Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to earn a miner? Much, only change roubles for Euro

author: the North Chaban-Pogorzelska28.10.2016, 19:00; updated: 29.10.2016 22:40

– are you sure that the elimination of mines would not be? Because the “Manneken Pis” is slowly emerging from the user promises during the election campaign. Although the word “elimination” directly from the mouth of those in power is not.

Mining, recognize that even the worst of his critics – with environmentalists, including – will still be required. And over the next 10 years for coal and has no alternative.

we Produce annually about 10 million tons of coal too much, in addition, there is demand for it, therefore the financial results of the mines are catastrophic. Why do we need so large a prey?

This is a situation variable. The government’s strategy for the period 2016-2030, almost ready. And there is no mention of the sufficiency of the reserves, it is possible to provide in 40 years but 200 years. Of course, this requires investors.

how appear that wybrzydzacie. The result is privatized Silesia, belonging to Czech EPH, barely alive, because the government prefers its mines. And the competition in the market? In turn, Prime Minister Ivan Shyla said that we will build new mines. It is interesting that, especially in antywęglowej the EU. Foreign investors also do not have it easy.

software for the mining industry in the EU was written before 2018. under the German mines that are suppressed. Now, it should be a programme for the Polish mining industry, we should not look to others. As for the investment on the one hand, one is happy that someone wants to build for the future, and on the other hand, it’s the monster from Loch ness. All about it heard, but nobody’s seen him. Recently, the group of PA on the issues the mining industry, private investors have complained that they have no license, so I guess the question is, did any of them happened to her. And then it turned out that no one else did!

This is the logic of the trade unions. Brzeszczom promised an investor is uparliście that it needs to be Tauron. Definitely wanted a state-run company. Although Michael Sołowowa, which you have blocked, it would be the best business because the pipe with the methane from the mine goes to his company Synthos. But all the yelling, mommy, that privatization is not interested. What you really are?

Say patetycznie that the miners are Patriotic, not wanting prywaciarza due to the country’s energy security. In the old government’s strategy was, the record of the preservation of a controlling stake in the coal companies by the state.

But for Bogdanki the strategy has changed, and was fully privatized in 2010. What? Did something happen?

Nothing happened, so we are not opponents of privatization. But, of course, not the whole sector. We have bad experience with prywaciarzami. The last time Makoszowach when a potential investor is wydmuszką.

where did you get the information about KWK Siersza sp. z o. o. which has submitted a proposal for the purchase of the mine Makoszowy?

I can’t say. From reliable sources. It was not an offer that allows you to put mine back to the investor (the proposal was rejected – approx. ed.).

And as it came to Czech EPH and buy other plants, not only Silesię, which now can not cope, because it is not able to compete with state-owned mines faworyzowanymi?

it is very good. I like this market and competitors, was not exaggerating. Because we already restrukturyzowali, and the world Bank’s hand in our mines, put, gave the loan, through which flew into space the entire export of Polish coal.

How can this business need to pay?

you’re flooded with these supplements? Environmentalists, journalists… And mining sectors in the EU, have to pay for it? Not. That’s it. Pays for the elimination – and the biggest expenses.

look at the last financial report. The average cost of production per tonne of coal for several years were consistently higher from the average price of a ton of coal.

blasphemy, more or less, but the abuse. Obligations are paid. And live is what we do in the mining industry that barbórki, czternastki.

how did this Polish Group górnicza takes the money for payment barbórki? Of the next tranche of recapitalization. It is the overeating of funds for investment.

What is overeating? Barbórka is the usual salary. The greatest propaganda antygórniczą all this talk about barbórkach, talonach coal, regenerative food, as additives. This is the wages Fund.

How old?


– how many will be in the year is the Baker? And how are you?

But it’s there, otherwise the payroll itemized. Or the miner has something extra? Not. Only, and it must be admitted, complex payroll. Just as we want it to simplify it every time you want us – pardon the expression – ciulnąć. Instead, to simplify, that we want to reduce. If employers didn’t want us to take the money, I would long ago simplified wage system in the mining industry.

This is normal, what is bad, he’s looking for itself savings. Nonsense squared pay the miners czternastek, which, in theory, was the prizes with a profit when the damage is estimated at billions of rubles.


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