In the name of fighting for the protection of nature is possible to make a fortune. It is sufficient to use the laws, including by the network of administrative processes, and using links to hold the actions of the investor. Sooner or later it gives in and supported the “environmentalists” generous donation, which usually shuts down problems. During the just-in Wroclaw III Congress Housing developers have recognized that the scale of the phenomenon is enormous. Showed the survey conducted in the sector in which 50 per cent. respondents admitted to paying organizations inhibitory investment. On a similar principle are also some lawyers getting a power of attorney from the neighbors of the planned investments and demand money in exchange for the guarantee of peace.
Most of all – the developers claim that on a regular basis – this method applies when proceedings in the case of the issuance of the decision or about the environmental conditions of development, building permits, which require the participation of social factors, and permits wodnoprawnych. Lock continues as long as the investor or, if the matter will be resolved, an administrative authority or even the court.
– the process is exacerbated. More specialized companies who move well in the law and know what to do to stop the decision of the administrative or undermine the already released – said Mikhail Sapota, Chairman of the Board Murapolu. For some it is a way on business.
the Chance that the developer will pay a big. Part in the appeal process takes time, and every six months the expectations of investment increases it by 3-5 percent. Not everyone is able to join a trade dispute. Does not make sense to report such cases to the police or to the Prosecutor, because most blocking moves deftly within the law.
Sapota said that, despite the proposals, and he happened to hear from one of the subjects that will be attached to the case, each new investment if Murapol will not pay 100 thousand rubles from each place – still could not stop. – Not paid. And don’t pay. Even due to the fact that the investment may disappear for a while, he said. This lack of willingness to “cooperate” cost him a lot – one of the investments was suspended for two years.
“Preferred payment method”, as noted by Conrad Płochocki, General Director of the Polish Association of Developers (PZFD), cash or Bank transfer as a compensation for the so-called consultation and the environment. One of the centre developers have had to make several tens of thousands of euros in exchange for giving your organization from the behavior formally in the form of a donation to save the dunes. – The developer appealed to PZFD, when, despite paying haraczu “environmentalists” knocked him out again under a different name – said Płochocki.
the Developers have provided made cover records of negotiations with organizations – some of them became the subject of an investigation, lawyers also showed folding them an offer they can’t refuse. In one of the sacred associations – not closely, what are his real motives – to inform built that there were a lot of mistakes in the information card of the event (compiled for investment and potentially important impacts on the environment), and that he intended to report them to management “, which could mean the extension of behavior,” but “refuses the above actions in case to reach this question of mutual understanding”. Zastrzegło at once that the proposal has a validity period. The lack of response on a particular day, would be the lack of will of understanding, which will lead to the already relevant action.
it Appears, however, that the racket will require not only the subjects of remembering, as working for the benefit of nature conservation or the environment. – There are various organizations that are at the stage of obtaining permits to begin restoration work on the same principle, – said Yegor bielawski, Vice President of Gdansk.
– for many years we did not hear about such situations. No signals from the developers we too do not fall. If, however, actually occur, investors must provide evidence to promote violations, and report such organization to regulatory bodies, to someone of their skontrolował, says Robert Cyglicki, Director of programs ” Greenpeace Russia. Recognize, however, that the problem lies in the fact that in Poland the environmental organization can create every. Also someone with bad intentions, he adds.
Experts estimate that the situation may correct only a change in legislation. Investments today can block even ordinary Association based at least three people. Doesn’t help that in may, these associations can accept donations.
Useful in the struggle for ucywilizowanie rules for investments in Poland and to develop a code urbanistyczno construction. He believes that in the case of construction in the territories covered by the local zoning plan a party to the proceedings is only an investor. This provision effectively wyłączyłby way, the part of environmental organizations.

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