Friday, October 3, 2014

Giant breaking into JPMorgan: millions of passwords leaked – Republic

Giant breaking into JPMorgan: millions of passwords leaked – Republic

 Giant burglary to JPMorgan: millions of passwords leaked

Giant burglary to JPMorgan: millions of passwords leaked

Source : Bloomberg

Hackers stole from the databases of one of the largest banks in the United States JPMorgan Chase & amp; Co. information on approximately 76 million households and 7 million small businesses. Seized the user data web services.

The Bank acknowledged that stolen names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of people using the services of the bank websites (, JPMorganOnline) and mobile applications. Emphasized, however, that so far there was no interception by hackers account numbers, passwords, dates of birth and social security numbers of bank customers. There was also suspicious financial transactions.

JPMorgan announced that it is partnering with American law enforcement authorities to explain the hackers who got up to 100 servers, the largest bank in the United States. The investigation included the federal police and the FBI.

Hackers reset your password workers

Bank discovered hacking into their database in mid-August. The attack was however reached in June – spokeswoman Patricia Wexler institutions. Refused to comment on the potential perpetrators of the attack.

In response to the discovery of JPMorgan attacked off the account and reset the password to access all the technical staff. Also posted on its website a statement in which reassures customers that do not need to change the passwords to their bank accounts.

– your money at JPMorgan Chase are safe – provides the bank said in a statement.

The attack Russians stand

At the end of August, the authorities of the United States reported that investigate cases of cyber-attacks against US financial institutions, including JPMorgan. American service check whether the activities of hackers is not the Russian government.

At the beginning of August, “New York Times” reported that the criminal organization operating in the territory of Russia stole about 1.2 billion passwords and logins to web sites and more than 500 million e-mail addresses. Given that the information is captured from approx. 420 thousand. web pages.

Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for President Vladimir Putin denied that Russia was behind the attacks on JPMorgan and called the suggestion “nonsense”.

similar hacking attacks also took place in other large American companies. After hacking into the database Home Depot thieves stole the credit card details of nearly 60 million customers of the commercial network. A little earlier fallen prey to hackers credit data network customers Target.

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