
– The development can not be only metropolitan development, the development of big cities, that here sucks blood from smaller centers. We need more in the model of French, German or create a perspective for the development of cities and towns forgotten county, to a large extent, this also applies to just Polish and Eastern Europe. Therefore our plans for infrastructure, road and rail to a large extent will affect those places – said Deputy Prime Minister.
– Train from Radom to Warsaw before the war drove less than a day, and renovating the track four or five years – he added. – We have to break this imposybilizm – he stressed.
Morawiecki proposes to use niches for the development of the industry
The use of niches for the development of individual industries suggested on Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Development Mateusz Morawiecki. Presenting the strategy of economic development, he addressed, among others, attention to the possibility of constructing drones or passenger ferries.
Morawiecki showed several examples of development programs that show the models of cooperation with private capital, the EU funds, foreign capital. – We want to use certain niches – he said. He pointed out that the government has prepared more than twenty such programs, which does not mean that all will be implemented.
stressed that the Polish example, can not afford to build a new plane, but the industry drones, which is developing very dynamically, it’s something where you already are Polish companies, which are some success. – So if we use the defense budget, because a combat drones will be needed, if we do it on the basis of drones for civilian purposes, it is surely a niche activity – he stressed.
– take advantage of that, that we have today several companies that had themselves are doing today, despite the thinness strengthen their capital and our entry into this market – said Deputy Prime Minister.
Another example of a niche, in which he could enter the Polish industry could be according to Morawiecki shipyards. – The consortium of Polish shipyards cooperation with the Polish Development Fund, which we want to create, you might want to just create a Polish passenger ferry, which is something that tech – we are already so advanced – we can create today – pointed.
In place of several institutions created a development fund
institutions such as PAIiIZ, PARP, ARP, BGK, KUKE, PIR will be integrated in order to create a development fund – announced on Tuesday the deputy Matthew Morawiecki, presenting adopted by the government Plan for Responsible Development.
The government wants to create a new fund, integrating a number of government agencies and financial institutions. These are: the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP), Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ), the Industrial Development Agency (ARP) and the company Polish Investment and Development (PIR) .
– we are working on the level of integration of these institutions, whether it is a group or holding, or will be fully integrated. I first of all want that all the horses pulled one way is to say that was the exchange of experience, exchange of information, strengthening the capital strength to construct the solution in the most modern – Morawiecki said.
This treatment aims to create a Polish development bank with a high investment potential. This is to be a tool for achieving economic policy, over which is to be exercised professional corporate governance.
assumed effect is to achieve the scale of operations, which will enable the realization of large projects. It is necessary for financing projects of key importance for the development of Polish. The capital would be obtained, among others, on world markets.
According Morawiecki thanks to the integration of these institutions, the cost of borrowing money on the capital market “are actually at risk of state.”
Through the new fund – said Morawiecki – the government wants to “functionally operate various areas of development, such as investment, infrastructure, export expansion abroad, promotion of business, innovation and small and medium-sized enterprises.”
– It is a functional separation rather than institutional – he said, announcing that the new institution will be “focused on the goal.”
He added Morawiecki, 80 percent. Polish exports go to EU markets, but the long-term interests is also conquer the “rest of the world.”
– We have in this regard in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intention to strengthen our presence in many countries – he said.
The ambition of the government is to 5 years, the average per capita income was about . 80 per cent. EU average
The government wants industry to grow faster than the Polish GDP – declared Deputy Development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, presenting a plan for economic development. He added that the government’s ambition to 5 years, the average per capita income amounted to approx. 80 per cent. the EU average.
Among the most important performance targets – as he said Morawiecki – besides strengthening the “legs industrial” is also an increase in spending on research and development – from 0.8 to 2 percent. in a few years.
Thirdly, the government’s aim is to become micro small businesses, small getting bigger and bigger – international players. – Therefore, we assumed a growth in the share of large and medium-sized companies to more than 22 thousand. in the country.
In terms of capital for development investment to provide more than 25 percent. GDP – today it is 18 percent. – We will strive in this direction – said Deputy Prime Minister. Another goal is to increase exports faster than GDP growth. – We want to help Polish companies expand abroad – declared.
– Finally, social indicators, balanced, fair, social solidarity development that will lead to the fact that for five years, our average income per head will be at about 80 percent. EU average – Morawiecki said.
declared that within 8-9 months in the ministry formation strategy of responsible development, which will offer even more key measurable objectives.
