Monday, September 5, 2016

Sejm with the Senate amendments to the CIT reduction to 15 percent. –

The aim of the amendment, which the Parliament on July 22 this year., At the last meeting before the summer, supported almost unanimously, is to lower CIT rate for small taxpayers 19 percent. up to 15 percent.

The reduced rate is to cover the company – CIT payers whose income from sales (including amount of tax payable on goods and services) did not exceed 1.2 million per year. According to the government of such taxpayers in Poland is 393 thousand.

The government hopes that in the long term this story should help to accelerate the economic development of Polish and create favorable conditions for increasing enterprise Poles, especially young and well-educated.

As part of the mechanisms of “sealing” the Act introduces a provision, which provides for reduction of application set out in the Act, preferential taxation of transactions of exchange of shares. In accordance with the principles of the Act shall not apply in cases where the main or one of the main objectives of the exchange of shares is to avoid or evade tax.

the law also assumes that the preferential tax rate will not be subject to tax capital groups.

According to the Ministry of finance does not complicate the tax system. Deputy Finance Minister Wieslaw Janczyk said during parliamentary work, although it provides for reducing the tax rate, will also increase budget revenues. Because as far as budget revenues due to the reduced rates are reduced annually by 270 million zł, provided for in the “sealing mechanisms” tax system have lead to the increase of 277 million zł.

During the voting of amendments to the bill in the Senate, August 4, among others rejected substantive amendment of the opposition, which called for the introduction of 15 per cent. PIT rates for small taxpayers and taxpayers commencing business.

According to the authors of the amendment, the adoption zrównałoby settlements over 2 million people running their own business with the amount of the tax burden on small companies, which will benefit from 15 percent. CIT. It was also argued that thanks to the tax system would be simpler.

CIR explained after the adoption of the draft amendment by the government, that the introduction of preferential taxation in CIT PIT without taking into account the existing rules for taxation of income (revenue) derived from economic activity by individuals.

they claimed that they can benefit from tax on general principles, that is, according to the tax scale: 18 percent. and 32 per cent. linearly or 19 percent. or by means of simplified, flat-rate form of taxation, ie. a lump sum on recorded income or tax card. “Taxpayers CIT does not have such a choice” – marked.

The law will come into force on 1 January 2017 .


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