As much as 102 tonnes of coal. So much of this valuable raw material in one night (from 30 to 31 August 1935 r.) Drew Alexei Stakhanov miner Dołowy mine in Kadijewce (then USSR). Competition precursor labor movement, which in 1475 performed one shift per cent. standard (!), has been dead for 37 years. The idea, which was a symbol, ended even earlier, because in the 50s of last century. This does not mean, however, that stakhanovites is not among us. They change only the same records and jobs, in which they are beating. Tonnes of coal mined replaced received hundreds of e-mails, and steel mills and shipyards turned into roles shopping centers. Above all, however, the intentions of others are in the name of whose employees take a concerted effort. Sometimes, as in the case of cashiers in discount stores, which counts the scanned products during the working day, it’s a matter of keeping sources of income in a tough job market. Another time, as in the case of doctors working and on duty without a break even over a hundred hours at a stretch, is the desire to higher earnings. These seemingly different professional groups one thing in common – their mode is a requirement of the modern world. Contrary to appearances, today’s socio-economic system that puts a man on a pedestal of success and self-made men, much more conducive to śrubowaniu own capabilities than previous era. Since each is the architect of his own fortune, the world is full of people with iron.
Knead the standard
intensive work is an everyday reality in these companies, which apply labor standards, or in which it is established how much work has a quality at a specified time to perform hired. A good example of this can be commercial networks. Some of them, such as Tesco, expect the pace of duties, ie for example. How many products a cashier scanned during the day or week. In this network it is also checked that in the transactions were those using loyalty card, and how many customers cashier talked on her assumption. With people earning the poor results are carried out talks motivating.
– Western European network in their home countries can not afford such questionable ethical solutions, so bring them in the country, which at it acquiesces. We get more and more signals from the employees that also involves screwing standards for one person commissioning the work, which had previously performed two or three. This gives employers the savings – explains Alfred Bujara, chairman of the National Section of Trade Workers “Solidarity”.
real kingdom performance standards are also sales and distribution centers . For example, this belongs to Amazon work is extremely zeschematyzowana. Employee instructs, for example. That left hand grabs goods from the tape holding cardboard right now, the next step does the left and so on. Each product has a code. The employee performing the work must be to scan it, so in practice the employer knows exactly how much work the person has done. And sets standards – depending on the process work in a particular position, size, etc. of the goods. (Eg. 400 scanned per hour). According to the staff since September last year it was increased significantly. Of those who have not Make the, carried out coaching sessions, and then assesses the results of their work and possibly recommending to release. They protested against such solutions employed. May 15 this year, the Workers’ Initiative (trade union acting on Amazon) submitted to the Director General of the plant in Sady (province. Greater) petition against the excessive growth of standards. Signature filed 402 people, although the letter circulated only on night shifts for just a week.
– Cases notify us screwing capacity as employees of other institutions of this type – emphasizes Alfred Bujara.
It is not difficult, because in terms of standards ally of Companies is right. The Labour Code indicates only that they can be used, if justified by the kind of tasks they have to be set taking into account the achieved level of technology and organization of work and can be changed with the application of improvements ensure increased productivity. The basis for their modification can not be exceeded existing standards if it arises from the increased contribution of the specific person or his professional skills. It’s very generally defined requirements, so companies do not have problems with interpreting them to your advantage, especially as the legitimacy of the use of specific standards can not be challenged before the court.
At the same time, even if in other, similar matters the rules are more precise, and so it can be handled. For example, in accordance with the Labour Code the employee can annually worked 150 overtime hours maximum. However, this limit can be extended in consultation with employees. The latter often depends on the possibility of higher earnings, so agree to increase dipped dimension. Sometimes even up to unimaginable limits. In one of the companies audited by the National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) in 2014. Increased overtime limit from 150 to 384 hours. (And therefore by more than 150 per cent.), But the threshold is not observed. Three employees worked properly record holders 729, 789 and 809 hours of overtime (ie, an average of almost three hours on a normal working day and 15 hours. Per week).
Oversized work is also bread for doctors and nurses. Maybe not the intensity, but certainly sometimes beat her exercise erstwhile stakhanovites on his head. Example two years ago – in one of the hospitals inspected by the State Labour Inspectorate doctor performed work and remain on standby to provide it (execute it on the call) for 175 hours. in a row, more than a week. In 63 medical centers then checked by inspection on working time 1.2 thousand. employees have gone through together (in the verified period) 61.7 thous. average weekly hours above normal. This resulted from the execution of their duties in the days scheduled as free medical personnel and hiring subordinates, mostly nurses, for longer than an average of 5 days a week.
How is it possible such an extension of work in institutions health care, since physicians is valid daily (7 hrs. 35 mins.) and weekly (37 hrs. 55 mins.), standard working hours? This is acceptable, because working in hospitals are covered by the so-called. opt-out clause, that is – if you agree to it – can work more than an average of 48 hours. week. Besides, for years used it is a simple way to safeguard labor laws. Doctors and nurses are recruited not on the basis of one, but several agreements.
