Monday, April 25, 2016

we need a new mechanism for pension increases – Polish Radio

                             Deflation in the Polish economy is mainly connected with the persistent decline in prices on the commodity markets, which are at the lowest level since 2008.

This makes the average annual price index of goods and services fell last year by 0.9 percent. Deflation affected the indexation of pensions – from March to provide increased 0.2 percent. Higher is the base amount, based on which benefits are calculated. To compensate pensioners low valorization, introduced disposable extras, depending on the size of pensions.

– GUS monthly measure called. consumer price index. Considering the average consumer basket average Pole measures how changing prices of food, fuel and goods. Averages and shows how much average prices have changed compared to the same month last year – explained in an interview with the agency Newseria Business Wiktor Wojciechowski, an economist.

In 2015. Prices fell by 0, 9 percent.

The average consumer price index in 2015 compared to 2014 was 99.1 per cent., Which means that prices fell by 0.9 percent. To a large extent the effect of revaluation of raw materials. The price index of raw materials, published by the International Monetary Fund fell to their lowest level since 2008. I beg, because 40 percent. per annum, dropped the price of gas and oil, the lower are the raw materials for food.

– The fall in prices did not provide for the poor condition of the Polish economy, but simply reflected the price formation precisely these energy resources, primarily on world markets and a decreased average prices that we had to pay for purchased goods and services – says the economist.

Deflation hits pensioners

the Future Inflation who several months in advance forecast the direction of prices of goods and services in February rose 0.4 percent. Although this is the fourth consecutive rise in the indicator, deflation is to continue to maintain. This affects the amount of pensions. In March, as a result of indexation of pensions increased by 0.24 percent. Valuation ratio is the average consumer price index in the previous calendar year increased by at least 20 percent. the real growth of the average salary in the previous calendar year, or 4.2 percent. in 2015. Inflation for the purposes of the pension was negative and amounted to minus 0.6 percent.

– Reclamation will be benefits that were granted prior to 1 March this year, and for which the right was established by the end of February. In the case of benefits that are at the time of the valuation put on hold, eg. Due to achieve high income above 130 percent. the average salary indexation at the moment to take their payout – indicates Wieslaw Lempska from the Department of pension in the Department of Social Security.

The indexation is to multiply the amount of benefit and the basis of its assessment by the indexation rate (100.24 per cent .). As noted by the expert, will be ex officio, which means that approx. 9 million pensioners do not have to report to ZUS application for conversion, because indexation will be determined automatically.

– As of March 1 has also increased the amount of the base. It is now 3408.62 zł. Use it to set and are translated into retirement and disability benefits, determined at current – says Lempska.

To compensate for the relatively low valorization, retirees can count on one-time allowances, the amount of which depends on the amount of benefits granted. Most of them, 400 zł, get people whose pension does not exceed 900 zł, the retired in the amount of 1.1 thousand. it will be 300 zł to 1.5 thousand. – 200 zł and 50 zł can count pensioners, the provision of which is up to 2 thousand. zł.

– In addition to the indexation of pensions have been increased or additions to their vested. They include Allowance, the addition of veteran or supplement for orphans complete – like expert ZUS.

Newseria, abo


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