Thursday, December 22, 2016

“Tied to the policy of” criticize the agreement UOKiK – the Banker

17 insurance companies signed an agreement with the Chairman of the office for Protection of Competition and Consumers. Insurers promised to reduce tariffs likwidacyjne for customers who are not affected by the previous decisions of management. The Association “is Tied to politics” indicates that this method divided the clients who had lost money, roughly considered category.

likwidacyjne Fees charged in case of rejection the contract ahead of schedule. Policy holder’s investment, withdrawing your money, be responsible for the costs, which in the case of some products even reached 100%. the amount of deposits. UOKiK said that the way insurance companies transferred to customers the risk of their activities. One of the always sellers policy arguments were, for example, the need to cover the costs of with distribution of products.

the Agreements signed in this year, the office gave for a voluntary reduction in fees for companies with more than 600 thousand customers, contracted from 2014. Presented yesterday the findings relate in turn, individuals who signed a contract until the cut-off date. UOKiK believes that the group can count on 1.4 million customers. New rates likwidacyjnych however, diverse and in some cases, they can reach several tens of percent.

Association “Tied to policy”, which is holders of investment policies, published a post in which criticizes a compromise. It States that the new rates are still abnormally high and contrary to the principles of social coexistence. “Return to 70 percent. or 75 proc. the current value of the count means that insurers still want to take from 30%. to repeatedly half the invested savings their customers. Exchange policyholders age considered strange, in a situation when abuzywność records leads to for all customers, regardless of the criterion, age, income or education" – said in a statement.

the Association also draws attention to a problem that raised the Financial Ombudsman service. “At the same time the new tariffs don’t change situation of persons who has refused from the Polis and stripped of their savings. here, you Specify the thousands of people who demand to return them savings in court – as the court orders individual, collective court orders", – stated in the position in the organization.

according to the Association unfairly ignored also, mechanisms of assessment of the value of money is an integral part of some products. “it Should be emphasized the dramatic situation of consumers, including savings were placed in Open Life TUnŻ and Europe (through Getin Bank, Idea a Bank, Open Finance, Home Broker, Tax Care). Shown on both insurers values of the accounts of the policyholders Pareto i And II, Libra I, II, III and many other fix a reduction of up to 70%! Unknown remains the pricing mechanism of the funds ‘ assets on the basis of which customers get account information. Definition of new rates of fees for the rejection of the policy in the case of Open Life and TUnŻ Europe estimate therefore as premature and pointless. Still, for it is not you know, how is the count value, and, consequently, the height held by fees," the statement reads.

the Organization points to the fact that the negotiations UOKiK ubezpieczycielami are an initiative worthy of support, however, negotiated rates fees should be based on the provisions of the insurance act. In this act the legal Department, which did not accept people investing in a policy before the entry into force of the the new law, the maximum level of acceptable fees for refusal indicated on the 4%.

Michael Kissel


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