Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Loaf: kerm oaks on the control of SP companies after the elimination of the Ministry of Finance – Virtual Russia

a Tuesday meeting of the Economic Committee RM was about the future of the Department of the Treasury, supervision and control of companies after its liquidation. They also discussed the legal form of the legal entity, which in the future are expected to take control of the companies gave REUTERS the evening, government spokesman Rafael Loaf.

on Tuesday at the conference after the Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Beata Shiloh recalled that the government introduced changes in the management system of the State Treasury. As she stressed, this is due primarily to the liquidation of the Ministry of Finance. “The economic Committee of the Council of Ministers will today, on this project worked. (…) Next week, Prime Minister Morawiecki, together with the Minister Kowalczykiem will represent the final form which will be submitted to the Council of Ministers,” he said.

As explained at the same conference, the head of the standing Committee RM Henryk Kowalczyk, the government wants companies SP was controlled and managed on the merits of individual Ministers, “in accordance with their industry and interest.” “But at the same time, moreover, is essentially the permission to exercise the rights of ownership of these companies on individual Ministers, we want to build, I think that in the office of the President of the Council of Ministers, under the direct control of the Prime Minister, such a body, which will have direct control, supervision over the companies of the Treasury is not a professional, but more financial, but also, in particular, in the framework of this subject we have to rely, as it is called, a Council of societies. We are talking about that too, so the Council could take, to nominate candidates for bodies, governing, i.e. Supervisory boards and managements,” said Kowalczyk.

As pointed out, if we are talking about the method of control and supervision of the Prime Minister, it will not be direct control of the companies. “And the understanding of officers and the adoption of these frames by the principle of signing so yourself. That is, the approval of industry Minister, who governs, but at the same time, for the confidence that the footage was relevant, also kontrasygnata the management of this organization,” he explained.

According to Kowalczyk, the practical liquidation of the Ministry of Finance will occur in the first quarter of 2017, after the preliminary acceptance to the end of this year, legislation governing the new way of managing companies of the Treasury.


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