Monika calls me a few minutes after we finished our conversation. He is upset. A few months ago, she returned to work in a corporation – the next, because at first worked for six years; in the break hired in a small advertising agency and enrolled on a course of writing books. But it behaves as if it were operating in special services – at the outset once again makes sure that I’m not going to record conversations and that will take care to conceal her identity to anyone after reading the text did not recognize her. Then he decides that he wants to remain anonymous. – Or do not we give out, what is the profile of the company – he asks. Agrees to talk about returning to the concern, but at the same time puts a condition: before I send her speech to the authorization. As he explains, and then says in a hushed voice, it is because they sign an undertaking that it will not work to the detriment of the company – like most of her colleagues from multinationals who also did not want to appear under the name. Many even refuse – they will explain that they have too much to lose.
From the stories of those who agreed to talk to me, a picture emerges of 30-40-year-olds, former corporate white collar workers who are now reentered “old junk”. When they went to companies for the first time, they wanted to simply gain experience. Now, as confidently declare, becoming the only rat race for a while and on their own terms.
Soon it will be five years, almost, the total work in a corporation. (…) Slowly I grow out of this and every day doing it for me less and less impressive. I remember like today, when I got a job in Korpo. Then I passed a small agency where the more you plotkowało than working. The number of people in the office did not exceed twenty, and everyone knew someone something. I worked on small budgets. (…) The structure of the company was fairly flat, advancement opportunities were minimal. My job change times fell on the “great crisis” in 2009. Hesitated whether to take up the challenge and give into the hands of corporations. Not looking for work then, she came to me. The talks lasted for over two months, I went through three meetings with various people and was chosen from among the “lucky” *.
Every month I cross the one person
For corporations scrolled over 5 million Poles, one third of all working people. How many have decided to return to them, this is not known exactly. It is estimated that their number is increasing every year, because companies – and this despite the crisis – swell. And almost without exception, from food and cosmetics manufacturers (Unilever and Procter and Gamble) by banks (Citi and Deutsche) to the car companies (Opel and Volkswagen). Those who 15 years ago employed about a thousand people, five years ago had already usually about 5 thousand. employees today – 6-7 thousand .; whereby not only Polish troops global corporations, but Polish company, which later was taken over by them.
But the rotations and personnel changes are huge also because sometime in the large companies They worked an average of five to six years. Now, only two – and it’s usually by a specific project, as a person to rent. – Ashamed to admit it, but I have a list of phones internal and cross out every month on average one person – says the deputy head of the HR department of a large international company.
– I admit that, although the corporation had lost a bit of nerves It also met wonderful people with whom I keep in touch. Most of them, like me, already it does not work, and the company only works – her words confirmed Magda, five years in corporations now own the company. Iza, 10 years in corporations, private psychotherapy office: – Dispense yourself this cooperation, and that means that I accept one, two projects a month. Of course the corporation from time to time beckons. Those with whom I worked for all these years, calling with specific offers, interesting especially from the financial side. But this step is behind me. This is the work that I can come back as a person from the outside, to advise, to perform specific tasks, but only for a moment. At the time, not because it’s a completely different world – the reserves. That does not mean, he adds after a moment, that the world is your own business is easier.
The first three months of the corporation were for me a little nightmare. The company, which is an advertising agency, functioned quite differently than my previous employer. I could not get used to the fact that everything is the procedure and system, and acceptance of a single document requires several signatures. And where in all this find time to run smoothly? Tight deadlines, client stood up again left leg, and a colleague in the creation undergoing a divorce and unloads all his nerves. Passed the following months, and I slowly I became a small cog in the average functioning machine.
Kurnik with internet access
– Concerns mass sieve method used. In short, they want among those seeking to return to pick out those who are most fit them at the moment, use them and replace. No one delves into the characters too, for planning staff development paths did not even mention. This is the law of the free market – says a high-ranking employee HR group producing home electronics / appliances. – Training? A and yes they are, but only with sales techniques. With assertiveness or soft skills? Forget about it – he continues.
So much theory, in practice it happens that although training tend to be planned, sometimes not at all take place: employees get drunk to unconsciousness and already in coaches which carry them to the place cease to stall. They cry, scream, kiss, have sex – no matter with whom and no matter whether they have wives or husbands (nearly 1/5 admit that treats casual sex as an effective way of relieving stress – will show later research).
But there are those among returnees, who themselves use the sieve method. They want to pick out such an employer who most suits them, use it and replace it. Read: one that can quickly earn more also attractive offer courses and will not be skąpił on social package. And it’s not just about private health care or access cards for sports centers, because it is now standard in large companies, but for example. The financing of home cleaning and laundry, car sharing things or free delivery of purchases to your home.
