Monday, January 25, 2016

PGNiG commented contract rating agency Standard & Poor’s –

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On Monday, PGNiG denounced the agreement concluded the Standard & amp; Poor’s Rating Services Ltd, which concerned the credit assessment (or rating) of the gas company, and bonds issued by its subsidiary PGNiG Finance AB.

“Thus, in the near future S & amp; P withdraws rating, which since 28 November 2012 was at BBB- with a stable outlook “- PGNiG wrote in a statement. The company recalled here that both PGNiG and PGNiG Finance AB still have investment grade assigned by Moody’s Investors Service.

Why PGNiG has taken this decision? “The reason to terminate a contract with Standard & amp; Poor’s Rating Services Ltd are doubts as to the criteria used by the Agency. Finally the cost optimization” – told us the press office of PGNiG.

Last week, the S & amp; P withdrew rating of PKO BP, which explained that terminated the contract with this agency as early as mid-December 2015.

Recall that in mid-January, the agency downgraded Polish from AA- to BBB + (notes higher than that which It took more than three years PGNiG). In support agency wrote that “from winning elections in October 2015, the new Polish government initiated various legislative measures that we believe undermine the independence and effectiveness of key institutions as a result of our institutional assessment.”

The Ministry of Finance rated that the decision of the S & amp; P is incomprehensible from the point of view of economic and financial analysis, and indicated that other international rating agencies have not changed Polish.

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