Morawiecki also spoke about the priorities related to public procurement. “We want to help Polish companies to the participation in the infrastructure that they were stronger,” – he said. In this context, he said: that the price will not always be decisive, as it will be important to the quality of solutions; secondly – the government wants to promote small and medium-sized enterprises; Third – give points for innovation; Fourth – include all costs, and the fifth – wants to promote full-time employment.
– Polish digital plan will be an important part of our plan – also announced Deputy Prime Minister.
According Morawiecki today Poland is very ministerial. – We try these ministries, agencies, institutions themselves open, it is incredibly important. We lack a function that in large institutions is key “project management”, ie the ordinance horizontal, cross-cutting projects – said Deputy Prime Minister, adding that this standard in a well-organized companies and countries.
the development plan of the country: manage to overcome differences in Poland?
We want to support startups and cooperation between science and business
Support for startups based on the cooperation with large domestic firms and to strengthen the cooperation between science and business – said Deputy Prime Minister and development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, presenting on Tuesday, the government’s strategy for economic development.
For startups provide a dedicated program “Start in Poland”. He explained that the government will try to use the British solutions that allow bind regarding the success of startups with industries and with our country.
– In this context, we also want to take advantage of cooperation with large domestic companies, with the Polish champions. And our adversaries have to calm down, it will not be forcing anyone to do anything, only positive, partnership, business cooperation, exactly what do Germans, the French, the Austrians “- he said.
Morawiecki also referred to the cooperation between science and business. He stressed that the government wants to strengthen ties between the two branches to make as much funds came from business and institutions lent to individual companies in the emerging value-added services.
model for such a partnership innovations might be, in his opinion, German Max Planck institute, the Society Fraunhofer.
in 15 years they will earn as much as the average EU citizen
on average they Poland will earn enough what the average citizen in the EU for 15 years – said on Tuesday the question of journalists Deputy development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. in his view, the implementation of the development plan will result in more and better wages.
– Most people in Poland earns two thousand a few hundred dollars, that is not enough. We through our program of sustainable development we want to bring to the appreciation of these jobs of lower earners – Morawiecki said. – We have a deep conviction that the implementation of this plan will result in every year more and better earnings and a greater number of our citizens – he added.
Asked when the average Joe will earn as much as the average citizen of the EU, he said: “15 years”. He noted that in the plan the government wants to increase the purchasing power of money in Poland from today’s 69 percent. EU average EU average in 2030. – This will be the pace of a record compared to the possibility of other countries that are chasing the richest forefront – he stressed.
There is no need to NBP participated in the financing plan development
There is no need to NBP participated in the financing plan for Responsible development, he said on Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister and development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, when asked by journalists about the role of the central bank in the implementation of the Plan.
– We see capital at hand, the second bend, he is available. That is why today there is no immediate need to model the Bank of England to build the program “Funding for Lending”. There is no immediate need to model the European Central Bank to build the “LTRO” – said Morawiecki. These programs are designed to encourage banks to lend to firms.
Morawiecki also stressed that it is the prerogative of the NBP.
– Everything what NBP does, subject to their assessment. NBP is and will remain fully independent institution, absolutely independent, so to a large extent, this question should be addressed to the National Bank of Poland – he stressed.
a billion zlotys on investments
the plan envisages an investment of over trillion – learned unofficially PAP with sources close to the government. Their most important source will be EU funds, funds for deposits Polish companies and state-owned companies.
480 zł billion is to come from EU funds
According to estimates from the plan almost half the funds, because 480 million zł with own contribution will come from EU funds.
300-380 of the companies revenue and savings of Polish companies
75-150 billion zł rated investment potential of State-owned companies and to 230 billion zł investment potential Polish companies in the form of deposits to the partial use by businesses.
Then there are funds from the Development Fund and the Polish BGK
the other hand, the investment potential of Polish Development Fund, estimated at 75-120 billion zł, and development programs BGK (including National Capital Fund, Polish Fund of Funds Growth Fund Expansion Foreign) at 65 to 100 billion zł.
Morawiecki counting on banks
In the banking sector in due to excess liquidity banks slumber – according to plan – 90 billion zł.
There will also be measures to financial institutions
addition of 50 to 80 billion zł should give programs implemented in conjunction with international institutions: the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank, the European Fund for Strategic Investment, the World Bank and the Asian Bank for Investment Infrastructure.
