Thursday, October 9, 2014

The construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland does not violate the competition rules –

The construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland does not violate the competition rules –

2014-10-09 19:15

 The construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland will not infringe the competition rules

[Photo: cnythzl / iStockphoto]

/> OCCP gave the green light for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland. The Authority concluded that the creation of the joint venture by PGE, KGHM, Tauron and Enea will not lead to a restriction of competition – reads.

Consent OCCP was a necessary condition for the acquisition of shares of four companies in the SPV PGE EJ1, which is to build Poland’s first nuclear power plant.

When asked to comment on the decision of the OCCP Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Janusz Piechociński said in Łódź, that is the next step in the implementation – which was adopted by the government – the nuclear policy program.

– I am glad that from the formal legal this stage we have for each other – said Piechociński. According to him, if the decision of the OCCP was different, then there would be a serious problem. As he spoke, then you would have to look for another solution . reminded that Poland is the only country in this part of Europe, which is surrounded by nuclear power .

The head of the Economy Ministry also noted that the program adopted by the government’s nuclear policy is not just a building nuclear power plant; is also the issue of the use of new techniques and technologies.

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The consent of the OCCP was a necessary condition for the acquisition of shares of four companies in the …

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Champions of the Polish economy will participate in the largest project in the energy market in the postwar history of our country – noted the Ministry of Economy in the comment. Construction of a nuclear power plant will become a joint venture of the three leading national operators combine the energy and copper, the largest Polish mining company. The construction of the first Polish nuclear power plant becomes so important new participants whose presence will facilitate the financing of the project and will strengthen the competence of the company – rated the MG.

Resort stressed that, in effect, almost all the major domestic producers of energy will be involved in this strategic project for the state, strengthening the energy security of the Poles. Taking part in it will allow you to gain access to knowledge and modern-technology and ensure future access to energy at competitive prices – added the ministry, but points out that the construction of nuclear power is a demanding task from the country that it takes, greatest effort development of a number of organizational and technical competence .

MG wrote that the technology of generating electricity in a nuclear reactor has been successfully used for over 60 years. In Poland, this technology was not yet present, which makes that we have no access to drop-down and still important to protect the investment climate. Decision companies proves that they found it was time to change this state – wrote the ministry.

informing its approval of the OCCP stressed that PGE EJ1 to be responsible for preparing investment process, testing location and construction of the power plant – was set up by the Polish Energy Group PGE. As a result of the concentration sell it at 10 percent. shares of two other energy companies Tauron and Enea Energy Poland and the KGHM Polish Copper – reads Authority.

According to the OCCP carried out by him, the investigation showed that the concentration will not lead to a restriction of competition. The share of energy from a proposed power plant is estimated to amount to 7 percent., Does not increase so much the position of PGE, Tauron and Enea on the market for the manufacture and marketing of electricity. Still, they will produce energy from other sources independently of each other – it reads.

At the beginning of September. CEOs Tauron, Enea and KGHM signed a contract with the Polish Energy Group about buying a stake in PGE EJ1. The company is responsible not only for the preparation for the construction of the plant. After starting the gym will be its operator, or will be responsible for the safe and efficient operation. The agreement committed the company to a common, proportional to finance activities related to the investment in the next three years .

It is estimated that the total costs of preparing the project – which will suffer in proportion to the shares of four companies – amount about 1 billion zł. At this time it is planned to selecting a strategic partner in the project, technology providers, contractors in the formula the key , supplier of nuclear fuel and acquisition financing of the whole project. In mid-September, PGE EJ1 announced the signing of a contract with an engineer contract – a result of a tender British company AMEC.

According to the plans of the government, in 2017. Should be taken as a fundamental decision to build a nuclear power plant, a proper construction of the first block should start in 2020., and by the end of 2024. would it be put into operation. The first nuclear power plant is to have a power of 3000 MW.



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