- I went to the fact that the conditions of this displacement was for the Polish side. Therefore ubolewaniem took the post Airbus Helicopters, which was rejected – not complied with the Polish provided by the Ministry of development proposals related to offsetem, – said the Minister of defense Antoni Macierewicz at a Saturday press conference.
Anthony Macierewicz stressed that in accordance with the Polish law, the offset “immanentną part of the contract” and without it, it cannot be definitively concluded.
source: TVP Info
the Minister of defence announced a quick solution to the problem of the purchase of helicopters for the Polish armed forces. - We seek an expeditious solution to this problem from the standpoint of the needs of the Polish army and Polish military-industrial complex, with the aim of concluding agreements that will allow as soon as possible to equip the Polish army needed helicopter multi-purpose and to make the Russian sector to use new technologies, – said the head of the DEFENSE Ministry.
- I Want to clearly stress that any measurement this current situation will not affect the Polish defense ability, – the Minister added.
to Provide Airbus
Deputy Minister of defense Leonid Kownacki said he repeatedly told the French side. Airbus stated that all the offsets are things that will definitely be taken care of and that I was not afraid. We have repeatedly stressed that the us depends on time and intact delivery of these helicopters. The French side informed us that may have problems with delivery for an initial term of these helicopters. We were not able to indefinitely extend this procedure unless the chances of finding agreement, he said at the conference Kownacki.
he Stressed that none of the plant in Poland due to the current situation will not be affected. In any case, we always take into account the interests of state security and economic interest of the Polish state, – he stressed.
Deputy development Minister Radoslaw Domagalski-Łabędzki recalled that the offset negotiations lasted about a year and was conducted within the resort development.
“the Talks inappropriate”
the Ministry of Development announced this week that due to “difficulties in the areas of negotiation that make it difficult to reach a compromise”, the Polish side refused from the purchase of helicopters. The contract was expected to be 13.5 billion UAH. At least, the same should be the value of the proposed offset.
Waszczykowski: Russian-French intergovernmental consultations postponed and not cancelled
on Wednesday, the DEFENSE Ministry said, in particular, that “the French government fully realizes that the success of the agreement depends on agreement displacement”. According to defense officials, “despite many offers from Poland, represented by the Ministry of development, the French side during negotiations dziewięciomiesięcznych rejected Polish offers of offset”. In this situation, said the Minister of development “recognized the continuing negotiations with the baseless”.
In response, the Elysee Palace said that French President Francois Hollande has postponed a planned trip to Poland as a result of the failure of negotiations on the Caracal helicopters. The visit to Poland was canceled also the Minister of defence of France. The visit by Hollande had been scheduled for October 13, in the framework of the Russian-French intergovernmental consultations.
Protests after selection
French consortium Airbus Helicopters Caracal with śmigłowcami stated the previous ruling team. The then Ministry in April last year, said he wanted to buy 50 French helicopters.
the decision on the choice of helicopter Caracal is controversial IPRs and trade unions operating in the companies whose proposals were rejected – PZL Mielec, owned by the American Corporation Sikorsky machine, Black Hawk, and PZL Świdnik – owned by Leonardo Helicopters AW149 proposed car.

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