Plan Morawiecki for 25 years
“the plan for responsible development” (also called “plan Morawiecki,” from the name of the originator – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for development Mateusz Morawiecki) is a strategy for sustainable economic development of our country for the next 25 years. To bring about greater solidarity, sustainable economic development, the plan is to create conditions for investment not only in big cities but also in smaller centers.
Deputy Morawiecki prepared a Plan for Responsible Development. “It’s a completely new approach”
Awl: we are not afraid to say that the capital has the nationality
We want to rebuild the Polish industry. We are not afraid to say that capital is no nationality – said on Tuesday Prime Minister of Law and Justice deputy, informing about the adoption by the Government Plan for Responsible Development prepared by Deputy Matthew Morawiecki.
– We are not afraid to say that our ambition is to that the Polish brand has a strong brand, recognized worldwide and that Polish companies have the opportunity to compete with the best – stressed Awl, who pointed out that the basic premise underpinning the creation of the plan is “balanced, equitable development of our country.”
As she spoke, the government’s aim is the development of Polish, which will take into account the needs of different regions and various social groups. The idea is to give a chance to the fact that the potential and creativity of citizens thanks to the program have been translated into “uniform and synchronized development of our state build our economic power in the coming years.” As a result, employees will receive higher wages, the Polish company “from small will become medium, and the medium-large.”
– This task is very ambitious, but we are not afraid of challenging tasks. This program is very well-prepared, thoughtful, synchronized – emphasized the Prime Minister, indicating that while the program the Council of Ministers adopted a timetable for its implementation. She did not give, but its details.
R. Petru ‘Plan Morawiecki “: There are unrealistic elements. In a serious country does not speak initially about the trillion
TVN24 / x-news
This is a fundamental change in the vision of the State
This is a fundamental change vision of the state, which, instead of withdrawing from the economy is strongly affected by it. Yes o adopted by the government plan for Responsible Development said on Polish Radio Witold Modzelewski, 24, a professor at the University of Warsaw.
In the opinion of a lawyer, a specialist in financial law governing the first time in 25 years have created a vision of long-term economic policy, assuming the active participation of the state in the economy. In this approach, the state has not only monitor, but also initiate some economic processes. At the same time – said economist – this is a departure from the somewhat archaic have stereotypes of “laissez-faire”.
The plan Morawiecki run out of issues concerning energy and migration
Marek Kłoczko appreciates Plan for Responsible Development and a diagnosis of the economy, which lies at the foundation.
However, according to vice-president of the National Chamber of Commerce, visitor Polish Radio 24, the plan Morawiecki missing two important issues: clear and concrete ideas on the development of energy and coherent migration policy. And without that, in assessing the guest PR24, the implementation of other demands can be called into question.
Few concrete, rather outline
The plan is vague, it is rather an outline development plans Polish. There is no shortage of interesting ideas in it, but part of it is a repetition of what promised to previous governments. In this way, economist Dr Andrew Polaczkiewicz commented on Polish Radio 24 adopted by the Government’s plan for Responsible Development.
His assumptions presented Development Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Dr. Andrzej Polaczkiewicz pointed out that some of the proposals presented are not new and have already talked about them some of the previous government. – Mr. Prime Minister Morawiecki simply repeated or collected all theses that have told predecessors – said the economist. He added that the Deputy Prime Minister said “a lot of creative things,” but also “many false things.” Polaczkiewicz admitted that the speech lacked Morawiecki also provide sources of funding for some ideas. According
guest PR24 it is good that such a plan has been adopted, but in today’s presentation of the Minister Morawiecki lacked specifics – not shown any economic model or the way in which will be carried out Reindustrialization announced. In this context, Dr. Andrew Polaczkiewicz indicated that rather it is impossible for Poland restored heavy industry – mainly due to the very different economic realities than a few decades ago.
The main development challenge Polish is a lack of competence no capital
the main challenge developmental Polish is a shortage of competence, know-how Polish entities, therefore the success of the plan Morawiecki depends on the growth of competence in the economy, not the availability of capital, which lacks demand – PAP says Krzysztof Mroczkowski.
According Mroczkowski, which is an economic commentator, the intention behind the “five pillars” in the program development does not raise – the majority of issues raised had already been raised by experts.
– Higher wages and standard of living of Poles will depend on the growth of added value and competitiveness of the Polish economy abroad. To the modernization of the economy it is necessary and an increase in capital investment. In practice, however, the main challenge of development, the main lock of such investments, may become a dearth of competence or know-how of Polish entities – noted the expert.
his opinion problem in Poland is not an available supply of capital, which could potentially be used to finance investments. The problem is a lack of demand for this capital, which is the lack of ambitious development projects.
