Morning on training from the use of the latest messaging. In the afternoon, working on half-time in the customer service center a large insurance company. In the evening, the parents, to see how they’re doing, and help them in the difficult activities. It is not today a twenty-year plan, but the likely scenario senior classes Anno Domini 2040. The closest 25th anniversary of those very people put some of the greatest civilizational challenges – without increasing their activity because you can not keep or present social security system, nor care benefits. The foundations may also shudder already unstable health.
Everything by demography. In 1989. When starting to political and economic transformation, 65 years and more had 3.8 million Poles (10 per cent. Of the population). By 2013,. The number increased by nearly 1.9 million and the elderly already constitute 15 percent. the general public. This trend will become even intensify. According to the CSO forecast for the 25 years of seniors will have approx. 9 million (26 percent.). This is the basic reason for the decision to extend the retirement age from 60 years (women) and 65 years (men) to 67 years of age. And probably not the last word rulers – it is very likely that at some time you will need to extend that age even more, eg. For 70 years. And that means a real revolution in employment of older people, who will be in the next quarter century. What will it involve? First of all, reversed the role that seniors play in society today. So also the gradual refuting the myths that are currently in employment of such persons are pervasive.
Myth # 1: Companies do not want older workers
Today it is often true opinion. On the “Diagnosis of the current situation of women and men 50+ on the labor market in Poland” it shows that after reaching retirement age the employee an extension of his employment is concerned only 22.4 percent. public sector employers and 13.8 percent. entrepreneurs.
– This will change. Employers will force the demographic situation. And it faster than you might think. Only by 2020. About 1 million people from the post-war baby boomers retire. It’s a huge gap in the labor market and companies will have to somehow fill it – explains Ewa Pilate, Agent rector of the Jagiellonian University Affairs. Jagiellonian University of the Third Age.
According to the forecasts for 2040 . in Poland will leave approx. 6.5 million people of working age (15-64 years). – The economy will need workers, especially in services, which arrives jobs. It is also the sector in which older people can find jobs more easily than the production, which usually requires yet more physical – emphasizes prof. Peter Błędowski from the School of Economics in Warsaw, Head of the Department of Social Gerontology Institute of Labour and Social Affairs (ILSS).
explains that currently stronger position in the labor market – due to the relatively high unemployment – have employer. One employee may be replaced with another. If this trend reverses – and statistics show that it is inevitable – it is the employer will have to create working conditions that will encourage qualified personnel to continued employment (despite progressively higher age).
– Incentives and employee benefits provided by the employer due – in addition to the genuine concerns of subordinates and care for the image of the company – just the most from the situation on the labor market – adds the expert IPiSS.
An example of the provision for the elderly, which in the future may also be used in Poland, there is an additional, usually paid leave for qualified people with long work experience, which can reduce the risk of burnout. This solution (the so-called. Sabbatical) is used eg. In the USA, mainly in large corporate companies. According to the portal length of the interruption – depending on the employer – varies from a few weeks to even the year (eg. Nike – 5 weeks, Deloitte – up to 24 weeks, Goldman Sachs – from 24 to 52 weeks). Another option that could encourage older people to employment is, for example. Opportunity to work in a reduced-time, flexible hours performing duties (due to family obligations), the possibility of their benefits in the form of teleworking like. Particularly gradual reduction of working time, ie for example. Execution duties on 1/2 or 1/3 time work instead of retirement, it may be for 25 years, more frequently used option.
– Employers should get used to the idea that they will They have to adapt working time as the needs of employees. So that, for example. An older person will work only in the afternoon or on Saturday. On the other hand, I do not think it would succeed in Poland to introduce a system under which the employee connects the work of retirement in a way that gradually decreases the amount of salary and benefit increases until the complete exit from the labor. Such a model tested in other countries and proved to be very costly – explains Professor. Boguslaw Urbaniak, head of the Department of Labour and Social Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz.
There is no doubt for that for 25 years the company otherwise they will conduct personnel policy. – The key importance will be that sooner or later employers appreciate the need for age management, or take action that allow for a more rational and efficient use of human resources in the company by taking into account the needs and abilities of employees of all ages. The reality will force them to do – explains Professor. Peter Błędowski.
Myth 2: Seniors are not good workers
Today, employers usually see only disadvantages of such subordinates – a person in his sixties is slower, less efficient, can often be on sick leave, harder to absorb new technological solutions or organizational. – These opinions concern, however, current seniors, and after 25 years it will be a completely different group of people – more educated, because a growing number of people with a degree in higher education; more active, modern lifestyle because it forces; Digitally not excluded because this type of competence among today’s 40-50-year-olds are more common like. – explains Professor. Boguslaw Urbaniak.
