Sunday, July 10, 2016

Nysa Drunk firefighters rammed a car breakdown –

They had help, and caused more trouble. On the national road No. 401 between Old Gródków and Arbutus accident occurred. Police officers called to the place of Voluntary Fire Brigade from the nearby town to, among others, They coped with oil and gasoline which leaked from damaged cars. As soon as firefighters arrived on the spot, they caused another accident.

If we can not count on them to who’s left? What would happen if drunk firefighters were called not to bumps, but a serious accident and have to pull the car using heavy equipment wounded? This is what happened in the district of Nysa, cast a shadow on the heroism of the service.

Around 3 am police traffic police of Nyssa were called to the accident on national road 401 between Old Gródków and Arbutus. Also they asked for help from a nearby firefighters TSO. then became a thing that officers froze the blood in the veins.

– When reversing fire truck hit a standing in the road vehicle roadside assistance – explains asp . Rafal Wandzel (41 l.) From Nysa police. – When police approached the driver’s fire engine, sensed him a distinct smell of alcohol. Research breathalyzer revealed that he was close to 2.4 per mille – adds.

Sorry, this fellow firefighter also were not sober. They were respectively 1.6 and 1.4 per mille. They moved away from their activities, and the place called host State Fire Service from Nysa.

Mudurowi already stopped the driver a fire truck driving. Do not miss them too investigation.

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