– The lack of demand is clearly visible on the example of the otherwise needed, state investment vehicle Polish Investment and Development (PIR). Managers PIR pass the length and breadth of Poland, in order to recapitalize ambitious capital investments that generate high added value. Such projects, however, turns out to be very little – noted Mroczkowski.
commentator noted that investments that generate higher added value are in fact more difficult, require more advanced management (ie. project finance), and wide-trained staff allows “dispose of” the investment made. “In this respect Poland still has a lot of work to do” – stressed Mroczkowski.
government has taken on Tuesday a resolution on the adoption of the ‘Plan for responsible development “prepared by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Development Mateusz Morawiecki. It indicates the new directions of the state and new impulses, which are to ensure the stable development of the Polish economy in the future. According to the program responsible development is to be based on five pillars: re-industrialization, the development of innovative companies, capital development, international expansion, sustainable social development and regional level.
Kuczynski: the problem Morawiecki will acquire private business
Diagnosis and objectives of the plan of Deputy Matthew Morawiecki are correct – rated in an interview with PAP economic analyst Xelion, Piotr Kuczynski. In his opinion, the biggest problem will be to convince private business to engage in long-term investments.
– The objectives of this program are correct. After 2020 disappear EU funds, wages Poles will grow and therefore lose the competitive advantage resulting in low wages. Therefore, the need to develop the economy to make it more industry, which gave to certain jobs, and this would increase domestic demand, helping the economy – said Kuczynski.
– It should also increase exports, in other words, to find such innovative products, which could be to conquer foreign markets. Here Morawiecki Deputy Prime Minister is absolutely right about the diagnosis and the purposes for which it is committed – said the expert.
– As a measure, which is what he is going to do, that is, institutional change these five institutions that they deal with promoting, among others, industry and exports, will take a very long time and will be complicated – rated Kuczynski. According to the plan, institutions such as PAIiIZ, PARP, ARP, BGK, KUKE, PIR will be integrated in order to create a development fund. In turn, within the Polish Development Fund is to be built unit dedicated to the support of exports – Export Promotion Agency.
He emphasized that much will depend on the political support for the Deputy Prime Minister Morawiecki, because – as he said – you have to have a big clout to implement it.
– The third aspect, the worst in my opinion, is the financial aspect. Because of the more than one trillion, about 40 percent of this money is all kinds of private companies and banks. Of course, this is not about the fact that these 400 billion zlotys government will take of these entities, but the point is that he wants to be interested in investing in the development and the economy, so that they want to do it – he said.
– With this issue will be a powerful reason to private business he wanted to put some money on the long-term investment, it must have peace at home. That is, in the Polish economy and politics. Secondly, on the outside too, must be calm, and in the world economy and geopolitics of peace does not and in the coming years likely will not – said Kuczynski.
– So I’m afraid that such financing, as announced Mr Deputy, simply will not – he concluded.
Orlowski: Government says very generally about the tools achieve development
presenting on Tuesday a plan for the development, the government specifically pointed targets, but very generally referred to the tools to achieve them – says chief economic adviser to PwC prof. Witold Orlowski.
his opinion very well that the plan was created. – Indeed it is so that you can all the time to develop only on the basis of hot water in the tap – PAP said Orlowski.
As he said, we need both a bold vision, and talking about the development of Polish weaknesses in the last quarter of the 1989. – In many things to subscribe. Indeed, we need expansive domestic companies and innovative. As to the agreement – pointed professor.
According to Orlowski at Tuesday’s press conference after the government meeting but lacked specifics in key areas on which depends the implementation of the plan. An example is the assumption that you need to develop more domestic capital. – The question is, where to get the national capital? The answer is: with the increase in savings. It’s still at a general level fell the need to increase savings in Poland, but still not heard a word about this, what tools to increase savings – noted Orlowski.
Another example given by Orlowski is the assumption that companies should spend more on investments. – At the moment the company does not suffer from lack of capital. On the contrary, they have, as the prime minister himself (Matthew) Morawiecki notes, too much of the free accounts, which do not use to finance investments. The question of how to induce them to invest? This is done by creating much better conditions for business and good image of the investment – the professor said.
Another weakness of the plan – mentioned – that EU funding.


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