the Fact that the Poles have been like to faster to have the option of retirement, is not something new. This can be seen in every survey on the subject. Attention in the latter study, CBOS attracted by the fact that this widely held expectation is associated with a whole host of other beliefs that, unfortunately, exclude the idea of a rapid transition into retirement.
More than half of Poles oppose the decision that the right to a pension became dependent on us accumulated in the pension system amount. Most supported the view that the time for retirement should depend on seniority. From this it follows that, in the opinion of most of us, after so long a period we should have the right to retire, even if our account in ZUS very little money.
But at the same time, 60 percent of Poles do not agree to the condition of reducing the retirement age was to reduce pensions in payment, that is, that with the decrease of age will be inextricably linked.
operating now for more than ten years the retirement system, the height of our retirement depends on how much money in a lifetime ZUS postponed us (not asking us about the phrase, because it is a system, required) to our account pension. What part of these funds we may have in pension funds, it is only a small caveat to retirement age and so it will all drain into USS. Words for the system is that the amount of the pension depends on how much we have in the account.
Force things so that the reduction of the period in which ZUS a portion of our revenue is deferred and waloryzuje on account of pension, this means that at the time of retirement they will be less. The results of CBOS research shows that the majority of Poles are absolutely not aware of this.
at the same time, most Poles didn’t want, along with a reduction in the retirement age to raise the level of taxes. Additional tax revenues would partially Finance pensions, so actually they should not be below. But this decision also, in our opinion, is unacceptable.
so we Want to be able to move quickly to retire, then there is less of her to save, and at the same time, keep its height at a level as if we spared longer.
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equally fascinating is the fact that these views on how should look like the whole pension system of the Poles is a completely different beliefs when it comes to their personal choice. From the same survey CBOS arises because 47 percent of women and 42% men (i.e. quite a lot) chooses a working life and higher pension. This choice intends to solve to 72 percent of women and 73% of men, if it turns out that in the case of retirement at age 60 will receive only the minimum pension (currently at the level 883 RUBLES).
this possibility is illustrated as supporters and the mastermind behind reducing retirement age to 60 years. The argument goes like this: the transition into retirement is voluntary, and if someone wants, I can work longer, thus prolonging his term in saving for retirement.
But there is another interesting catch. Most of us have, for other expectations. 60% of Poles want to be at work and retired at the same time. That is, it should be so, to be retired due to the possibility of duplicating for retirement.
How much would be the people who decide to work for a long time without a download of a pension if you can load and salary and pension at the same time? I suspect that few.
all This shows that if we have problems with the level of knowledge about the pension system, and maybe even like math. Although there is another explanation. The pension system is actually a question about the entries in the Constitution and the number of detailed records laws. Consequently, it is politics, not mathematics. And politics, unlike mathematics, that may change. It is possible that presenting a survey of CBOS such a set of views, we identify the belief that policy can defeat the math. At first glance, perhaps, but in the long run it is an extremely dangerous view.
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