Such trends are already visible now. In 2002. 63.7 percent. persons aged 65 years and more legitymowało a primary education or have not completed any school. Nine years later, this proportion has decreased by as much as 12.7 percentage points. (51 percent.). At the same time came persons with secondary and post-secondary (from 19.2 per cent. To 24 per cent.) And higher (from 6.2 to 9.5 per cent.).
– Since the elderly are better qualified, it also increases the scope of work that may take. In particular valued by employers may be their communication skills – adds the prof. Boguslaw Urbaniak.
These skills are required in particular in services, which now – as mentioned earlier – is the largest sector of the economy, and in the next 25 years will still grow. Older people can have a great check on all these positions that require contact with the customer. Experts point out examples.
– During the trip to Sweden had a day to stay in Copenhagen. So I went to the tourist information center, where two elderly ladies – despite language problems – safely and completely comprehensively informed me that the tourist attractions of the city. In Sweden, the information gave me a young girl. She gave all the knowledge, but in an appropriate manner for their age – quickly, without empathy, which showed two older Danes – says Piotr Błędowski.
– Experience and wisdom can not be taught in any school and any university. This is the greatest strengths of older people in the labor market, plus of course the ability to transfer this knowledge to the younger generation. Many studies have shown that the most effective are these teams of employees whose members include people of all ages. Because they can exchange skills which alone does not gain – adds Ewa Pilate.
emphasizes that today the experience of the elderly is rarely used, although the transfer of knowledge to younger people could be another kind of activity, in which older people coped very well by themselves. – Sorrow look at wasting the skills of retired engineers, doctors, economists, teachers. In Krakow, together with the municipal social welfare center we organize support for foster families, consisting primarily at giving the children lessons. Retired teachers work with students from the earliest stages of education up to matriculation. Also help in solving everyday problems of these families. It could use to make these solutions have become systemic nature – explains Ewa Pilate.
Myth # 3: What Johnny does not teach that John will not know
It will be, will be. If something has not learned to Hansel, it will have the knowledge to assimilate or adult Janek already Jan. Because the labor market will require all employees – including elderly – continuous improvement of professional qualifications. Already they enforce this economic transformation, ie dominance of services over production and new technologies that change the operation mode. Over the next 25 years will wane in cases where the work provides a single, fixed location, under the direction of a particular person and at the time indicated by it.
– Currently overview of the work in the future disfigures us as much established as false assumption that at the age of 67 years employed will perform the same work he provided having 25 or 30 years. The assumption that you will be working in one job for the whole of their career – which was often just a few decades ago – there is no justification. A significant part of the workforce during economic activity will have to change not only your company, but also the sector in which he works – explains Piotr Błędowski.
Lifelong-learning, or learning or Lifelong otherwise, it will concern also the elderly. It’s a real challenge to the nearest quarter of a century, because today the EU against the Polish seniors are among the least likely to raise their professional qualifications. Eurostat data (2011.) Shows that the rate of lifelong-learning courses for people aged 55-64 in Poland is 0.8 percent. (The EU average is 4.3 per cent.), And those with 45-54 years – 2.2 percent. (EU average – 7.1 percent.). They are not solely to blame for the employees themselves. In Poland does not work because no institutional system of training for older employees. With “Diagnosis …” it shows that people aged 45-50 + have undertaken educational effort, or at the expense of the employer (46.1 percent.) Or financed it with their own funds (39.6 percent.). One in seven employees Gained extra qualifications thanks to EU funds. This financing structure was decisive that the most common form of extending vocational skills of older people are now various types of vocational training (dokształcało thus 69.8 per cent. Of 45-50 +, which undertook educational effort) and computer courses (12.6 per cent.). Institutional education, which in most cases provides a higher level of education, takes only one out of ten employees.
– The education system is not geared towards the elderly. With surprise assumed to be aged 50+ who want to change their profession. There is no learning centers, nor legal or financial framework for such operations. Take action in this area is essential if we want to for 25 years of older people are not excluded from the labor market – said prof. Boguslaw Urbaniak.
A special role in this regard should play the state. – Since it uses for lengthening working lives of citizens, this should contribute to the costs that are associated with it. He can not expect that these expenses will be borne by the employer. Besides, the state would lose on this, because higher expenses reduce the competitiveness of companies, which represents a decline of income of companies, and therefore influence the budget – notes prof. Peter Błędowski.