– This is a place where I can work at the highest comfort, which previously did not realize – says Agnieszka, five years in the corporation, now from March again in an international company. The comfort found when the first few months was a freelancer, then began to weigh her unpredictability of orders (“Once damming, once the zero work”) and no fixed monthly income. – I had to register at the office, to be insured and discovered what it means to state health care. Procedures, buildings, people, of which we had not had the faintest idea, because someone is just for me did – he says. Also, Anna (three years in corporations, in the break a small company in the field of new media) corporations praises itself for being in them everything is organized. – It is the HR department responsible for the well-being of employees, separately HRS – from training. As if that were not enough, there are also programs for HR purchased by the IT department. – We are led as by the hand. And even now I have a car, live not to die – adds Agnieszka.
When I inquire why decided to leave earlier from corporations, talk about bullying and extreme exhaustion of the body (Agnes: “I worked in disease, and a two-week vacation, which he took, there was a drop in the ocean “Anna:” I did not want to have such a pistol to sit for hours in front of the computer and the chase through the corridors like a chicken with his head cut off “). Research on stress at work show that the most devastating effect on the ego korpopolaków have the pace and the overwhelming feeling of lack of influence on events – most of them declare that they do not depend on them, even the order in which they perform activities; any crossing procedures is not well appreciated.
– Maybe this is not a perfect job, but I know them and got used to a certain standard of living – declares Agnes. He argues that now knows how to defend himself against burnout at work. – Besides going back to the starting point, I will be able to calmly think about what I really want to do in life – sums up.
– What is the most important thing for me right now? Financial Security. I have a permanent contract, I can count on the social, take credit for an apartment and I would like to pay it back. Because I still do not really know if it is my place – is echoed by her Dorothy, together with an annual break seven years in corporations.
Just think many former white-collar, who now pull to corporations as bears to the apiary – only in the last 12 months, “a modern business centers,” arrived 20 thousand. jobs, and not just in urban centers – in the offices of toi toi-like shape, but outside the city – in a newly created huge blaszakach, called by employees kurnikami. In the middle of the horizon – Single boxes, desks and computers (without internet access) occupied in order to enter the room. – Always it’s better than working in prywaciarza who has a problem with financial liquidity. It’s now my only choice – say those who return to the behemoths tail tucked, mainly on lower positions.
Again will be overheard (the “System allows to connect your phone to your PC lets you choose to Others any conversation with the room. The staff are also being recorded, but who would there then have time to listen to it all “), followed by the set before the boxes, Venetian mirrors and mounted under glass ceiling and Aquariums (” Those who work in it, the “Pink panties “because it can be seen through the glass floor reportedly underwear”).
Jobs in Korpo began to pull me dangerously. First of all, it projects that sometimes were challenging and caused considerable satisfaction. There were times when I Staying after hours did not give me much of a problem, because often I treated it as a good social event. After a year and a half I said, however, that work in corporations is not the peak of my dreams. For some time I wore with the idea to leave, and in the end I went to Canada. I firmly believe that my adventure with the corporation for some time to complete. But no, Korpo waiting for me around the corner, and I meekly, once again, fell into the familiar arms.
“You have to prepare an analysis? When? Wednesday until noon? No problem, yet we still have 24 hours! “,” Date advice, because he is only hours. 13 ‘. “I am counting on your commitment”, “This case has the highest priority” – such communications corporation employees returning again hear almost every day. Often accompanied by the comment: “From this depends on how it will look our office by next month”. Read: how many people you will need to send out to pasture (“You’re only as good as your last result”).
But that does not mean that korpopolacy at work get bored. On the contrary – nearly 1/5 of respondents on professional matters devotes more than 12 hours a day, and another 33 per cent. more than 10 hours, according to a study of the Warsaw School of Education Rehabilitation. Staff interviewed 21 companies, in addition to 13 banks in Warsaw and other cities. Subsequent studies, which will concern only Mordor, which delves office buildings in Warsaw’s Mokotów district, show that 44 per cent. regularly is after hours spent in the office even 14 hours (40 percent.). Interestingly, as many as 87 per cent. of them are 20- and 30-year-olds – in short generation Y, accused of laziness and being roszczeniowymi. – These young people know that the success of reach now or never – commented on his time, the results of research sociologist professor. Mariusz Jędrzejko, one of the authors. And he added: – This desire to show herself. They are able to work beyond their strength, as soon as possible to achieve the desired standard of living.
Returning to work in corporations generally do not protest so against this routine (only a few people complain “Any other work. maybe out of cash in a supermarket, you begin to dream “), even if it requires them to travel to another city or parting with his family – one in six respondents korpopracownik does not live with his wife or her husband, and sees in it or with it in hotels during the delegation . As much as 14 percent. you could see with your loved ones more than a month ago. What motivates them to murderous work, the money is – and it’s considerable, because usually their salaries are about one third higher than those that give local business. It is impossible to overeat, and even after the departure of the corporation for a year can live with the savings. This amount can also take credit for an apartment, about 60-80 sqm., Send their children to private kindergartens and schools or go to a foreign resort, which also will be then boast about.
