Sunday, December 25, 2016

Courts on intellectual property –

it is Known that the emergence of several such courts. In addition, a single court of appeal instance appeals. Deputy Minister Piebiak explains that it is about judicial practice in Poland had a high level. And thus, judges are properly trained.” Study abroad, exchange with foreign judges, and there is, as a rule, these specialized judges,” said Lucas Piebiak news Agency Radio station. “That is why we wish to emulate and copy the good decisions.”

Environment lawyers keeps fingers crossed for the success of the project.According to lawyer Matthew Ślusarka this is a good solution, given the growing number of such cases. “It is certainly a sign of the times, the development of technology has long surpassed the legal issues,” – said the lawyer. “So you need to look very widely at what is happening with our neighbors, because our laws are no longer enough to resolve conflicts related to intellectual property,” said Eugene Ślusarek.

the Establishment of specialized departments will be charged, as noted by the Deputy Minister Piebiak, with the necessity of employment of a large number of specialists. Previously known that the Agency wants to increase the number of jobs at 17.

According to the world intellectual property Organization, Russia ranks 15th in the 195 countries in the number of patent applications to protect. Plasujemy also in the top twenty, if we are talking about trademarks and industrial designs. Therefore, experts believe that the court protect the rights of ownership should include issues related to industrial property and copyright law.


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