Sunday, August 28, 2016

How best to invest money? See, what most Poles have given millions – Virtual Poland

If our pocket suddenly went 5 million zł, first kupilibyśmy property or help relatives in need. The results of a survey conducted by Deutsche Bank showed how much we are pragmatic. It is surprising that only slightly more than 5 percent. would pick on a long journey or rushed job, and that after all we hear most often during social fantasizing about the big win.

In addition to buying a house or several houses or apartment, there are several other good ideas for the development of such money. It turns out that 5 million zł for the average deposit interest rate at 2.5 percent. a year can give us almost 8.5 thousand per month. zł. This is more than double the average wage in our country. Another advantage of this non-invasive approach to so much money is also true that such use of having them do not deplete our resources. After the subsequent months and years we will continue to have those 5 million.

M millionaire and m as apartment

Research Deutsche Bank showed again that the greatest number of respondents with winnings or inherited 5 million powędrowałaby straight to the dealer from the property. Buying an apartment or house indicated 30 percent. This shows that there is still among our countrymen it is the possession of the property is the best way to invest money.

– The belief that real estate is the best investment idea stems from the prevailing common perception “hunger housing.” Even the last 20 years did not bring in the area of ​​total transformation. There are still groups whose dreams and aspirations are not met or only when you take out a loan. Besides, for this situation corresponds to the low level of economic education the majority of Poles – hence leading up to the property, understood as something stable, can hardly transferable, but certainly nietracąca value – explains prof. Margaret Bombol of SGH.

Among the respondents thinking that far outweigh young people aged between 18 and 24 years of age (69 percent.). Slightly older they are less willing to invest in real estate. The subjects thirty-only already 38 percent. Investing in an apartment, and those above 65 years of age only 14 percent.

Eager to share, but fun

the second most frequently reported objective for the development of 5 million zł help is close. You answered yes to every fourth respondent. – It is natural that parents and grandparents often feel compelled to help their children and grandchildren. Research shows that as much as 57 percent. Poles over 50 years of financial support for their children and grandchildren. 44 percent. also acknowledges that their descendants still live with them – said prof. Margaret Bombol from SGH

In the area of ​​investment among our countrymen most popular turned out to establish his own company. Yes answered 7 percent. respondents. This group is dominated by young people. 5 million on self-interest would spend every fifth questioned aged 18-24. On the other hand, 5.5 percent. of all respondents would use this fortune to pay off their debts. The education of children would decide to 5.1 percent.

However, much smaller group are Poles willing to rapid dissipation of such a sum. 5.2 per cent., Would like to choose a long journey, for example. Around the world, and 2.8 per cent. shed jobs forever. The research also emerges a picture of a Pole reluctant to use the possibilities of the capital market. We found that only 4.2 percent. respondents would spend the money on an investment fund, and a little more than 2 percent. zainwestowałoby the stock market.


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