– Hospitals must provide full-time care, while the market lacks medical staff. For this still searching for savings. Why not outsource employee roster, only entrust the provision of care or niepublicznemu health care establishment where employees are their doctors or medics, who run their own business and sign a contract with the hospital – explains Teresa Cabała with PIP, an expert in the field conditions work in health care.
In practice, therefore, eg. of hours. 7.00 to 14.35 doctor performs his duties in a hospital as his employee. Then fully in the same facility on duty as a person employed by a private health care institutions that has a contract with the hospital or as a self-employed physician. And at 7.00 the next day once again begins duties as an employee.
– In this way, they can work or remain on standby to provide even duties for more than 100 hours. in a row. The labor inspectorate years calls for the introduction of the principle that there shall be work and a roster based on various contracts with the same employer – indicates Teresa Cabała.
There is no doubt that doctors often They can decide on such extended work, because thus can better paid. In some cases, however, a constraint. For example, young doctors who are doing specialization, but did not get on residency funded by the state, work in hospitals for free (as volunteers). In order to earn a living, have – until after the free daily rate – take charge duty.
Equally important, it also seems different, as indicated earlier, the reason of hard work in health care – the lack of specialists who can supply the duties in hospitals. According to the OECD, Poland ranks last in the EU in terms of the number of doctors per 1 thousand. inhabitants (the figure is 2.2, for comparison, in Greece – 6.1, Austria – 4.8, and in Germany – 3.8). The financial incentive to work harder in this case providing full time care to enable medical health-care facility.
– This system has obvious drawbacks, however. The effects of lack of rest physicians often become apparent only in the course of proceedings on medical errors that are committed precisely because of the fatigue of the body – explains Teresa Cabała.
In the rhythm of Korpo
Modern Stakhanovite can also easily spot the night. In larger cities there is no office where the late night light was not even in the same room. This is where his duties performed by employees Corporate , a previously unknown on the Vistula River, an employer who appeared here over the past two decades. I brought along our own model of work, which in many ways fits the idea embodied by the Stakhanov once. In a nutshell, it consists in the fact that every employee a huge creature, which is a corporation, should increase its efficiency, intensify their efforts and focus on one goal – taking care of the interests of the employer, ie the increase in production and sales. And by the way also systematically increase their skills and climb the career ladder in a big company. In practice, very often it comes down to work in the sheer volume of information, under the pressure of deadlines and supervisory divisions and in the rolling niedoczasie. I rise to the provision of professional duties after hours, sacrificing their free time, etc. As once the movement of labor leaders, also employed by corporations have their idol. Stakhanov counterpart may be their example. Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, which thanks to its own talent and dedication to the work created one of the most powerful brands in the world. On the other hand – as in the case of stakhanovites – it is easy to find a corporate martyrs ideas. 14 December 2013,. The chair. Mita 11.47 Diran, 24-year-old Indonesian advertising company employee, posted on Twitter the message “30 hours of working and still going strooong” (“30 hours. Work and still referred to as”). A few hours later she had a heart attack, fell into a coma and died in hospital. According to doctors probable cause heart failure as a young person was a combination of continuous operation for 30 hours. the consumption of energy drinks. In Poland, such a case has not occurred, but local corporations also can put the custom requirements of his subordinates.
– I received daily up to 400 e-mails. Quickly mastered the ability of selecting messages. Reading all and realizing at the same ordinary tasks was physically impossible – says Katarzyna Jumper, former HR manager of the corporation and now owner of his own business, and originator and chief Slowlajf – Foundation against burnout. He explains that employment in the corporation was constant struggle with time. – normal practice that all the time Following in corporations, is the outsourcing of some tasks, eg. In the chair. 21 indicating that it has to be done to 7am the next day. It does not matter that you have to realize also have other responsibilities. Once I got to perform in a very short period of another “important and urgent” task. When asked which of them is a priority, I heard that all – he says.
In such conditions, stress occurs rapidly, and sometimes psycho-physical exhaustion, conflict of values (resulting both of tasks, as well as a desire to reconcile work and private life), sometimes also a lack of sense of justice often compounded by a difficult relationship with your supervisor. – These are the factors leading to burnout – explains Catherine jumper.
He stresses, however, that corporations are not a uniform work environment. Some actually require enormous effort employed and dedication to work almost exclusively. On the other hand, the employees themselves, mostly well-educated professionals, have a much greater awareness of what they decide to, taking a job in a corporation, and how to find in such a structure. In such large companies usually they operate for example. Special departments supervising compliance with internal procedures. Also operates whistleblowing institution, namely the possibility of signaling by the employee violating regulations. Important are also all additional benefits that may be available employed by the corporation, including, for example. Additional health insurance, funding training, internships abroad, etc.
