Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Single superpodatku will not. The government rejects the idea –

- After multifaceted discussions within the government, and after hearing substantial arguments for a very wide range of social partners and business, we decided that the continue work on such a solution is not zasadna - Deputy Prime Minister Matthew Morawiecki, President of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers.

How adds Morawiecki, solution zaważyła analysis of the potential impact of a single superpodatku on the situation of entrepreneurs. – Working Entrepreneurs is due to numerous risks and uncertainties, and it cannot be compared to professional activities in the form of, for example, contracts of employment, says Deputy Prime Minister Matthew Morawiecki.

- we Want to cut this decision, all the speculation and the accompanying uncertainty over the future of tax law in Poland. About the so-called single tax, we made a joint decision and this phase of the review of the Polish tax system we have for a said Morawiecki.

solutions are even other Ministers of government.

at the same time, in an interview with radio Unit Morawiecki said that has no plans to enter the next tax, is part of top employees – We do not plan today the introduction of a new threshold. We care about the most, that was not the avoidance of taxes. In particular, the taxes CIT ‘ said Morawiecki.

uniform Tax should have been put together as a tribute tax, personal income tax and contributions to the HEALTH Fund and social security. It seemed that this decision is already a foregone conclusion, especially since the Minister Henryk Kowalczyk back in September said that “direction of the political decision” has been made, cook while concocting a very specific already very specific plans 4-5 bets (minimum 19.5% and maximum of about 40 per cent.), lower taxes for the least breadwinners or for senior individuals earning even 6-7 thousand. RUB on hand.

In November, however, the uncertainty zasiała Prime Minister Beata Shiloh, saying that the issue superpodatku not a foregone conclusion. will Never agree to such changes, the tax system, the costs should be borne by the businesses – said in an interview with the awl “To-do”.

the tax for individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities were the most controversial. They will cover the same prints ZUS as staff members. In addition, with the introduction of a flat tax, eliminated he was supposed to be a 19-percent single tax for entrepreneurs (on these principles and identifies approx 500 thousand small entrepreneurs). – Assuming that the government is just taking the line bet, making no other changes taxation of entrepreneurs clearing linearly in some cases wzrosłoby one-third – analysts estimated Tax Care.

See also VIDEO: Morawiecki: within 3-4 months offer ws. the integration of personal income tax, social insurance contributions and health


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