Thursday, June 23, 2016

Brexit: Risky jump into the unknown – Republic

Rzeczpospolita: call Mr. Big Beast (large animal), because no one worked so many years the highest positions in the government, no one has more experience in British politics. Does someone know how to vote on Thursday, the British?

I do not know. Many people are angry, confused. I’m not sure whether he will go to vote, and if so, what would give voice. Institutes opinion polls can not really assess what are really social mood. So everything is now in the hands of providence.

How is it possible that a country with such a long tradition of democracy came to such a point?

Simply putting the question of EU membership in a referendum is very controversial. It’s huge, covering almost all of the issue, which is linked to a number of smaller issues. And people have to answer “yes” or “no” in black-and-white way to decide about our place in the world, the basis of development of our economy, our prosperity. Arguments in favor of one or another solutions are extremely complex. And the public does not have access to complete information, there is no way to understand what’s going on. Media describe it all in a very attractive way, as a show of Boris Johnson and David Cameron, the clash of personalities, rivalry about who whom more intimidate.

Brexit could lead to the disintegration of the United Kingdom, the separation of Scotland , Northern Ireland?


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