Ba in the industry of his time there was much about those who used to live at a higher level were ready to do everything possible to work in a corporation at all to go back – no matter what and in which part of the world; This is called. Corporate bums or corporate recidivists. They usually have a finite specialized courses, rare skills, but with reason or another, lose their jobs in corporations. And while trying to re-engage them, you are missing profiled in their tenders – ultimately land so foreign branches of international companies, mostly in the United Arab Emirates. Where others like them. Interestingly, there being no meaning for them that will still have to carry out destructive lifestyle – Warsaw university research shows that corporate employees are aware that at such a pace of life can work only for 45 years.
But I also know another rule – you too incumbent generate less revenue for the company – so do everything to qualify (one position up guarantees an average of an additional five years of work). – Medium management staff working for forty years. These higher – usually up to forty five. I know a case where the director of the department was released the day after the signing of the contract of his life – for big money. They told her that after such a feat has nothing better to reach. Just he ended 45 years – sums up Professor. Mariusz Jędrzejko in an interview.
I recall corporation in Poland, I think about it quite sentimental. (…) The number and diversity of projects really helped me that I gained an experience not to be ashamed of in Canada. And what I feel when I think of the Canadian corporation? Still in her work, so definitely they are not sentimental. For sure I used this opportunity and thanks to her I learned the language, I gained new experience and slowly matures into a decision that my adventure with the corporation comes to an end. I do not know exactly when that day will be. For now, I’m at the stage of gathering strength. I also know that it will not last forever. I just have to it do not fit.
Mordorcy everyday life
Those who went into the corporation and to the they returned, they say that no matter at what position worked and what was the profile of their company, that always impress the mark. If only because it would not fall out of circulation, is made of the boosters – examined by prof. Jędrzejko exchanged 11 other names aids physical fitness, including energy and isotonic drinks. Phloem handfuls of tablets on memory and concentration, and alcohol is treated as a fundamental cure for stress – occasionally drink almost everyone, 40 percent. more than once a week, and up to 18 percent. daily. As if that were not enough, also it is experimenting with drugs. – A few times a month I have to take amphetamines to withstand it. But I have a few friends and brokers who take it almost every day – told a computer engineer who worked in a bank in Gdansk.
It is no wonder that like mushrooms after the rain created now offices and clinics specializing therapeutic in working with the “victims corporation” – what else, often assumed by the former white-collar. They join them as companies that specialize in working with those who want to leave the corporation to open your own business. “Or maybe you quit once she corporation or you created an company that quickly turned out to be a dud, and you come back to Korpo, but on worse conditions? It is the most common scenarios, which I hear from people who come to my webinars or workshops, “- writes on his site of Anna You buy-Cichosz. Sam worked for several years in the corporate, passed away and now co-two companies (the reserves that it does not intend to go back to work in the company). As he says, they go to her mainly two groups of people ,. Those who left the Korpo only for a moment, because it was fashionable, wanted to try his luck in their own business, they needed something to prove to themselves and others. – They complained to her, but in fact it is precisely the concern suits them. But there are also those who have to behemoths come back for a while, first and foremost in order to improve their financial situation and then go out on the market. For them, the failed attempt is nothing but an experience, not a failure in life – he argues.
Also, Dr. Magda Drzewiecka-Sarosiek, a psychologist at the University of Social Psychology (conducted studies of women who assumed the company) , argues that a return to the corporation is mostly just one of the stages of development. – Something like that is that people planning to move away from concern for his act generally as those very quickly want to move out of the house and experience life on their own account. It seems to them that it is their happiness. They will be independent. See how it is when decisions are made alone. They think that it promised land. And then, as I begin to lead this company, the situation begins to resemble living alone. Because on the one hand, it is aspiration a reality, on the other – a longing for nice childhood years, when someone every step of giving support – he says. Such people are also more and more frequently writes about them in the trade press, as he argues. – They live in a way that depart from Korpo, assume your company, how does not come out, it’s coming back. They assume the other – without having any resistance, do not go out, come back. They have the third, fourth and thus learn. It was not until the fifth business is the one that goes to them and which will ultimately lead. It is simply a serial entrepreneur, because it also says about them – he added.
The fact that korpomarnotrawni this valuable employees, are finding now also corporations – will do anything to attract them and by the way get back on the list of companies in which Poles would most like to work. So tempting as they can. Annual paid leave (every seven years). Organize workshops with inspiring personalities and celebrities – have encouraged greater courage and creativity. Refund part of the cost of buying a green car. “While you are inside, you care about you. You get paid leave, they send you gifts. When you get sick, your Human Resources department strongly supports you, searches for possible exemptions, benefits. In fact, after their own business, I returned to the corporation rest “- can also be read on the net.
But this return to the corporation, experts explain another. Christopher Scythes, a business psychologist at the University of Warsaw, said briefly: Corporations simply helped a crisis. Because they always pay the salary, and it is on time, and private business – not. * blog Monica G.
At the request of the text characters have been changed not only their names, but the details that could help determine the their identity.


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