Using the summer sell-Office of Competition and Consumer Protection advises to make sure that the subtitle “10 percent.” “SALE”, “70 percent.” Refer to the entire range, or only part of the goods. Sometimes, that the “promotion” is the slogan trap, and 70 per cent. reduction is subject to a small part of the mix.
Price the price of rough
If the price on the price tag is lower than on the receipt, the customer has the right to purchase at the price shown on the label. Seller from store may not refuse the sale, explaining eg. Employee’s mistake.
indefinite purchase
According to the law, the seller is not obliged to accept the goods, which has no defects. It depends on his good will. When he agrees, he describes conditions – can, for example. Instead of money give a shopping voucher in the same retail chain.
The seller can not refuse to accept a complaint things overrated. If your product has a defect, you can within two years to make a complaint – preferably in writing. You can also request to repair the goods, replace with a new, lower price or reimbursement if the defect is important. Within 14 days the entrepreneur must examine the complaint. If this deadline is considered to have granted the request.
The basis of the proof of purchase
Proof of purchase is required to lodge a complaint. The simplest is the receipt that the customer should get from each vendor. Moreover – proof of purchase may be a confirmation of payment card, bank statement, invoice, and even the testimony of people who accompany you while shopping.

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