Main cause of poor air quality in Krakow is the emissions from individual heating boilers for solid fuelPhoto: DzidekLasek/CC0 Public Domain/
a Resolution introduced in the district of Krakow and a total ban on Smoking coal, wood and other solid fuel in boilers, furnaces and fireplaces, in mid-January adopted a Diet of lesser Poland Voivodeship. As permitted was specified gaseous fuels and light fuel oil. The new rules should have been applied from 1 January 2019.
the Resolution zaskarżyły two people. The Sejm of Malopolska Province, has now 30 days to send a complaint to the provincial Administrative Court together with a link to the charges contained therein.
- I do Not deny that this claim is outrageous and even scary, because it tends to cancel a second time the decision on the issue of Smoking cessation with coal and even firewood in Krakow, – said the Deputy speaker Wojciech Kozak. The previous resolution antysmogowa of the regional małopolska province since November 2013. as a result of complaints have been revoked by the Supreme Administrative Court.
- If we are talking about the arguments that were introduced on the one hand, is, in particular, the assertion that we are dealing with low emissions and greenhouse gases we leave in the direction. Second, that the coal, burning it must be regarded as organic, and also for Krakow proper, – told Vice-the speaker. I don’t need to say that on both points we have a fairly tight arguments that claimants are absolutely right, – said Kozak.
- Weak points in the complaint a lot, and I think that against a new law on the protection of the environment we are not able to fend off these accusations. We are ready for it, and I think we will continue the programme of air protection in Krakow, implementing it through the prohibition of solid fuels, also we will leave aside the Small, – said the Vice-speaker during the briefing.
“the Complaint should not postpone the introduction of the decree”
in His opinion, the complaint should not slow down the introduction of the resolution. – I do not think that Krakow had been hurt, – said Kozak. When asked what would happen if a complaint is deemed reasonable, said he would appeal to the NSA, but “does not take this into account”. – We have a new law on the protection of the environment, who are ready for this kind of accusation, ‘ he repeated.
According to the UMWU, the applicants also raised, in particular, the violation of the principle of equality before the law by specifying guilty of Krakow’s citizens who use solid fuel for heating, and the omission of other culprits, as the neighboring community and road users.
As stated by the Board of Directors of the małopolskie province in support of the resolution antysmogowej, the main cause of poor air quality in Krakow is the emissions from individual boilers for solid fuels. Średniorocznie they are responsible for emissions of 42 percent. particulate PM 10, 37 percent. the dust PM 2.5 and 68%. benzo(a)pirenu.
According to tests exceedances of suspended dust PM 10 occur mainly during the heating season, i.e. from October to March. The average concentrations of PM 10 at this time is three times higher than in the rest of the year.
According to the estimations of epidemiologists, because of the pollution of air with dust suspended in the capital of the Malopolska region die each year several hundred people.
PAP, Lord

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