Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Senior citizens are already paying for the pension reform. Sześćdziesięciolatkowi work, no one will propose –

Overall statistics look very promising: in June of registered unemployed was up by 290 thousand. less than last year. Most decline in the number of people without a job at the age of 25-34 years (about 98 thousand.) And 18-24 years (about 77 thousand.). But unemployment in the group of 60+ arrived during the year 7 thousand. (8.5 percent.) – 88.9 thousand.

Professor Zenon Wiśniewski Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun recalls that, following the reform of 2013. Systematically increasing age for both women and men, where they can retire. In June, he was about eight months longer than before the changes. As a result, the labor market comes seniors.

The remuneration systems operating principle is that remuneration increases with age. Getting rid of older workers, can effectively reduce costs.

It should be noted that despite the increase in the number of unemployed people aged 60 years and their situation in the labor market and so it is definitely better than the young. According to available data, the unemployment rate of persons aged 55-64 amounted in the first quarter, taking into account the informal economy, 6.6 per cent., And among young people under the age of 24 exceeded 23 percent. The problem is that unemployment among young people is falling steadily, and among seniors is growing steadily. – Our goal is to block the surge in unemployment in this group. If a person loses job a few months before reaching retirement age, the activation is difficult – says in an interview with the DGP Margaret Sarzalska, director of the department of economic analysis and forecasts of the Ministry of Labour.

Sześćdziesięciolatkom work does not offer

From year to year extends the standard retirement age for men and women. In June this year, women could retire not like 2013. – At the age of 60 years, but at the age of 60 years and eight months. Those who were younger and did not have classes, they can register at employment offices. As a result, the records pośredniaków was in June 10.3 thousand. women aged 60 years and above. Their number has increased over the year by 3.8 thousand. This expanded group of seniors without a job, with a simultaneous increase as the number of unemployed men in this age group.

From the labor ministry data also shows that as much as 69 percent. among them were registered in labor offices together for a period of over 12 months during the last two years. So they fit in the category of long-term unemployed.

Why entrepreneurs do not want to employ older people? Not only because of labor costs, generally higher than for the young. – Also, because older vintages are generally lower level of education, seniors rarely speak foreign languages ​​and have a distance to information technology. This makes it tend to be less adapted to the use of modern equipment, which marched into virtually all professions – explains Professor. Elizabeth Kryńska from the University of Lodz.

Those who perform simple physical work, with age are less productive. It also happens that employers get rid of older workers or not hiring new, because according to them it spoils the image of the company. In some advertisements for the recruitment of employees there is information that will be addressing in a young team, although the law prohibits discrimination on the labor market due to their age.

for seniors is not conducive to the legally guaranteed four-year period of protection before retirement. Some employers to part with such people because they do not want to have problems with their release as required by the interest of the company (when there is no new orders).

You can expect that unemployment will arrive seniors in the coming years. On the labor market will remain numerous vintages of baby boomers – born in the years 1950-1959 to well over 700 thousand. children a year, almost two times more than now.


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