We are ready to get to work unreliable alimenciarzy social and embrace their electronic supervision, which would check whether or not cheat children and the state, working on the black. For nothing pożyczylibyśmy them money, we do not see their role as leaders of the group, we would prefer not to have them among friends – according to a survey BIG InfoMonitor.
Meanwhile, failure to pay child support is a huge problem in Poland. It is estimated that parents of the bed to keep about a million children.
– we call it the Polish shame. Repayment of child support in Poland is 17 percent. We have a million children who do not receive the money within a certain time from a parent who should pay. This is a million 332 thousand is covered by payments from the Alimony Fund – says Slawomir Grzelczak President of the Office of Economic Information InfoMonitor, who was a guest of Radio Ones.
And that means that the state accepts as the obligation to pay them, that is money from our taxes.
State every year from the Alimony Fund spends on maintenance payments of approx. 1.5 billion. Criteria for payments from the Fund makes, however, that the amount of 1.5 billion zlotys uses approx. 330 thousand. children. The remaining 600 thousand. niealimentowanych children do not receive state aid.
– But social acceptance for nonpayment of child support among Poles is not – emphasizes guest Ones.
And he adds: About 2/3 of the people who see your among friends those who do not pay alimony tried this with talk to them. And this is positive.
But unfortunately without results.
Comparisons to Western Europe
And how is the situation in Europe?
– the UK recoverability maintenance is 86 per cent., in Sweden, more than 90 percent. – Gives Slawomir Grzelczak President of the Office of Economic Information InfoMonitor.
In the UK, used very similar methods of collection maintenance, as is the case in Poland.
– Addressing part of the remuneration, the bailiff or auction of the property of the debtor. I only recently also introduced a provision that debtors The maintenance will be entered in the register of debtors – says visitor Ones.
Guest Ones stresses that the most important thing is to maintain consistency in the application of legal tools.
the obligation of municipalities
municipalities are obliged to enter the information bureaus unreliable maintenance debtors, but not all do it.
– Since 2010, all municipalities should enter such persons at least one information bureaus of the three who had to choose. However, since January this year all municipalities should do in all offices – he said.
Information on debtors maintenance committed to the BIG InfoMonitor 2 236 municipalities with 2 478 existing in Poland and the 103 individuals holding court judgment of the writ of execution . Despite the changes, which on July 1, imposed on municipal obligation to provide maintenance debtors to all the information bureaus in Poland, some municipalities continue with this obligation is not fulfilled, and those that do not always communicate all the data.
You can go to prison
the average debt due to maintenance is 32 thousand. zł. Women account for the vast minority among indebted for this reason – it is 2-3 percent.
As a last resort for not paying child support, you can even go to prison.
– Such penalties are often used in the United States but there does collectibility is not too high. This is not necessarily a good way. After his release from prison comes with an even longer debt – notes President of the Office of Economic Information InfoMonitor.
His solution would be to order the people to participate in public works. They could thus operate in the gray area.
Arrears grow
Compared to the end of January this year, overdue niepłaconych maintenance grew by nearly 0 5 billion and currently amount to almost 8.5 billion. At the end of March this year, BIG InfoMonitor there were almost 270 thousand. people not paying maintenance for their children, almost 9 thousand. more unreliable guardians than two months ago. In the fifteen provinces they experienced an increase, the largest in the Malopolska region of 4 272 people and Silesia 2 661 alimenciarzy. Only in the Lodz region there was decrease in the number of maintenance debtors about 8 743 people.
On the other hand, looking at the amount of the debt is the largest of its growth was recorded in the Malopolska region of almost 179 million and the Silesian Province with more than 116 million. The least maintenance debtors and up came in Podlasie. The only region where the amount of debt and the number of debtors has decreased, the region of Lodz, where arrears on this account decreased by more than 397 million.
The average value of liabilities attributable to a debtor, since the end of January to the end of March increased 840 dollars and now stands at 31 774 dollars. Average debt increased in all provinces, except Lodz, where it declined by 4 402 zł. The biggest occurs in Lubelskie and Świętokrzyskie and exceeds the average for the country.
record holders The maintenance of individual provinces, entered into the database BIG InfoMonitor, that in all cases, men aged 34 to 56 years.
in matters relating to maintenance, thanks to the information bureaus, managed to recover in recent times 2 billion 700 million zł.
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