A positive example are the universities of the third age (UTA). Currently, there are 520 Polish, with about 20 percent. It is led by universities, 20 percent. by local governments, and the rest by NGOs. In total, they focused approx. 150 thousand. pupils and students (learning in this mode, but there is no formal procedure does not end up granting the degree). Some of the units – mostly those run by associations – are based on self-education and self-help seniors develop their passion or hobby. Some of them (especially those operating at the universities) but offers regular classes which enable students to acquire knowledge and new skills by the elderly. So it is eg. In the case of the Jagiellonian University of the Third Age. On five main areas (such as art history, psychology adulthood, prevention of civilization diseases and healthy lifestyle) educates more than 400 people. In addition, they can develop their interests, participating in 14 different seminars (including law, philosophy, musicology, computer science). – I think that this type of activity in the coming years have yet to develop. Lifelong learning is a necessity of civilization, not only because of the extension of the retirement age, but also from a desire to improve the quality of life. Lengthening of the latter is not a value in itself. The aim of education in the Third Age is to get control of your health, changing habits, so that the elderly remain independent and not be a burden to their children – indicates Pilate Eve.
Myth 4: Pensioners do not want to work
Some for sure. Those employed in toxic workplaces, exposed to harassment (including due to age), or violations of their labor rights (eg. A delay salary payments, because the employer knows that it is difficult for them to find employment elsewhere), will continue to count down the days until the desired pensions. Such cases will probably also happen for 25 years, although in a more limited extent, because then senior will have a better knowledge of their powers, and even the labor market will become more open to him.
A large part of the elderly now but would like to work longer, but it is coerced into retirement. A classic example is eg. Typing to redundancies primarily those people who have already reached retirement age. Since she is entitled to the benefit, it somehow can handle, and the workplace better to keep for someone younger, who does not have guaranteed payments from another source.
– Those who do hit us, most often found themselves in this situation – she fell firm, which worked for a long time, or felt an obligation to give up her seat for younger people who have dependent children, etc. – indicates Pilate Eve.
Statistics show that currently more or less firm can quickly rejects retirement 28.5 percent. those aged 45-50 +, and 16 percent. This group of undecided. For a quick end of the activity counts for slightly more than half of seniors. Over the next quarter century, the number of the former should, however, rise, and the latter – to decrease. Among the most interested in prolonging the jobs they are, amongst others, entrepreneur (approx. 40 per cent. of them want to quickly retire), specialists and auxiliary administrative staff (also about 40 per cent.), people with higher education (19 percent.). Such seniors over the next 25 years due to economic and social change will arrive. At the opposite extreme are farmers (68.9 per cent. Wants to quickly retire), unskilled workers (69.5 percent.) And skilled workers (63 percent.), People with at most lower secondary education (approx. 49 per cent.). Such people in the coming years, and thus also swift conclusion of supporters of economic activity, will decrease.
– must also take into account that the extension work will compel senior financial issues. Most people do not save addition, for example. In the third pillar, so after work will receive low benefits. To maintain the current standard of living, you will need to either move during the term retirement, or dorabiać to it – emphasizes prof. Boguslaw Urbaniak.
Myth 5: Young people have to deal with older
25 years closer to the truth is an opinion that it is rather older people have to deal with these sędziwymi. With forecasts of GUS that in 2040. Persons aged 80 years and more are to constitute up to 36 percent. the total number of elderly people (65 years and more), an increase of 10 pct. more than at present. In 2050. Every tenth Pole will be at least 80 years old (now at this age is at 25 a person). This can have a significant impact on the economic activity of all the seniors, because it is 60-year-olds will have to deal with sędziwymi parents. And that will automatically limit their ability to continue employment. Already 65-75 per cent. people who have caring responsibilities, declares willingness fast exit from the labor. Less gracious eye on these employees also look employer.
– Such obligations to a much greater degree turn off their labor market than having to care for their grandchildren. Especially that Poland still more profitable to yourself to quit work and take care of the dependent person, than to hire a babysitter – notes Ewa Pilate.
To older people to be active in the future , it is necessary to state support in this area. – It should share the costs of caring for the increasing number of dependent – says Piotr Błędowski.
Without that care, despite the best intentions employers and future seniors, plan of the latter will not acquire or acquire new skills or work. Senior limited to visits to the venerable parent. And that does not withstand either the labor market or benefits system, and therefore the state itself.


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