the gas supplies From Russia, we are dependent on a few tens of years. Today-reaching consequence of the post-war, forced connections of our economy with the then USSR. However, after the fall of the Empire and the collapse of the Communist system in this issue, little has changed: Russia has been, next is our main supplier of gas. Maybe because so far not stopped by the wall: Moscow actually never us this symbolic tap…. That does not mean that we can feel safe.
the Threat
In Russia is growing wielkomocarstwowy nationalism. The Kremlin says about the possibility of using energy as a political weapon. And it not empty threats. Painfully, she convinced herself including Ukraine. In the end, that’s gas blackmail Moscow made the presentation of Belarus. Unfortunately, Russia may face a situation similar szachowania.
Over the last 25 years in the teaching of Russian international policy openly recorded was putting pressure on other States with captive supply of raw materials. In continuation of this strategy of the Russian Federation, that is to retain its dominant position in the region, is struggling, “Gazprom” – Piotr Naimski, the Secretary of state in KPRM, the government Commissioner for strategic energy infrastructure refers to the political context of our gas relations with the Russian.
Chairman of the Board, Polish Oil and gas industry, Piotr Wozniak puts and emphasis on their economic aspects:
- do Not exclude the preservation of our portfolio of natural gas obtained from Russia. However, this will depend on the services that we conditions; they need to be competitive.
Although the fact that they say we’re both gentlemen, clearly, simply and clearly, and, though actually the same is always said and still say politicians of all groups, while the systemic transformation of a quarter of a century, Poland once, however, has not managed to create fully independent of the Russian system of gas supply. Still over us hangs the threat of unjustified reduction of deliveries; what happened, at least in the past year. Well, these absurdly high prices.
of Course, the situation is influenced by objective factors, geopolitical, but not only them. Not without significance is also insufficient and therefore, the actions of subsequent governments.
the Government has a plan
the Strategy of PGNiG readable. – First of all we strive to get the gas to market conditions using zdywersyfikowanego portfolio of suppliers, – explains Piotr Wozniak. Is the path to ensuring a stable and more favourable for PGNiG method of obtaining raw materials.
therefore, the fact that we can and should cooperate with the Russians. It would have happened in the case, if it were possible to completely wean Poland from their gas sources. This is important: in this game we are talking not only about the change of direction of gas supplies, but just about diversification of sources. That was not so, experts stress that the gas we buy in the West of Europe, also comes with Russian deposits, only comes to us by a circuitous route.
a Key element of the government’s plan is the development of gas connections from Norway via Denmark. This return to the idea that rejected the government of Leszek Miller. One of the consequences of decisions taken then was to leave the Polish gas sector, and in practice the entire economy at the mercy of the Russians. Why would you gladly took, dictating to us that have nothing to do with the market, terribly high prices.
- jamalski Contract expires at the end of 2022, and from now on, we’re going to rely on supplies from other directions than the East. So we brought in the project of connection of gas with Norway, says Vice-President of the PGNiG Janusz Kowalski. – Due to the import of Norwegian gas and LNG via the Terminal im. President Lech Kaczynski of the rebellion, in the end, truly competitive market in Poland and in Central Europe.
First, however, this new connection must occur. By the way, it was just said in Oslo President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Beata awl. For the whole concept to attract are the institutions of the European Union.
- We have serious conditions to count on the understanding of the European Commission and support of the project of a gas pipeline from the Norwegian continental shelf to Poland, confirms the Minister Naimski.
there will be problems? It’s just not so obvious.
- for example, on the connection of offshore Norway via Denmark and the Baltic Pipe from Poland to begin in 2017. On their completion takes several years. Will continue, of course, longer than the current term of the Sejm – translators. – And we must be ready for a year until 2022, the end of a long-term contract with Gazprom. Anyone later will cover government, it is – I hope – for your duty to recognize the long-term strategy.
His fears were not in vain: we remember that SLD began with the first plans for the construction of gas connections with Scandinavia.
Our plans are urgently monitors Moscow. And, of course, is not them happy. Because the Russian big, serious client. His loss will be for the country living with the export of raw materials a big problem. It is not surprising that our intentions were widely reported in the Russian media. Convinced that Russia will now “buy gas more expensive.” The commentators have not added that we turn to midnight and sunset, because Gazprom dictates ridiculous gas prices.
the Key to gas independence
Crohn’s tube only should be. Gazoport – it is working. During the year, can accommodate vessels which are in the form of condensate will be brought to 5 billion cubic meters of gas. This will be enough to cover a third of our domestic demand. So the terminal in Swinoujscie another important segment of our security system gas.
we regularly analyze opportunities for the development of the terminal. This is natural, because market conditions are changing rapidly and we must be ready,” says Tomasz Stampen, Director of GAZ-System. – Possible as a quick investment, and expansion, increasing the terminal capacity to 10 billion cubic meters
How much will it cost?
Expensive will be the construction of a third tank. However, already prepared development shows that to increase the possibility of receiving gas to 7.5 billion cubic metres per year can be obtained without this costly investment.
by the way: is still not accused of plans to build a second gazoportu. Its natural place would be the area of the Gulf of Gdansk.
Why the government has a big role gives gazoportu and purchasing LNG? Because we are witnessing a radical change that we should use: the LNG market is developing rapidly and do not need to perform particularly complicated calculations to understand that our newly commissioned infrastructure in świnoujście, while requests to its capacity to enter in this trend.
- Well terminal significantly contributes to the energy security of the country, once again underlines the Vice-President Petrov.
Adding that his company on a long term basis reserved 65 percent. throughput of the terminal. That means that his services will benefit others. Because there is also a growing importance of short-term deals and mg was purchased under spot contracts, the terminal in świnoujście will help Poland become a full member of the international LNG market. A revival of competition between the various suppliers can, and to reduce their proposed prices.
Polish gas hub?
is that even possible? Yes. Russia really has a chance to become a gas hub for raw materials outside of Russia.
- assuming that the gas is performed not only from the different parties, but actually from different sources, – stressed the Minister Naimski. – If in the future 5-6 years will provide yourself the opportunity to attract tens of billions cubic meters of gas from the Norwegian continental shelf and in the form of LNG gazoport through, we will be able to offer it to consumers in other Central European countries. This, of course, need more connection with their systems, reports.
In this concept, we need, however, to win allies. And it’s not just on a business level, but also political. This could then cause very serious concern of the Russians.
Whether Polish plans real? In many ways, their implementation will depend on the prices of raw materials. And these are changing quite rapidly. With the gas business is hampered, among other things, investments in renewable energy in many countries corrects the forecasts of gas demand.
the Market applies even more so to customers. You, not want to tie themselves to long-term contracts with one supplier. Thus, Poland in the role of another, to increase its presence of competition, a serious member of the gas market-this vision is very real. Maybe in the next decade, we will supply gas to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine.
Dariusz Malinowski
More information on “Virtual New Industry”

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