Photo: MIKE SEGAR / Reuters
trump spoke out this morning (us time) with a speech to representatives of the army and veterans in Herndon, Virginia, and answered their questions. – In order to really make America safe, we must make computer security a priority. It will be a priority of my administration, ” said trump. He added that the administration of President Barack Obama ” broke on that field, and the only experience Hillary Clinton on the issue of cybersecurity, and is, as commented ironically – to use it against the rules for using a private email server at the state Department.
he Recalled cyberatakach Russia and China on the American system, these spying methods and wykradanie personal data, as recently in the case of the attack on the Bank Morgan Chase. I will give up my Department of justice team to have dealt with this quickly developing type of crime. Me my the Ministry of defence to strengthen our command to combat cyberatakami. It is a war of the future. Our dominance in this area cannot be questioned, he said.
you Notice that the technology in the field of security of computer systems requires upgrading and the required training of staff of the army in this regard. The questions asked Trumpowi at the meeting pointed out that it participated in the military about conservative views. One questioner expressed the view that the armed forces for a very reduced after the end of the cold war. The GOP candidate promised that he would take care to reverse this trend.
the Size of the army, of course, too small. Our troops are weakened. Our fighters are old, ” he said. Answering the question, what’s his plan to fight Islamic terrorism, he responded that “hard hit by the IS (Islamic State)”, but won’t say where, when and how.
what is this warning that the enemy knew our plans? he said. Another participant in the meeting asked what trump thinks about the political correctness that in the army – as he explained – expressed in forsowaniu “social experiments” such as the service of women in army frontline. This is the latest, in the opinion of the questioner – weakens the morale of the army.
- we get Away from political correctness in the army. Decisions on the issues you mentioned, leave the decision to the commanders. I acted in accordance with their recommendations, ” said the Republican candidate. One of the soldiers complained about the restrictions of expressing their religious feelings in the army, for example, to put the Bible on the table.
trump: that’s not fair what they’re doing with religion in this country
Is not very fair what they are doing with religion in this country. Violates the freedom of religion, ” said trump. He recalled the early promise that he would seek the abolition of the so-called the Johnson Amendment, that is, the law, with the 50-ies., which prohibited Churches and religious organisations not wishing to pay taxes – the nomination of candidates for elections.
At the meeting, trump did not mention a word about niepłaceniu Federal income taxes for 18 years, as reported during the weekend, the new York times. Did not violate thus the law, because he agreed to the deductibility from the basis of tax losses in their companies in a total amount of 916 million dollars.
Hillary Clinton wypomniała him that, but not yet clear to what extent the controversy with the taxes hurt Trumpowi in the election campaign. The General election is 5 weeks. According to polls, the candidate of the Democrats slightly in the lead in the race for the White House thanks to a good performance in the first TV debate and falling down her opponent last week.
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