– Motivations to take such work is individual. This may be the opportunity to develop and participate in large projects, high salaries, prestige, which gives employment in a company with an international brand. I know people who – despite having to pay a really huge effort – they can not imagine employment elsewhere. Because only these big corporate structures will give them the necessary professional space – explains the expert.
On tour
About śrubowaniu standards and increased the effort might say too many drivers. In their case it comes to passing a longest possible route without stopping and resting. All the system of remuneration. As indicated by the National Labour Inspectorate, the main drivers often fixed salary is very low (even below the minimum wage) since hired receives additional salary components (which are also included in the minimum wage), including, for example. Remuneration for on-call time or a lump sum for night work. In practice, however, the actual remuneration diets are due to a business trip. And the employer often conditional on the number of kilometers. There are other ways to encourage transporting goods to an increased effort. – employer communicates with the driver that will pay him eg. 10 percent. of freight, the value of the goods przewiezionego. This applies particularly to small businesses that do not have to spend work rules or to sign collective agreements – explains Zenon Kopyściński, chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Drivers.
As a result, theoretically all pays off that as soon as possible to transport goods as much as possible, without regard to working hours. The employer will realize in this way a lot of orders, and the driver – more earn. According to the PIP in 2013. At 44 per cent. reliable transport companies not respected daily driving time limit, in 57 per cent. – Were not given the mandatory break after a 4.5-hour driving. Two out of three employers did not provide employees adequate daily rest periods. It is common practice for example. Reckoning loading and unloading of goods as a driver of rest (although this should be a time of operation) or – at the driver alone PIP report – the application at the request of the head of the magnets, which may obstruct the operation of tachographs (which record the actual activity drivers). – Drivers are often forced or coerced. Just like for permission to take up their individual work schedule, which means that the company does not have to pay them overtime if, for example. Tuesday will begin work earlier than Monday – explains Zenon Kopyściński.
About how much hard work doing the driver can provide such transport company from the province. Kujawsko-Pomorskie, which violated almost all prohibitions related to hiring these people. State Labour Inspectorate, controlling only the work of four of its drivers (for 11 months), counted a total fine in the amount 213 thousand. zł (sanction ultimately reduced because exceeded the thresholds laid down in the law on road transport).
Of course, the effort brings employees the benefits – thanks to him more they earn. But the hard work is also important disadvantages. – I know of a case where the driver was already so tired that the chair. 16, so in the middle of the day, fell asleep, entering the roundabout. Carrying dairy, so he had a lot to pay for cleaning up the place where this incident occurred – says Kopyściński.
Indicates yet another problem. Diet, and so the actual salary of the driver, they are not salaries, and are therefore not oskładkowane. The driver can thus for years to screw drive goes through the kilometers, but if you lose health, receive low sickness or disability. And in old age will have a minimum pension.
The self-employed
To picture the modern man of iron was fuller, it is necessary also to look at other labor relations page. Businesses can and sometimes require employees strenuous effort, but can itself impose murderous mode. They do not apply to after normal daily or weekly performance of their duties. They do not leave (unless they decide to take a free), they are not entitled to minimum wage, no one protects them from the risk of failure and the need to close the business. And on his head are still tax offices, inspections, etc.. – For business could function normally, the trader must devote its conduct at least 15 hours a day – believes Marek Kalbarczyk, owner of Altix, who runs her own business for 26 years and currently employs 90 people.
divides the businesses (and their employees) on those operating in larger structures as well as in stable and more profitable industries who realize that there will always be a source of livelihood, and those who for any money they have to fight. – The latter know that they will be able to maintain, if natch on the market for something for yourself – win the tender, will get the job. However, it costs a lot of effort and nerves, especially since such. Winning the tender is just the beginning. The entrepreneur must find the money yet for its implementation, paying salaries, etc.. I should reckon with the fact that, for example. Ordering the payment will be delayed – explains. The effort of entrepreneurs confirmed by statistics. In the third quarter of 2014. Employees worked an average of 39.8 hours. weekly, and employers and self-employed – about 5.5 hours more (45.3 hrs.).
– In general, I feel that in Poland a lot of people do not no job and has a huge problem with finding it. And while most of those who are employed, working very much, often more than their strength – sums up Marek Kalbarczyk.
And there is no indication that the work was to be less intense. It is rather the opposite. Modern technologies and systems of work organization enable the extraction of raw materials even more, even faster sales of goods, more extended work (including – increasingly – also outside the company, through electronic communication). No performance record is not safe, even that achieved by Stakhanov. In August of 2010. He was beaten by Ukrainian Serhiy Szemuka miner, which (by means of modern hammer) wyfedrował 170 tons of coal. After all, he said, that is not at all tired. And – as befits a man of iron – is willing to continue to chop.


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