Monday, September 5, 2016

Diet: Specustawa airport will be valid until the end of 2020. –

Rejected by the Sejm, the Senate amendment, was to clarify the deadline for submitting an application for authorization for the investment in airports for public use.

special law provisions were already in Polish law from 2009 to the end of 2015. during the work on the novella, MEPs pointed out that the amendment is necessary.

“Extension of deadline for action superact positive effect on the competitiveness of our economy, the labor market and to increase the accessibility to airports, both in the area of ​​tourism and freight, “- he argued in the course of work on the novella of the Act rapporteur Tomasz Ławniczak (PiS).

also in the evaluation of deputy minister of infrastructure and construction Jerzy Szmit the extension of the special law is very necessary to the Polish Air Force. “Intensive development of airports in recent years has been possible thanks to the binding force of special law. I guess all Polish airports, there is a need for further investment “- argued Szmit. He pointed out that if a positive decision would collapse ws. The construction of the Central Airport, the airport Specustawa facilitate the conduct of this investment.

in force until the end of last year, the Act on special rules for the preparation and implementation of investments airports for public use from 12 February 2009. called Specustawą aerodrome determines the terms and conditions governing the preparation and implementation of investment these airports, as well as the rules governing the acquisition of real estate in these investments. According to the special law of airport investment in such airports means construction, reconstruction or expansion of the port or the equipment and facilities to handle the traffic. Polish Air Navigation Services Agency provides equipment and facilities needed for airspace management.

The amendment now goes to the president’s signature .


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