Friday, October 10, 2014

Russia imposed a new embargo. This time the blow is aimed at the … – Polish Radio

Russia imposed a new embargo. This time the blow is aimed at the … – Polish Radio

Russian inspectors accused Poland that, under the guise of re-send their goods to Russia embargoed. Ombudsman Rossielhoznadzoru Julia Trofimov explains the case of goods which have been produced in other countries and transhipped in Poland, before continuing on your journey to Russia. The clerk says that disclosed cases that under the guise of just such goods, Polish exporters sent to Russia domestic production.

Prohibition of re-export of Polish applies to the entire plant production, as well as seeds. This type of ban most strikes in Polish carriers and transhipment hubs. According to the decision Rossielhoznadzoru, now fruits, vegetables and seeds that are going to Russia can not be transported through the territory of our country.

Carriers outraged Russian constraints

Polish carriers outraged with new Russian restrictions. It’s about vegetables and fruits, which were only transported through our country. The Russians argue that occurred to the falsification of documents and were placed into the Polish Federation of products that have already been covered by the embargo. This decision is a blow to the Polish transport companies. President of the Association of International Road Carriers Jan Buczek is outraged.
new ban in force since the sixth of October, but the Russian press service only today announced its introduction. John Buczek believes that the issue should be addressed Polish government.
Buczek stated that at the moment it is difficult to estimate the loss caused by the Russian embargo. For several weeks, talks between carriers and officials on possible compensation. But there is no understanding in this matter.

Another sanctions Russia is the result of the weakness of the West

Russia sensed that the West is weak and uses this situation – so the issue following the Russian sanctions imposed in Poland Polish Radio guest commented 24, Dr. Luke Yassin. Moscow accuses the Polish manufacturers that under the guise of re-send to Russia its products. Guest
PR 24 is of the opinion that Russia’s policy towards Polish is a derivative of the degree of solidarity of European countries, and this, as noted by Luke Yassin, is quite weak. According to Dr Jasiny Russia saw that the EU is not able to really help Ukraine in the peace negotiations. He added that Russia sensed the weakness of Europe in September’s gas crisis. This, in his opinion, caused that Russia will now escalate sanctions.

Russia bites to Poland for a tough stance towards Ukraine

In the opinion of independent commentators, it punishment for our country’s tough stance against Russia’s involvement in the conflict Ukrainian. Russia banned the import phytosanitary service of vegetables, fruits and seeds, through Polish territory. This applies, the foreign products transported or handled in our country.
Russians accused the Polish producers of violating the embargo under the guise of re-exports. In the opinion of some commentators, it is to be a punishment for the recent speech the head of Polish diplomacy. Parliament Speaker was yesterday heavily criticized by “Rossijską Gazeta” threatening to Moscow for further sanctions, if not cease Ukrainian escalation of the conflict. Meanwhile, the Russian entrepreneurs can hear it praised the cooperation with the Poles. Embargoed for re-export are not the only actions of the Russian authorities that cause controversy in Poland. Recently, Russian Society of History – Military named Soviet prisoners of war, Polish – Bolshevik – “victims of Polish death camps” and wants to build the monument in Krakow. On the occasion of informed public opinion in Russia, the Poles tortured tens of thousands of Red Army.

B. President: Russia will pay a high price for their actions

TVN 24 Business and World / x-news

This is the second blow

In early August, Russia imposed a ban on imports of fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy products from the United States, the EU, Australia, Canada and Norway. In this way, responded to the sanctions imposed on it by the West in relation to its role in the conflict in Ukraine.

Fruit embargo. Farmers count losses

TVP / x-news

Apples sell for Singapore? “We gigantic action”

TVN 24 / x-news

IAR, abo


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