Thursday, October 6, 2016

UOKiK checks Link4 practice ws. OC – Polish Radio

Drivers in disputes with ubezpieczycielami can no longer count on the assistance of the office for the Protection of Competition and Consumers. Photo: Pixabay

the court’s Decision disappointed – UOKiK. In his opinion: “the status of the consumer should be provided to each individual, if it acts for purposes not directly related to business activities. Also note the objectives of the law on protection of competition and consumers, which is to protect the weak, unprofessional market participants before violating someone’s interests by the actions of entrepreneurs and professional organizations." – you can read in the message Department.

UOKiK surprised, but do not fold arms

We have addressed a written justification of the decision of the Supreme Court, and when he look at, then we will think how we can cover the protection of victims of events, adds Agnieszka Majchrzak from the press service of UOKiK.

In the case of the victims is the courts

still it came to pass that the Office has observed practices of insurers, and when he came to the conclusion that they violate collective interests of consumers, could impose high penalties. Now the victims remains a struggle in the courts.

economies of scale, and activities of insurers in this area is large enough that the fight indywidulana each person is very large, for example, receipt of complaints or lawsuits in the courts. A solution to this from above in the form of solutions, leads to the fact that some things solve faster, for example, some insurers recognize the right and get along well with those affected, says Director of the Legal Department of the Consumer Federation Vasily dąbrowska Antoniak

the Victim was never a consumer

the Decision of the Supreme Court of Dorothy’s arms Glamkowska, Director of the General Secretariat Department at Uniqa. This company has addressed in court with the question whether there are victims in road traffic are consumers.

For me the most important thing in this resolution is the proof that the Body must act within the law. However, all interpretations of the explanatory expansion in the application of penalties and the recognition of certain actions, not whether this law, or – as in this case – violate the collective interests of consumers, should be carried out on the basis of the law. Everything is focused on reviews that had something bad happen because the victim was disabled from the protection guaranteed by the Department for the Protection of Competition and Consumers. And he was off, but he was never included in this protection. Why? Because the rules were developed – explains Dorothy Glamkowska.

Federation of Consumers will continue to protect victims of accidents

however, Regardless of the decision of the Supreme Court, victims are not deprived of the assistance of the Consumer Federation.

- we are not the body and we have a little more room for interpretation. As enables us, of course, right. And also will not leave these people to themselves. And it’s not good – at least in our assessment – interpretation of the definition of a consumer, and this entire legal situation in which the victim is. We also have a voice in many decisions of the Supreme Court and on this stand, but to interpret man as a consumer,” adds Basil dąbrowska-Antoniak.

in Addition to the Russian Consumers ‘ rights, the victims in accidents-communication technologies, can count also on a Press-the Insured and the Financial Supervision Commission, which has the right to impose fines on insurers.

Eugene Prośniewski


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